The Lord Is Too Overbearing

Chapter 323 Tangled By Fate (2)

Overwhelmed with fear of losing his qualification to remain in the world, Durendal panically exclaimed, "Are you not going to regret your decision, young man?! Once you erase me, you will also erase Durendal!"

Sword Soul was the essence of a good sword. It possessed the unique ability that made it better than any other swords because the wielder whom the Sword Soul was originated from had nurtured it throughout his life.

Erasing a Sword Soul out of a legendary sword was the same as taking away the abilities of the sword that made it special in the first place. Doing so would only result in giving one an ordinary sword that had no extraordinary aspect.

In Durendal's case, Basil would no longer be able to enjoy its peerless sharpness or the Hidden Abilities, which he hadn't explored yet. Durendal would be a mere well crafted Claymore that was sturdier than most.

He, however, didn't mind that in the slightest, nor did he even care from the beginning. He had Asia, a Soul who was more than 2100 years old, to occupy the empty Durendal.

Asia's Soul was unquestionably stronger than Durendal's; so, of course, he would be able to do more with Asia's soul in Durendal.

"He is not going to hear you," Asia said in disinterest. "I have taken control of the three fourth of your Realm. What do you expect I can't do in this place?"

Durendal was, of course, aware of that fact; he couldn't, after all, feel anymore connection with the outside world. Despite so, he still kept talking due to his panic, while knowing how futile it was.

Anyone in his position would do the same: they would hope their futile attempt would be able to do something if they kept doing it.

"Once you erase me, you will no longer be able to cut a mountain with one swing! Durendal will no longer be Durendal without me—it will be no different from an empty vessel!"

"Hoh? This confidence..." Asia couldn't help smiling in amusement. "I wonder from whom this Sword Soul was born. This attitude is just..." She chuckled helplessly as she couldn't find the right expression.

"I will never take control of you—I will turn you so strong, you can cut the sun! Keep me, and I will show you the glory!"

Sighing in exasperation, Asia tightened her hold on Durendal's neck, causing him to lose the ability to speak and also breathe.

Souls didn't need to breathe in normal circumstances, however when dealing with a Pacifer, anything could happen. Durendal widened his eyes in absolute fear as he started suffocating.

"I have taken control 90% of the Sword Realm. I just have to kill you to fully take control of this place—do you see how small your worth is?" Asia sneered. "It hurts to know that you are not amount to that much, huh?"

Asia would only need to squash Durendal's neck to make him disappear entirely from the world. It was an extremely easy thing to do, however she didn't immediately do it, and waited for Basil's next order.

Although he had stated his intention to erase Durendal's Sword Soul clearly, he hadn't told her anything to do anything yet. She believed, like usual, he had something planned in mind.

... She wasn't wrong.

[My Lord, I beg your benevolence to entrust that child to me.]

Outside of the Sword Realm, Basil was frowning lightly at Caliburn's request. It was, of course, just a front, because he had expected it to happen since the very beginning.

"That Sword Soul has a potential. Even after how much effort I put to completely dodge this Wyvern, it still managed to cut that part."

Basil looked at the cut on the Wyvern's neck, which was a few centimeters from where the head had previously been attached to.

"It is where its salivary gland is located. It is a very hard to hit part in normal circumstances, and also the most protected area. When it is cut, any Wyvern will not be able to spit their corrosive saliva out anymore; it will weaken Wyverns significantly."

Said area was well protected; it wasn't even an exaggeration when people claimed a Green Core Knight even needed to swing their sword at it for a full day to cut open the skin.

That, however, wasn't what had amazed Basil. The amount of precision Durendal had was what had amazed him.

He could achieve the same thing, of course, but it was extremely impressive for a Sword Soul to be able to do that.

"What are you going to do with it, Caliburn?"

[I will guide him so he can be useful to you.]

"How will a Sword Soul have any of use after being taken out of its vessel?"

[We can coexist in my Sword Realm. On top of having my ability, Caliburn will also posses Durendal's sharpness and indestructibility ... I believe it will be very helpful to you, My Lord.]

"Why are you so interested in taking care of it?"

[... Seeing someone so young has taken the wrong path, I can't keep watching. Guiding the youngsters was my duty as a Spirit Elder; I guess, old habits die hard.]

Basil kept silent for a few seconds before snorting lightly in amusement. Aligning Caliburn and Durendal, he brought his hands closer and made the blades of the two swords touch each other.


A shrill hum could be heard as soon as the two blades touched each other. Durendal trembled even more intensely, meanwhile Caliburn let out an intense golden light that gradually wrapped around the former.

"Kick him out," Basil softly muttered.

It was the cue that Asia had been waiting for, and she didn't waste any time to do what Basil had instructed. She let go of the silver skinned boy she was lifting by the neck, and kicked him powerfully in his abdomen.

Caliburn's face was riddled with bewilderment and terror the entire time, and he could do nothing but accept things the way they were. He was flying away to somewhere he didn't know, and he had lost his connection with his Sword Realm.

Outside of the Sword Realm, Basil watched as Caliburn's light gradually left Durendal's blade. His connection with the claymore was fully established, however he wasn't connected to the previous Sword Soul of Durendal.

It was Asia who was inside Durendal. The claymore felt different from before; it felt more like Vagus, which he had wielded for a decade in his past life.

"Being a Pacifer certainly has its perks," Basil muttered in faint amusement. He found it funny he could swap Sword Souls so simply. "Oh, there you are. I hope you can learn many things from your mentor."

Although Durendal now didn't feel like Durendal any longer, Basil could still feel Durendal's former Sword Soul. It didn't disappear—it had now found a new place to dwell in, which was Caliburn's Sword Realm.

Basil could feel Durandal's Sword Soul inside Caliburn. Caliburn gave some part of the authority of his Sword Realm to it, and because of that, Caliburn felt slightly like Durendal.

[I—I am still alive... I am still alive!] Durendal exclaimed hysterically.

"Not for long, if you do something that pisses me off," Basil stated calmly. "I can erase your soul whenever I like, Durendal."

[... I—I will never—]

"Also, listen your mentor, Caliburn, well," Basil interrupted. "Your existence depends on his judgment."

Durendal had many things to say to Basil—mostly promises of how well he would behave—however Basil immediately tuned him out. He had something more important that needed his attention, which was checking up on Asia.

"How do you like it there?"

[I think it will be better to ask how much I hate it here.] Asia answered with a huff. [It's so plain in here. It is nowhere near as beautiful as your Mindscape.]

"You can access my Mindscape whenever you want—you know it. What I am asking is, how well it holds your soul."

[Fine, I guess. We can do some amazing things together with it. Ah, I don't recommend you to use full 'Synchronization' though; it will explode by the time we know it.]

"That is fine." Basil nodded his head simply. "By the time I am already capable of fully using [Synchronization], I will already have a better vessel for you."

Ceasing his conversation with Asia, Basil exhaled softly. Looking to the front, he spread his Mana Sense to figure out the way to the Secret Chamber.

Although he knew many things about Goap's Obelisk, he had never visited it in his past life. He knew what kind of things were there and what it had to offer, but he didn't know much about the way he should take to reach a certain place.

Finding the shortcut had also been a gamble on his side—that was why he had been prepared for the 'just in case situation, which was not finding any shortcut—but he luckily could find it fairly quickly.

"Hmm... There are so many Demons there," Basil mused as his eyes landed on Durendal. "Well, it is time to see how stronger we have become, isn't it?"

Smiling lightly, Basil dashed to the door that was a few hundred meters from him. He, of course, carefully watched his step to not trigger any trap Rune Carved on the floor tiles.

It was extremely easy for him, of course; he had his [Eyes of Mana Perception]. After just 15 seconds, he reached the black door that would take him out of the treasury room.

He didn't need to worry for any Curse or trap this time, since he couldn't sense any. He was also planning to cut the door with Durendal to test how well it fared against Vanadium, so he wasn't going to push it open.

"Oh, right. How could I forget that?"

Just as he was about to cut the door with Durendal, Basil turned around to look at the treasure inside the treasure room. Although there weren't many decent weapons and armours there, there was a mouth watering amount of gold there.

As someone who didn't like to waste things, Basil, of course, didn't want to leave them alone. Although he was already satisfied with the Wyvern's Mana Core, which he had taken out, adding some more wouldn't hurt.

Extending his hands, his two Solomon's Spatial Rings flashed briefly. In the next moment, everything inside the room was emptied.

Turning to the door again, he raised Durendal and infused his Mana into it. Faintly shining in blue as he swung it diagonally, it surprisingly, cut through the Vanadium door with barely any resistance.

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