The Legend of the ruthless Empress Freya

Chapter 144 Beyond The Door [The Crypt - Part XIV]

-- POV Freya --

[Onee-san, you seem to be taking all these changes much easier than usual, why ?]

*I don't know...I feel much calmer*

[This must be another effect of these events, but have a second name which is no small thing]

*I've decided not to jump to conclusions until I'm sure of something. I may have a middle name, but that doesn't change who I am now and nothing can ever change that*

Even though I was something other than an Ice Demon Wolf of Chaos, even though there was a lot of mystery hanging over me and my loved ones, I was still who I was. Since I had a new system and despite all that was going on, I was serene, happy, determined and ready for anything. For the moment, everything in its own time and even if I was impatient to discover the real usefulness of this new system, I remained calm.

[But I wonder, if Titatrash can't interact with your system now, doesn't that also mean that your race will change at the next evolution ? You seem to be able to keep the elements she gave you and your progression seems like your demon side is assuming everything else]

As Kira finished her sentence, I almost coughed loudly at her nickname for Titania. The worst part of it was that she was speaking in a serious voice and thinking about something really important. While I ignored the nickname, making a note to ask her about it again, I told my little sister my opinion.

*Based on this memory, it most likely affects my next evolution indeed, but I'm still a Wolf controlling Ice and Chaos. So honestly this is all way too variable, we won't know until I reach level 70*

Kira seemed to have even more questions than I did, and even though I was as lost as she was, I didn't feel rushed. I was ready to listen to whatever she had to say and right now, my little one.

[Next to your unique title it says 10% but how do you get that percentage up ? I think I have my own idea but then again, everything is so mysterious that I could be right or wrong]

*Tell me*

Personally, I thought I had already figured it out because for me there was only one explanation, but I was curious to know what Kira thought. I had told her everything in great detail and I was pretty sure my little sister was thinking the same thing as me. As I waited patiently for her answer, her voice finally echoed in my mind.

[The more you learn about this memory, the higher your percentages will go. Once you really know why you were able to see such a scene and how it relates to you, everything will become clearer. I say this memory but it can be "these" because in my opinion even if you only experienced one there must be others]

*Well I think the same, after all, it all started from that one red memory*

For me, it all had to do with that memory, but it also had to do with the demon side of me that had awakened since my arrival here. We had little information at the moment but for some reason I was not impatient at all as I felt the answers would come to me faster than I thought. I had embraced these changes and now that my mind, body, and soul were now as complete as they could be, what was next could only excite me.

Of course I still didn't know what was behind my unique title or my second name that had appeared out of nowhere but I knew I would find out in time. Now I wanted to assign my points and wait for my soldiers to wake up so we could finally get out of this place. So far I had been the only one delaying our progress and even though each stop had allowed me to expand my range of possibilities, we should not delay too long.

I could hear the breathing of the Commanders and the others sleeping peacefully and as I opened my status I hurried to award my points. I had 300 and as usual, I decided to award 50 all over the place because that was how I fought best.


Strength : 510 > 560

Defense : 510 > 560

Agility : 516 > 566

Endurance: 513 > 563

Speed : 512 > 562

Intelligence: 510 > 560


Once again I felt my mana surge as did the blood in my body as I changed. I didn't take my wolf form but my body was slowly changing as a red aura came out of me. The same feeling that had appeared during my fight with the Demon was coming over me. This time I wasn't busy fighting so I concentrated on all these sensations as I unconsciously began to growl.

My heart was racing, pumping my blood even faster through my veins, forcing me to stay focused so I wouldn't fall. I could see my fingernails turning black and lengthening slightly into small but sharp claws. My face was stinging all over as the sensation of my tattoos stretching became more and more intense. Suddenly, my wolf ears and tail disappeared before giving way to more human but pointed ears.

[Onee-san, you're changing like you did when you fought the Demon ! You've always had changes that involved either your humanoid form or your wolf form...this time it's the turn of your new side !"]

I could hear Kira's voice but I didn't respond, my whole body was hot as hell and all these changes were taking over my mind. I could feel every bit of my body, every drop of blood, every muscle and it was incredible. My horns were also growing slightly and for the first time my hair was turning red. Even my eyes stung and changed as a notification appeared.

[ Host Unlocked : Demonic Form (tied to title so incomplete) - 10% ]

[ Blood Counter added in your status - BLOOD : 100/100 ]

As I read the message, I slowly calmed down, breathing slowly as my new form made my whole body tremble. I stood up instinctively, my heartbeat making my whole being pulsate and as I tried not to waver, the sound of my soldiers waking up came through my ears. My normally icy skin grew hotter and hotter, and strange impulses were born in my mind.

Usually I felt a sense of satisfaction when I changed after giving out my attribute points but this time it was different. I felt different and an indescribable mental force ran through my mind and soul. If when I was in my wolf form I felt complete, this time it was much more than that and if in my humanoid form I felt worthy of an Empress, this time I felt worthy but of something greater.

"Your Highness ?"

The voice of one of my Commanders sounded behind me and as I turned, everyone froze. My soldiers, now accustomed to my presence, trembled and didn't even dare look me in the eye. I could see my blood red hair floating in front of my face and the red mana around me swirling like a glowing tornado. As I stared at them, for some unknown reason, their trembling bodies, the smell of fear, the sound of panicked hearts made me smile.

"Look up !"

An order had come out of my mouth while my voice had become less cold but somehow even more terrifying. I could hear and feel it echoing through me as well as the entire cave we were in and instantly my soldiers looked up. They all looked at me even if it was with difficulty, except for the corner of the platform, the young succubus seemed to have fainted in Nixia's arms.

"We're leaving for the gates, you've got ten minutes, not one more !"

They were all nodding, but I was far from satisfied with that answer. Squinting my eyes I was about to point out to them but a small voice stopped me.

[Onee-san, what's wrong with you ? You're... different...]

As I heard these words, I signaled to the others that they could leave before turning to walk away. I decided to head for the gates to let off a little steam, leaving my sleeping horse and my soldiers to get ready. As I jumped onto the platforms leading to the bottom with flexibility, agility and precision, I was careful not to destroy anything. I controlled my strength by circulating my mana to keep the platforms intact as I responded.

*I don't know, this form I feel like I can rule the world*

I was no longer in the middle of a fight and I was enjoying every moment I spent in this form, I felt powerful, unstoppable, with even an overflowing desire for blood. My aura didn't stop and covered everything as I finally arrived at the doors while Kira gave me her opinion.

[It's likely to influence the way you are, so try to breathe and learn to control yourself. You can always return to your humanoid form !]

I could hear what my little sister was telling me, but what she couldn't understand was that I didn't want to. I felt so good, wrapped up in a feeling that was both familiar and unfamiliar. I hadn't yet tested my newfound strength, but at that moment a battle drunkenness made me shudder with excitement. Unlike when I was in my other two forms, I didn't feel as cold and unfathomable as ice, but rather impulsive, domineering and cruel.

*It's strange...I don't feel that barrier I used to set for myself. When I'm in my humanoid form, I keep my composure most of the time but this time...I...*

When I had spoken to my soldiers earlier, instead of being calm, cold and imposing I had felt dominant, in a playful mood even as I stood before my companions. Usually, this kind of feeling only happened to me in front of humans that made my blood boil but not this time. Of course I didn't want to kill my companions but I seemed to be in a constant state of power and domination.

Normally I wasn't shy or introverted at all, but I still maintained a certain presence, as if I were untouchable. Now, in this form I had that same poise but it was wilder and more...liberated. It was as if all my deepest, most selfish, primitive and dangerous desires were now dominating my mind.

*I should try to control myself, you're right*

[Mmh, even though I think this form changes you no matter what, you might as well get used to it now before you say things you might regret.]

As good as I felt in my demon form, I couldn't change my personality too obviously. Kira was right and as I shook my head, to get my head straight I looked up at the two huge doors before me. As I slowly slid my gaze over the carved edges, I straightened up in earnest before speaking to my little sister.

*Kira !*

[Yes, I see...]

In front of me there were always the same two doors with characters that I had not been able to read but this time I could. The more I went through the lines, the more my brain translated each word on its own and gave me its meaning. I could literally see the characters of the words change and move before my eyes as a result of my brain's activity. It was all strange and I couldn't help but be fascinated because it was happening while I was talking to Kira.

*Is this...some kind of memory that's ingrained in me ? Kind of like a visual memory that never left me until I woke it up my Demon side. Interesting*

[I...I don't know but it's quite likely yes...]

The door on the left was outlined in grey stone with the symbols of the ancient language etched into it and painted lightly in white. It was as large as its twin and reached up to the ceiling. Despite the size of this left door, the inscriptions were large enough to cover the whole of it, to reveal a message. A phrase that seemed to be a clue and as I squinted to make sure I was reading everything correctly, I gradually pieced the phrase together.

- The light will guide you wherever you wish to go, illuminating your steps and accompanying you until your last breath, so that the day may be reborn and your ashes shine in eternal glory -

*It doesn't mean much...*

[Let's move on to the next one, we might find it easier to understand]

Turning my head this time to the door on the right which was just as large but with some differences. The outlines were made of grey stones but this time the characters of the engraved sentence were a deep black. The same thing happened as the words moved in front of me, letting me discover their meaning little by little.

- You who are not afraid to die locked in death, enter the darkness and embrace your destiny, whether it is good or bad, radiant or evil, living...or mortal -

As I looked at the doors one by one, not knowing what those phrases really meant, I heard my soldiers hurrying in behind me. They were all arriving for the first time in front of those two gigantic doors, the voice of someone I wasn't expecting was rising among the others. Lynn had unconsciously stepped forward and her frightened eyes were now bright and completely absorbed.

"Light and...darkness...beyond the door lies the truth"



Name : Freya / L??????

Age : 0 years old / Mentally : 25 years old

Sex : Female

Course : Ice Demon Wolf of Chaos - Adult

Race : Imperial Demon

Unique title (locked): ???? - 10% [ To unlock it, the host must reach 100% ]

Titles : Blessed by Titania, Goddess of endless Chaos and eternal frozen Hell (crossed)

Dragon tamer

Ruthless slayer

Empress of the three colors (crossed)

Level : 40/70

Exp needed for next level: 0 / 41 000

HP : 150 000 / 150 000 MP : 75 000 / 75 000 BLOOD : 100 / 100

Strength: 560

Defense : 560

Agility : 566

Endurance: 563

Speed : 562

Intelligence: 560

Charisma: 500 (imperial she-wolf)

Attribute points to allocate : 0

Married to : Gaya

Daughter : Shiro

Empire (menu)

Subordinates: 1239

Humans killed: 153

Souls: 2/3

Elements: Ice / Chaos

Skills (all):

Attack - Demon Claws (Lvl 5)

- Bite of hell (Lvl 6)

- Infernal ice spikes (Lvl 6)

- Fighting techniques (Lvl max)

- Mastery of the katana (lvl max)

- Demonic Empress aura (lvl 6)

Defense - Ice demon wall (Lvl 6)

- Demonic Cloak (lvl 5)

Pain Resistance (lvl 5)

Attack/Defense - Domain of the Ice Empress "frozen wrath" (lvl 2) - (under condition)

Others - Humanoid form

Demonic form (linked to the title so incomplete) - 10%.

- Ice creation (Lvl 6)

- Storage of chaos (Lvl 4)

- Devouring Chaos (Lvl 5)

- Analysis

- Second soul (Lvl max) - unique

- Telepathy

Detection and control of mana (lvl 6)

Master of souls (lvl 1)

Passives - Commander (lvl max)

- Natural Aura of the Ice Empress ]

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