The Lord Is Too Overbearing

Chapter 165 Wake Up Call (7)


Basil parried the ethereal golden dagger of the Executioner attacking him aside. The Executioner was shocked, as he had almost lost his balance even though Basil had merely parried it casually.



In the next moment he knew, Basil's knee was already on the side of his stomach. His rib was broken, but Basil didn't show him any mercy in the least bit; he immediately hit the Executioner's chest with the butt of his sword hilt.


The Executioner's chest caved in, and he was thrown away a few meters back. Kicking the ground once, Basil dashed at the second Executioner. The Executioner chanted something under his breath, and soon enough a golden whip appeared in his hand.

"[Punishment Whip]!"

He swung the whip at Basil, and it slithered quickly in the air. Basil knew what the whip would do to him: it would mess with his control over Mana upon contact. Therefore, he quickly utilized his Step Art to appear right in front of the Executioner in an instant.


Basil vanished from the Executioner's view briefly, before reappearing right in front of his eyes. The Executioner didn't flinch or anything, he received Basil's sword calmly; he had expected something like that would happen.


He had set a barrier with Miracle to protect himself. "Kuhuk! Impossible! How did he...?" Of course, it didn't mean he wasn't injured; Basil's swing was too powerful for his Miracle powered barrier to block.

Despite so, the wound on his chest quickly healed by itself in the next moment. It was one of the advantage of being a Miracle User: one would be able to regenerate quickly as long as one still had Miracle to utilize. Although it took a considerable amount of Miracle, as long as one could alive, it was a fair trade.


Basil snapped his finger, and ten swords came out of his Spatial Ring; they were floating in the air due to Basil's Aura Ability: [Master of Weapons].

With a thought, he sent them toward the Executioner who had just recovered himself. The Executioner was forced to fight the ten swords by himself.

Turning his body around, Basil could see the Executioner with an ethereal golden dagger was charging at him once again; like the other one, he had also recovered himself. Firming his stance, Basil held his sword by his side.

[Immovable Boulder In The River]

The Sword Style he had used to fight the Demon horde back then at Death Howl Dungeon was utilized once again; this time, with Qi to amplify its power. Like a moth to a flame, the unknowing Executioner gladly came at Basil.

Basil didn't show any expression on his face, but his eyes were filled with faint amusement. A step; that was how far the distance between him and the Executioner left, and that was the very moment Basil executed his Sword Technique.


Basil swung his sword once, then retracted it back to his side. It all happened in an instant; the Executioner couldn't even see what just happened.

By the time he knew it, his head was already separated from his body. As if mocking him, the wind turned his head around right before it touched the ground.

He could see Basil's steady posture; it was firm, and immovable—it seemed he didn't even move in the slightest. Puzzlement filled his head, but upon seeing the faint condescending smile on Basil's face, it was quickly replaced with indignation.

Alas, what could he do? A dead man tells no tales; he couldn't even open his mouth to rage. His vision started darkening, but he could still hear the sound in his surrounding.


He could hear the sound his head produced when it touched the ground.

"Say my hello to your Gods in hell."

He could also hear Basil's outrageous blasphemy. Still, nothing he could do, for a dead man has no capability to act.

The culprit, Basil, turned his head away from the decapitated head to the other dying Executioner; out of the 10 sword Basil was controlling, 7 of them were embedded in the Executioner's body. Although he could still stand, it wouldn't be long until he collapsed.

"Hoh? No wonder his combat capability is low; he is only good at [Recovery]." Smirking faintly, Basil held the hilt of his sword as if he was holding a javelin. Infusing his Qi inside the sword, it slowly glowed in green light. "Let's see how well you can take it."

He threw the sword at the Executioner.


The Qi powered throw was so powerful, it split the air. Even the aftermath of the throw left behind a slight dent on the ground below Basil's feet. The sword wheezed through the air, faster than any bullet could travel in the air.

Before long, the sword arrived in front of the Executioner; the Executioner, who was occupied by fighting off Basil's floating swords, could only look at the sword in bewilderment.


As one might expect, the sword easily pierced his chest since he hadn't had the time to protect himself with a barrier. Not stopping there though, the Qi Basil had infused to the sword gathered on its tip, before exploding in the Executioner's chest.

Instead of creating a hole in the Executioner's chest, Basil completely blasted half of his body. The sword Basil had just thrown went to the ground, creating a dent upon contact; it was firmly embedded in it.

Despite of having achieved such feat, Basil didn't feel the need to get excited or elated; it was as expected. Snapping his finger once, all of the swords he had taken out immediately returned to him, then entered his Spatial Ring—except the Sealing Sword.

Turning his body to the female Executioner who was now writhing on the ground, he graciously walked toward her. The female Executioner could only look at Basil helplessly with slight resentment, for she knew her life would end soon.

Upon arriving right in front of her, Basil said, "How does the power of God taste?" Basil said that neutrally, but it was clear it was an insult. The female Executioner said nothing, as she merely suppressed her moan of pain.

Basil's fight and the two Executioners had lasted for three minutes. In that three minutes, the technique her fellow Executioner had casted was still in effect; it was gradually absorbing her body fluid from her pores.

It was only after her fellow Executioner had died, was she pardoned from the technique that had caused her suffering.

Wind blew on her face, lifting her veil off; a wrinkled face of a woman was revealed underneath the veil. Though she wasn't extraordinarily beautiful, the female Executioner was definitely a beauty; her skin turned that way due to the effect of the technique.

"What is a God who can not distinguish between his servant and enemies? A fake God," Basil sneered. Pointing his sword at the female Executioner's chest, he was about to stab his sword into her chest when she spoke.

"May our Gods' mercy be with you... O the clueless one." It was laborious, yet she managed to complete her sentence. Basil didn't show any particular reaction to it; his sword went to her neck, successfully decapitating her head.

"A smart who commits a wrong makes excuse why their wrong is right. A fool who commits a wrong thinks the people are wrong." Sighing softly to himself, he continued, "Human's mind ... Once it is set, it is hard to be changed."

Turning his gaze to the other three people, he could see them on the brink of finishing their fight. Whitney had entrapped an Executioner in the ground, and Cray was ready to pluck the Executioner's head off.

On the other side, Iliana was stomping down the remaining Executioner who was fighting her ... Literally. She was quite pissed judging from how half-assed she was stomping the guy—it was done to prolong his suffering.

Not long after, the guy's head broke, and Iliana stopped stomping down her foot. With a smile, she kicked the body away, as if she wasn't satisfied yet with how gruesome she had ended the guy's life.

When her eyes met Basil, she greeted him. "Oh, you have finished your fight? That was pretty quick. The guy I fought was a prick, so I feel the need to teach him a lesson." Basil didn't need any justification for her action, but he nodded his head nonetheless.

"Huuh... These guys are so hard to kill!" Cray exclaimed by the time he had finished off the Executioner he had been fighting with Whitney. "Indeed. The more of them died, the stronger they became," Whitney added.

"Since they are a team, they must be using some sort of a Binding Magic, I'm sure. That's why the more of them died, the stronger they became."

At Iliana's word, Whitney quirked his eyebrow. "Did they use Magic though? I am sure they used Miracle to fight us."

"Your point?" Iliana quirked her eyebrow

"Nothing..." Whitney muttered. He knew it was pointless debating with Iliana; he would always lose and receive ridicule in the end.

"They were not bound because they were a team." At Basil's word, everyone turned their head at him. "Naturally, every member of the Church is bound to each other. As for the 'power-up,' it was more of a limitation cancellation."

"Limitation cancelation...?" Iliana muttered. "Ah, they can't exert their power too much to commit violence, unless it is necessary." Iliana's eyes lit up in understanding. "In other words, they can only use their full power when they are in a pinch."

Basil nodded wordlessly at Iliana's conclusion; it was correct. On the other hand though, Cray contorted his face. "That sucks! Who is the idiot that made that rule?"

Slapping Cray's head once, Whitney retorted, "What do you think the members of the Church are? A savage like you?" Then, he turned his head to Basil.

"I have an inkling why they were targeting you, but I don't get why they said your offense was a blasphemy." Whitney knew it must have something to do with Eugene.

Basil shrugged lightly; he didn't care much about it. Since their hostile relationship was already established, he didn't care much about the reason why the Church was yearning for his blood; it didn't matter.

"Let us travel in slow speed," Basil said at the students. Cray quickly raised his hand, then said, "Can't we get a rest, Sire?!" Basil turned his head to Cray, then nodded lightly. "You can, if you want to stay with them." Basil pointed his finger behind them.

"What does that—" As he turned his body, Cray shut his mouth. Countless of Magical Beasts from Lone Mountain were running toward them; they were running away from the Demons.

Quickly turning his body back to face Basil, Cray loudly exclaimed, "We are ready to move, Sire!" Basil nodded his head once, and led them off the horde of Magical Beasts' course.

The journey of the four students continued.

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