The Malevolent Female Villain Turns Out to Be Me

Chapter 93

Chapter 93

The next day, the food safety department issued a notice, roughly stating that "Ke Lai Xiang" restaurant, upon discovering that its customer flow was increasing after opening, had started preparing time-consuming dishes in advance to improve serving efficiency. These dishes were stored in cool places and simply reheated and served when customers ordered them.

Due to improper storage of some meat products, they had spoiled. To cut costs, they increased the amount of seasoning and stir-fried the food again to cover up the smell of rot, resulting in food poisoning for customers.

Now "Ke Lai Xiang" has been sealed off, and any subsequent compensation issues will be handled by the court.

"Alas, wasn't this just asking for trouble? If they hadn't set those fancy rules about serving times and had just cooked everything fresh to order, this prime location near the school would have only become more prosperous. Now look, they've ruined themselves in just a few days. What a waste!"

Ye Jinmeng was utterly enraged. Good food had turned into poison, what a waste of grain!

The group had been on IV drips all night and were looking a bit better now, no longer vomiting or having diarrhea, but with no appetite and unable to finish even a few bites of porridge.

Shi Shuning also felt indignant upon hearing the notice, "This restaurant has truly tarnished my reputation. How could such a handsome, dashing, elegant gentleman like myself end up in such a sorry state? I'm so angry!"

He covered his face with his hands, recalling how unsightly he must have appeared before Jinmeng last night. He felt too embarrassed to face her.

Ye Jinmeng tried to approach and comfort him, but Shi Shuning kept stopping her, "Don't come over."

Ye Jinmeng stood there looking wronged, "What's wrong? You wouldn't let me near you last night, and now you still won't let me. Do you dislike me now? Do you find me annoying?"

Seeing Ye Jinmeng was about to cry, Shi Shuning panicked and quickly explained, "No, I don't, don't say that!"

"Then you'd better explain!"

Shi Shuning fell silent for a moment, gritted his teeth, and went for it, "Okay, listen to my explanation..."

But before Shi Shuning could start explaining, Ye Jinmeng covered her ears and shouted, "I won't listen, I won't listen!"

Shi Shuning: !!

He Junting: ??

Xu Wanwan: "Hahaha!"

Shi Shuning panicked, casting everything else aside as he got out of bed and embraced Ye Jinmeng, his voice gentle yet tinged with a hint of grievance.

"Jinmeng, I don't dislike you, I'm... I'm afraid you'll be disgusted by me."

"Why would I be disgusted by you?" Ye Jinmeng nestled in Shi Shuning's arms, gazing into his eyes.

Shi Shuning looked a bit uncomfortable and worried that if he took too long to explain, Jinmeng would ignore him again, so he spoke up, "Because... it stinks."

And how could it not? Last night he had vomited and had diarrhea, and even the thought of that stench made him nauseous. He really didn't want Jinmeng to have such an unflattering impression of him.

Hearing this, Ye Jinmeng froze for a moment. "Huh? It stinks?" She even wrinkled her little nose and leaned in to sniff Shi Shuning.

Shi Shuning was so nervous that he wanted to push her away but couldn't bring himself to do it.

Just as his heart was about to jump out of his chest, Ye Jinmeng looked up at him innocently, nodded, and said, "Yeah, it does stink."

Shi Shuning: ...

Just as he was about to say something, Ye Jinmeng spoke again, "What should I do? Brother Shuning has spoiled, should I throw him away?"

Shi Shuning: !!

"What did you say? Huh? Who do you want to throw away?"

Shi Shuning cupped Ye Jinmeng's face, a threatening look in his eyes as he questioned her.

Ye Jinmeng held back her laughter and said innocently, "Throw away Brother Shuning."

Shi Shuning pulled Ye Jinmeng's waist with his left hand and landed two resounding "pats" on her little bottom with his right hand, not too hard but still quite audible.

He Junting: ??

Xu Wanwan: !!

Ye Jinmeng was dumbfounded, covering her little bottom with an incredulous look at Shi Shuning as her face instantly turned red.

To have her bottom smacked in front of Wanwan and Brother Ting, though it didn't hurt, was so embarrassing...

Ye Jinmeng immediately felt wronged, her eyes welling up with tears as her little mouth pouted, ready to cry. At this moment, Shi Shuan and He Junyan returned from buying food. Sensing the strange atmosphere, He Junyan asked in puzzlement, "What's going on? Come eat now, Jinmeng. We got you spicy hotpot."

The emotions Ye Jinmeng had been building up were forcibly suppressed as she stomped hard on Shi Shuning's foot before greeting He Junyan with a bright smile to get her food.

"Wow, it smells so good. Thank you, Sister Yan."

Grimacing from the stomp, Shi Shuning sat back on the bed, waiting for his brother to bring him his food.

The patients could only have porridge for now. Ye Jinmeng sat beside Shi Shuning with her hotpot, plucking a beef ball from her bowl, blowing on it, then popping the whole thing into her mouth. She chewed noisily, closed her eyes in enjoyment, and praised, "Mmm, so delicious!"

Shi Shuning: ... How do I keep from smacking that little bottom again?

He Junting: ... She does seem to be asking for it.

Xu Wanwan: ... I can't bear to watch anymore.

Only He Junyan and Shi Shuan exchanged puzzled glances and smiled, continuing to eat from their own bowls.

He Junyan suddenly remembered something and said to Ye Jinmeng, "Oh, right, Jinmeng. The international blockbuster I co-starred in with Justin is premiering in China next Saturday. It's the one called 'End of Days Riot.' The main cast will be at the China premiere, and your Justin will be there too."

Ye Jinmeng's face lit up with excitement, "Really, Sister Yan? Then I want to go, I want to go!"

"Sure, I'll get you some premiere tickets. You can all go together."

Ye Jinmeng wasn't typically into celebrity culture or TV shows and the like, but Justin was an exception. A famous actor of Chinese descent, he had starred in many Hollywood films from a young age and had a refined appearance that many adored.

Ye Jinmeng's fondness for him stemmed entirely from his looks, which perfectly aligned with her tastes. This made her swoon whenever she watched his movies.

Shi Shuning felt displeased seeing his girlfriend's eyes sparkle like stars at the mention of another man's name, even though he had always known about Ye Jinmeng's crush on Justin. But that had always been on-screen, and now Justin would appear right before her eyes. This feeling was like having his girlfriend meet another man in person!

He was really displeased, truly displeased!

He tapped Ye Jinmeng's forehead and warned in a threatening tone, "Daring to think about other men right in front of me!"

No sooner had the words left his mouth than Shi Shuning's head was smacked by his own brother. "How dare you hit my sister? Have you lost your mind?"

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