The Malevolent Female Villain Turns Out to Be Me

Chapter 89

Chapter 89

Only the founder had never shown his face. People only knew that he was called Sean, and Ye Jinchen also idolized him.

"X International plans to move its headquarters back to China."

Ye Jinchen's eyes widened with barely containable excitement.

"What, really?"

Ye Junli nodded, recalling the person they had met by chance in S Country during his trip abroad with Gu Qi. A dark glint flashed in Ye Junli's eyes.

"Before that, he will be bidding on many suitable projects for collaboration and investment to lay the groundwork for himself. So, you need to be well-prepared."

Ye Junli reminded him.

Ye Jinchen nodded. He knew the implications of partnering with X International. At one point, a cosmetics company in Country A that was on the verge of bankruptcy was noticed by X International, and that company instantly became one of the top three cosmetics companies in the world.

Indeed, the number one brand was YZ, a cosmetics brand under X International, while the second was CM, a cosmetics brand under the Ye Corporation.

If the Ye Corporation could collaborate with X International, they could directly move up two steps.

"But which city does X International plan to settle in? Will they come to Seacity?" Ye Jinchen asked with concern.

There were many developed cities in China, and it wasn't certain that they would choose Seacity as their base.

Ye Junli knew what his son was thinking and smiled, "Don't worry, it will be Seacity!"

Ye Jinchen was so excited that he couldn't speak. If they came to Seacity, would that mean he would have a chance to meet his idol Sean in person someday?

However excited Ye Jinchen was, he still raised his doubts.

"Dad, where did you hear this news? Is it reliable? Why haven't I seen any related reports?"

Ye Junli smiled confidently and said in an assured yet arrogant tone, "Absolutely real. The news I know is much faster than the media! There's no other way, one needs widespread connections to get the inside scoop!"

After all, that person had told him directly, how could it be false? Only that his purpose was not just to move the headquarters over, but also...

"However, don't mention this to others. Wait until X International releases the news officially."

"I understand, Dad!"

"Alright, I'll head back then. Mengmeng is being discharged today, and I need to pick her and her mother up from the hospital. You focus on your work."


Ye Jinchen knew his sister was being discharged today, but there had been too many messy matters at the company these past few days, and he couldn't go to pick them up himself.

"By the way."

Just as Ye Junli was about to walk out the door, he turned back and told Ye Jinchen, "Since you've signed a contract with the Xiao Corporation, cooperate with them properly. As long as they don't cause trouble, let it run its course."

After all, someone would deal with them directly later. If they caused any losses to the Ye Corporation, someone would also compensate them. Heh heh, it would all work out fine.

Ye Jinchen had no intention of terminating the contract to see his father's true intentions, so he naturally agreed.

Meanwhile, Ye Junwen, who was slacking off at his workstation, was still unaware that his actions had been exposed. He only knew that the current collaboration was proceeding normally, which made Xiao Jianran trust him more.

Indeed, Ye Junwen had stolen the contract and company seal to sign an agreement with the Xiao Corporation. His goal was to make Xiao Jianran trust him more, obediently carry out tasks for him, and also help Xiao Jianran gain favor with Xiao Wenyao.

After all, when Xiao Jianran, his incompetent daughter, suddenly secured a collaboration with the Ye Corporation, Xiao Wenyao was naturally overjoyed. He was already considering letting Xiao Jianran help manage some company affairs when he went abroad for in-vitro fertilization.

Maybe they could even negotiate a few more major projects.

At the hospital entrance.

Ye Jinmeng didn't trouble anyone else to help when she was discharged. She only asked her parents to come and pick her up.

"Ah, finally discharged!"

Ye Jinmeng stood at the hospital's main entrance, spreading her arms wide and taking a deep breath of air.

This was the taste of freedom.

"Come on, get in the car quickly. It's windy today; don't catch a cold!"

Gu Qi wrapped Ye Jinmeng's coat tightly around her and started nagging.

Ye Jinmeng had barely taken two breaths of the free air before being ushered into the car, giving her mother an aggrieved look.

Ye Junli was amused by the mother and daughter's antics. He joked, "Hahaha, good girl, the air at the hospital entrance just smells of disinfectant. There's nothing good to breathe in. It'll be better when we get home and you can inhale the aroma of Auntie Chen's delicious cooking."

Ye Jinmeng thought about it and agreed. She never wanted to smell disinfectant again in this lifetime.

Little did she expect that just two days later, Ye Jinmeng would have to go back to the hospital again.

The day after being discharged was Tuesday, and Ye Jinmeng went back to school for classes.

Her classmates were all very concerned about her, knowing that she had taken a medical leave to be hospitalized. Sometimes when they didn't have classes, some classmates would visit her in groups of three or four.

Now that she had returned for classes, many classmates enthusiastically offered to help Ye Jinmeng catch up and lent her their notes, which touched her deeply.

However, Ye Jinmeng only borrowed notes for her major courses and declined any help catching up.

"Ah! Mengmeng, you're finally back! I was so lonely and cold in the dorm by myself!"

After finishing her evening classes, Xu Wanwan rushed in and excitedly pounced on Ye Jinmeng when she saw her lying on the bed.

"I thought you'd go home to sleep at night."

"You don't know, my mom really wanted to drive me to and from classes every day, but it's too much trouble to go home after class every day. So, after much persuasion, I finally convinced her."

"Now we can stay up chatting together again." Ye Jinmeng hugged Xu Wanwan, nuzzling her face against Xu Wanwan's chest. Ah, feels great.

Xu Wanwan's face turned beet red.

After washing up, they turned off the lights and lay in their respective beds, entering chat mode.

"Wanwan, did anything fun happen at school during these days?"


"Did the cafeteria have any new dishes?"

"...No, either."

Xu Wanwan thought for a moment and added, "But a new little restaurant opened at the east gate, and there's been quite a crowd every day. I heard from others that it's pretty good."

She didn't really know how good a simple stir-fry place could be, though.

Ye Jinmeng's eyes lit up, "Really? Then let's call Shu Ning and Old Brother Ting to join us there tomorrow!"

"Sure! We don't have classes tomorrow evening anyway, so let's give it a try."

The next day at 6 PM, the four of them arrived at the small restaurant near the east gate.

"Guest's Delight, not a bad name," Ye Jinmeng remarked, looking at the signboard.

Seeing the four of them, the service staff at the entrance immediately approached and said, "Welcome, our restaurant is currently full. If you'd like to dine, you'll need to wait for a table. Should I give you a number?"

There were around a dozen people sitting outside waiting as well. This place was indeed popular.

The group looked at each other and decided they couldn't leave empty-handed, so they would wait!

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