The Law of Attraction

Chapter 397: I’m A Family Member!

Chapter 397: I’m A Family Member!

Luo was back home with Noah and they spent the next few days in lovemaking in the evening as well as in the morning before Noah would go to the office. His possessiveness for her had increased multifold and even Luo felt his clinginess for her.

She looked at the calendar in her mobile app with a twitched mouth because those days after coming back home were not her fertile days.

"I still have to wait for another week," she mumbled with a sigh. She involuntarily thought that it would have been nice if the past few days were her fertile days since Noah was so hyperactive those days.

She smiled at her thoughts and opened the television and stretched her arms as she rested her back comfortably on the couch of the living room. She scanned the channels to look for something good to watch when her mobile phone rang.

She creased her forehead because it was an unknown number that flashed on her screen.

"Is this Miss Faith Luo?" asked the man from the other line.

"Yes. Who's this?"

"I'm sorry. Your father passed out…" the man said and gave Luo the address of the convenience store near their house before the call suddenly ended.

That very instant, Luo jumped off her feet and ran to her car. She tried to dial her mother and father's mobile number but both could not be reached. She also dialed the number of their house but it only kept on ringing.

"Oh God…" she whispered as she drove as fast as she could on the road to her parent's home. Her heart was beating hard, almost slamming her chest as she kept on silently praying for her father's safety.

She dialed Noah next and informed him of what happened.

"Alright don't panic. I will call the convenience store and an ambulance to go to the place." Noah said.

"I am now on my way to the convenience store," Luo informed before ending the call.?She cursed because her call could not get through to the mobile number from which the call came even after several attempts of calling.

Her worries were increasing as she was nearing the store. She only hoped that the man already called for an ambulance. She wanted to confirm it but the call suddenly ended then and when she called back the number was no longer contactable.

She reached the convenience store the man mentioned on the phone as fast as she could and went out of the car and rushed to cross to the other side of the road where the store was when a black van suddenly stopped in front of her.

Luo was startled when the van suddenly blocked her way. She sensed a hint of danger when the door of the van opened with a click and few men came out from it. They tried to subdue her and grab her to stuff her inside the van.

She knew something was not right and thought the struggle was going to be hard to win the four bulky men trying to corner her. She was aware she must fight or else something bad would happen.

She started putting up a fight and took down one of the men. Her skills were not as good as Lana but she gave her best in fighting against them putting down one more when she suddenly felt a strike behind the back of her head and the last thing she knew was everything turned pitch black in front of her eyes.

Luo passed out and her body was carried inside the black van and the men fled with her.

Noah was in his office signing some documents when he felt a little uneasy in his heart. His hand trembled and he felt something was very wrong with Luo, as his sixth sense flicked his heart and made him more uneasy.

He called her number but there was no answer, so he immediately tasked his secretary and assistant to call the convenience store and find out about Luo.

"Sir, no one is answering. I've called several times already but none of the numbers could be reached." the secretary informed him after several attempts of calling. He called his in-laws' numbers and no one answered there as well. And even Luo was still not answering his calls now.

His heart twiched with fear and he rushed out from his office to go to the said convenience store. He reached there and called for the manager to find out the details of whatever happened, but to his horror, the person in charge said that no one passed out inside the store. They also came to know that the telephone line was disconnected.

Noah felt alarmed so he called out for his own security team to check the matter at the convenience store. He went back to his car and drove to her in-law's house, hoping his wife was safe and sound there with her parents somehow.

But the path was blocked and there were firefighters everywhere.

"What's going on?" he asked one of the policemen outside.

"You can't enter sir. One residential house inside the area is on fire." the police explained.

Noah could feel the slamming of his heart on his chest. He started feeling anxious, afraid of what might come next in front of him

"Which house?" he whispered as he hoped that it was another house and not of his in-laws.

'Oh God please…' he silently prayed as he waited for the police to respond to his question.

Noah's face paled when the police then informed the number of the house and surname of the family owner. It was Luo's residence on fire... his in-laws' house.

"I need to go inside! I'm a family member!" Noah burst, so the policemen let him enter. His eyes widened in horror seeing the house was burning profusely.

"Luo…" he mumbled as he almost ran inside but a few men standing there grabbed him. They even had to pin him down to calm him.

"My wife and parents!" he hysterically shouted.

"Sir, please… Calm down. We will save them…" one of the firemen reassured.

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