The Moonlight Swordsman

Chapter 248 Need To Do Some Research [Bonus ]

[Master, then we have to fight against water and darkness]

Yeah, darkness might get a little tricky. I still don't have an idea what type of techniques or spells he might use for darkness."

[Should we scan more books and moving pictures?]

Yeah, when we reach the city. We will head to Earth to do some research."

Wait a minute, will you be able to communicate with me back on Earth?"

[Yes master, I am bonded to your soul. You won't be able to summon me, but I can communicate with you easily]

Incredible, then it will be super easy. We will prepare for everything."

We can't expect any mistake or error when Daisy will be fighting with us." 

[Don't worry Master, we will find a way to get rid of them easily]


As the sun dipped below the horizon, Aizel and Jeffrey made their way toward the city's impressive gates. 

The city, with its high walls covered with ornate carvings and emblems of power, appeared before them. The air was filled with a vibrant energy, as merchants, adventurers, and townsfolk hurried along the bustling streets.

Horses' hooves reverberated off the city walls, catching the attention of passersby. Aizel and Jeffrey dismounted gracefully, their travel-worn cloaks billowing in the breeze.

As they entered the city, they were met with a dazzling array of sights and sounds. The streets were lined with colorful market stalls selling a wide variety of unusual goods and mouthwatering scents. 

The music of street performers mixed with the sounds of happy people laughing and chatting.

They are even using music magic as a trick to entertain the crowd," Aizel thought.

His eyes were drawn to the enchanting array of shops that lined their path. The blades of the gleaming weapons displayed in the windows cast a mesmerizing glow in the sunlight.

The aroma of rare plants and mysterious concoctions filled the air, calling to those seeking influence and safety.

We should see if anything we can get to use to our advantage after we come back from Earth."

[Yes master, maybe we might find some potion or any tool that may help us fight against the darkness]

"Oye hurry, take me to the inn. I am tired, and I need some rest." Aizel said.

"Why do you need to go to the inn when I have a house for myself here," Jeffrey replied.

"Nice, take me there,"

Beyond the bustling market streets of Zontor City, Jeffrey took Aizel to his modest home in a more peaceful part of the city. 

The single-story home stood quietly, blending in with the neighborhood. Aizel's sharp eyes spotted the similarity to his own home in Chester town which got destroyed.

Aizel's thoughts turned to the two women who greeted them as they crossed the threshold into Jeffrey's warm and inviting home.

They were dressed as maids, and their faces lit up with delight as they approached the door.

"Master, you are finally back; we missed you."

They both quickly hugged Jeffrey in an instant.

"Haha, I guess you were waiting for me."

"Welcome to our master home, sir." They both bowed and greeted Aizel.


"Listen, he is my guest and a very important person. Make sure to treat him nicely and make his stress go away, you know what I mean, right?"

"Of course, master,"

Aizel sensed a change in the atmosphere as the two women approached her, their every action tinged with palpable curiosity. As if drawn by an unseen force, their delicate hands moved in unison, following a hypnotic path across his chest. 

"If you don't want to die, stay away from me and my room," Aizel replied with a smile that sent shivers down both of their spines.

They both quickly backed away from him.

"We are sorry sir; it won't happen again." They quickly bowed.

"Don't you want to have some fun? Just look at their bodies," Jeffrey said as he eyed them.

"I am going to sleep. Don't disturb me, and do whatever you want to do, but don't leave the house. 

"And if someone comes to meet you, inform me first."

With that as an order, Aizel walked away and headed for one of the rooms. 

The door closed behind him, shutting out the world he had just left behind. 

He took a deep breath and closed his eyes, letting his thoughts travel outside of his current environment. He closed his eyes and imagined his apartment. His mind was overwhelmed with memories of his home on Earth, and they were all crystal clear. 

As he opened his eyes, Aizel found himself standing within the confines of his apartment back on Earth.

Sekki, you there,"

[Yes Master]

Nice, let's check out what Alora is doing."

Aizel entered the hall, his eyes falling upon Alora, engrossed in her burger as she watched the television. With a small sigh, he approached her and sat down next to her.

"You are going to get fat if you keep eating junk food," he said.

"I won't," Alora replied.

"You know, I always wanted to ask something. I have seen you using your power here, even on Earth.

"Is it because you are too strong, or is there something else?" He inquired.

"I can create my own mana."

"WHAT! Wait a minute, how? Teach me how to do it."

"You won't be able to learn for now. Wait until you heal your core first."

"FUCK! Why everything has to do with fully healed cored." Aizel said in annoyance.

"Are you having fun on your trip?" She asked instead.

"50-50, I guess," 

"Do you still wish to bring them here in this world?"

"I don't know. It feels like now I can't expect anything from anyone.

"Even this world will go to shit when mana appears."

"Yes, instead try to make them stronger and heal your core. That's the only way you can live happily, no matter where you are," Alora said.

"By the way Alora, don't you get bored watching the same shit every day?"

"What can I do other than that? I can't even help you or travel with you in Xelgar like others," she replied in a weak voice. 

Her eyes teared up a little when she said.

"Why are you so afraid? I am sure you and Vespara will both be able to take care of anything."

"You don't know anything, Aizel. Just leave it and don't ruin my mood."

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