The Moonlight Swordsman

Chapter 246 Alecra Intentions

The rhythmic sound of the horses' hooves echoed through the air as four of them raced with all their might to move the carriage forward.

The sturdy wheels carved a path on the ground, stirring up a cloud of dust that trailed behind the swiftly moving vehicle.

"So where are we going?" Shelly asked.

"We have been invited by our new noble head.

"He wants to take us sightseeing in his town and see the new construction that is going on," Vespara replied.

"So boring! Why couldn't you train me instead? I am a lot closer to forming a magic core, I think."

"Darling, we should take some rest and enjoy our lives, you know."

As the carriage rolled into the vibrant town of Euphoria, the clatter of hooves and the creaking of wheels announced their arrival.

The streets were busy with people going about their daily business. The carriage went down the busy street, which was lined with colorful market stands and small shops with bright banners.

The destination of their journey came into view: a construction site nestled in the heart of the town.

As the foundations of a new building took shape, workers in sturdy clothes walked around with hammers and saws. The smell of freshly cut wood and the sound of tools hitting their marks filled the air.

Vespara and Shelly stepped smoothly out of the carriage as the gate opened. Alecra Eudora, with a broad grin, walked up to them to personally deliver a hearty greeting.

"Thank you for accepting my invitation, War Goddess and my lady." He bowed in a respectful greeting.

"Please just call me Shelly," she replied.

"Okay, I will do that, Shelly; please follow me."

"I see, you have already started the construction of your dance establishment," Vespara said as she eyed the construction of the building.

"Yes, it will take a month, and it will be ready once again, grander than before," Alecra replied.

"Then make sure to keep it safe this time. You know, you won't always be lucky." Vespara said, with a smile.

"Ha..haha I will, Goddess."

Alecra guided Vespara and Shelly through his magnificent mansion, leading them past grand halls and elegant corridors. Eventually, they reached the dining room, which was adorned with a large round table.

Inside, a captivating woman meticulously arranged a feast fit for royalty. With a warm smile, she extended a gracious welcome, and everyone gracefully took their seats.

"Goddess and Shelly, this is Carla."

"Carla, you already know about the goddess; this is Shelly.

"She is her childhood friend," Alecra introduced.

"It is nice to finally meet you, Goddess, and Shelly. Welcome to our town," Carla said with a smile.

"You know I have arranged a special liquor that came all the way from the Central Kingdom," Alecra suddenly stood up.

His movements led him to some elaborate shelves that held a collection of antique bottles.

A nervous tremble ran through his palms as he stretched out for one, revealing his inner struggle.

Still, he took a deep breath and mustered all his will to collect himself and calm his shaking hands.

With a delicate twist, he loosened the cork from the bottle's neck, releasing a faint pop of liberation.

The bubbly liquids poured into the waiting glasses, their golden color glistening in the soft light. Satisfied with his pour, he gracefully claimed his seat among the gathered company.

Everyone sipped their crystal glasses slowly, enjoying the first taste and letting the complex flavors float over their tongues.

Alecra's eyes were riveted on Vespara and Shelly as he observed their reactions to the drink.

He said it would work, and if it didn't, I hope he will keep his word." Alecra thought.

"Huh what's this…" Shelly felt a tremendous yet subtle warmth travel through his body as the liquid made contact with his lips. Alecra and Carla watched his reaction with a flutter of excitement as they sensed a deeper meaning to it.

Vespara, on the other hand, drank every drop of her drink with the same expression on her face.

"You are really good, Alecra. If I hadn't taken some precautions before, you would have even gotten me," Vespara said suddenly.

"Huh… what do you mean by that goddess?" Alecra said, his voice becoming a little panicky.

"Don't worry, Alecra. You have given me plenty of reason to take some action," Vespara said.

As Vespara contemplated her next move, a figure materialized behind Alecra in an instant, akin to a phantom emerging from the shadows.

Cloaked partially by a mysterious mask, the man's presence was enigmatic and concealed.

"What are you doing here?" Vespara asked.

"You can't do anything to him, War Goddess."

"After trying to drug me and my friend, do I want any more reason other than that?" she said, her eyes starting to emit dark smoke.

"For that, he will face the consequence. You can't kill him.

"It's been decided by the queen and princess; no family head will face death for their actions. They will be punished instead till the King return back to the kingdom."

"And what if I do it now?"

In a sudden flurry of movement, more figures materialized within the room, blending seamlessly with the shadows that enveloped them.

They all wore masks to hide their identities as they took up strategic positions to do battle with the terrifying War Goddess. 

"So, you Kingsley people were already expecting this. I can see what is going on here.

"I will make sure to have a good conversation with your head," Vespara said, as she eyed everyone calmly.

"But it still won't give me a good reason..."

"NO!" Shelly quickly grabbed her hand.

"Let's just head back."

Vespara looked at Shelly with concern on her face as she evaluated her condition.

Letting out a weary sigh, she made a resolute decision. Together, they departed from the room, their steps leading them back to the awaiting carriage that would transport them to Felgura City.

"You said it would work. Damn it...

"Now I am already in the bad books for the both of them," Alecra shouted.

"You should be satisfied that you are standing alive with us." The man replied and then disappeared into the shadows.

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