The Law of Attraction

Chapter 394: As His Gifts

Chapter 394: As His Gifts

Lana and Luo exchanged meaningful looks as they watched the boy, who was probably nine to twelve years old, insert a token at the machine and start maneuvering it calmly.

"Ohhhh. It's almost there…" Lana cheered as the boy managed to hook one cute stuffed toy and they both screamed as the boy really put it in the hole and he got one.

The cute boy gave it to Lana and then looked at Luo and said, "I'll get another one for you big sis, don't worry."

Both women cheered like a kid and hugged each other when the boy succeeded in grabbing another one of the cute stuffed toys inside the machine.

"Oh, what a good boy. Thank you so much for these." Luo commented and patted the boy's hair.

While Lana hugged him and said, "Oh! you're so good at this. Thank you so much…"

With a blushing face, the boy scratched his head and gave the two a bashful smile.

"Oh, wait here for a minute I will replace the tokens you used," Lana commented with a smile. She was about to walk to the counter and buy some tokens when the boy said, "Wait, the tokens are not mine so you don't need to replace them."

"Huh?" Lana scoffed.

"There was that man who was watching you two frustratedly and he gave me these tokens to help you out since he saw I'm good at this when I was playing a while ago… Then he told me to give you two the stuffed toys I will get, as his gifts for the two of you." The boy explained with a blushing face.

Lana's forehead furrowed as she looked around and asked, "Where is he?"

The boy pointed in the direction of another machine not far from theirs, that was where the boy got stuffed toys for him and his sister.

"He was there just a while ago. I even heard him cursing many times, it was whenever you two couldn't get anything. I guess he left already, seeing I managed to get two toys as agreed." the boy explained.

"Oh haha, who wouldn't get frustrated watching us two?" Luo commented with a chuckle because they really spent too much time and too many tokens without getting anything in return and she was sure Lana was as frustrated as she was.

"Anyway, thank you again, little boy," Luo whispered and even snapped a finger at Lana who had suddenly spaced out.

Lana turned to the boy and asked, "Do you know how he looks? Can you describe him for me, please? The man who asked you to get these toys for us, how old do you think he is?"

"Oh, he was wearing a face mask, maybe because he was coughing too often. So I can not recognize his face. He seemed nice though since he gave me and my sister more tokens to play and said we should enjoy it." the boy boasted with a bright smile. He was obviously happy to receive so many tokens.

"You look pale. Are you alright? Is there something wrong?" Luo asked when she noticed the confused look on Lana's face. Lana looked too distracted and she could guess why. She probably thought it could be her father.

She once again felt sympathy for Lana. She had a trauma that she feared that man's presence too much. She cursed that man inwardly for making her friend worry that much. But then scolded herself, since the man she was swearing had already died.

"Don't think too much Lana. I'm sure it's just some generous man. It's not him. You saw his body and personally confirmed it." Luo stated, hoping Lana would feel ease.

"Well, the man surely is generous and kind, if I myself watch someone like us… I will probably also do the same. Pay the boy near me who seemed to be better and give toys to two old women, who can't even get one, after so many attempts." Luo reassuringly added because she did not want Lana to worry too much.

"If you want, we can request to see the CCTV footage at this arcade for you to feel at ease…" Luo suggested and Lana nodded. She still wanted to make sure.

Luo arranged everything while Lana waited and somehow looked around. Luo then called her and they both watched the footage.

"We won't be able to identify the man Lana. He's wearing a mask and a cap…" Luo commented while she watched.

"I don't know but I feel uncomfortable." Lana whispered. The boy said the man was coughing that was why he wore a mask.

She heaved a long deep sigh. Maybe Luo was right. She was becoming more paranoid and it would not be healthy, both for her and her baby. Maybe she was really just thinking too much.

"Do you want to go home?" Luo asked and Lana only nodded.

Along the way, Luo tried to ease Lana by striking conversations on various topics. She dropped Lana off the mansion then called Liam to inform him what happened so Liam could do some extra checking about the matter.

She was now back in her car to drive back to her parents' house as well, when her mobile phone rang. She put it on speaker phone since she was driving.

"Yes?" She asked.

"I would like to join you for dinner at your parents house." Noah said from another line.

"Alright but you have to go back because I really want some space at this point so that I can think better, about a lot of things," she stated, wondering if Noah could finally get the reason behind her tantrums.

"Alright. I will see you tonight then. I'll arrive around six in the evening. I'll hang up now." Luo heard him say, followed by the end-call beeping sound.

"That's all?" Luo hissed with a twisted face. She wondered if her great husband was just playing dumb or he was just simply avoiding the topic about her wanting to have a baby.

"How come he's not opening up and talking about the matter? Does he not wonder why I'm staying at my parents' house for too long?" She hissed.

Later she would really drive that insensitive husband of hers away after dinner once he suggested he sleep there with her.

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