The Latest Game Is Too Amazing

Chapter 47.4 - Tea Party (4)

Chapter 47.4 - Tea Party (4)

Chaos doesnt have enough experience to govern a territory, Roseline says.

Then, couldnt you appoint someone to manage domestic affairs? Alexia asks.

Yes, thats true. But even if Chaos had the skill to govern a territory, governing a territory requires more manpower than that. One or two people wont be enough. We could hire locally, but since the region has been devastated, we shouldnt expect much. Besides, Chaos is a foreigner, isnt he? He wont have vassals like other nobles, and he doesnt have a noble dynasty either. Do you think Chaos would have those kinds of connections?

Im a loner even in real life, but the people in this room are just about everyone I know in this world. Theres no way Id have any connections.

As embarrassing as it is to say, I dont even have the luxury to be able to introduce him to any suitable people.

I doubt anyone in this castle would have their hands free, and if Roseline told them to become a new nobles subordinate, it would be the same as demoting them.

So I have no intention to make Chaos a noble. Im planning to give him a medal instead. However, if he accomplishes even more on top of this, I wont be able to contain the situation. Therefore, for the time being, I want him to stay away from Clermont and from me.

I dont want to be a noble either, so if shes right about this, it would be better for me to leave and wait for things to cool down. No, actually, the vampires themselves have also settled down, so I should probably stop coming to this world.

But this is just for my own convenience. If you want to leave this country, I cant stop you. You arent my vassal, after all, Roseline says as her eyes tremble. Seeing her like this reminds me of back then, back when she looked so sad and lonely.

I cant stay by Roselines side forever, but

Alright, Ill leave Clermont for a while.

Just as she said, Ill temporarily hide myself, since it seems like she still needs support.

I see Thank you, Roseline smiles.

Ugh, I hear someone groan. Thats Alexias voice. Shes puffing her cheeks and furrowing her eyebrows a bit. She kind of looks like a kid.

Whats wrong, Lady Alexia?

Nothing at all! Alexia says, turning away with a huff. Apparently, I made her upset.

If I need to stay away from Clermont, maybe I should stop logging in for a while.

Um, Your Highness. This may be presumptuous of me, but could I ask you something? Havoc interrupts.

Yes, I dont mind. What is it?

You say Chaos will have to leave Clermont for a while, but if its only temporary, then he should avoid going too far, right?

He just needs to stay away long enough for me to take care of the situation. Chaos can use teleportation magic, so if he stays in the country, he should be able to return immediately, she says.

Then, I have an idea. Hey, Nel. What do you think of Chaos coming with us on our trip?

You think he should stay in my hometown? Its far from Clermont, but its a village of elves who dont interact much with humans, so it may be perfect for hiding someone, Cornelia says. I dont mind. Chaos would be more than welcome.

Come to think of it, I did hear that Cornelias hometown was in Commune.

How about it, Chaos? You wanna come with? Havoc says.

Yeah, we might as well all go together, right? Liam says.

That might not be a bad idea. Im scared to fight monsters, but I do want to know more about this world.

Then, its settled. Well, I guess well be traveling together for a while, Havoc says with a smile on his face.


After the tea party ended and Chaos and the others left to prepare for the trip, the only ones remaining were Roseline, Alexia, and Irene.

It was Alexia that stopped Roseline from leaving. Unlike before, the atmosphere isnt the least bit peaceful.

Your Highness, may I ask you a question? Alexia asks with a serious expression, and despite it being a request for permission, Roseline feels an unspoken pressure forcing her to answer.

What is it, Lady Alexia?

I understand why you want to send Teacher away, Your Highness. I also know that there would be drawbacks that would result from granting him a title. However, thats no reason to have him leave Clermont. If you want to prevent Teacher from making more achievements, all you would need to do is have him stay off the battlefield. What possible reason could you have to keep him out of Clermont in spite of this?

To Alexia, the story Roseline gave at the tea party felt like a somewhat insufficient explanation. Perhaps her teacher noticed and deliberately neglected to mention it, but Alexia cant let it pass.

Chaos is in a precarious position right now. Despite the fact that in the Allied Commune, his fame and popularity is second only to Roseline, he is nothing more than a foreigner and a commoner.

Therefore, someone may take advantage of him. Just like her own father, who tried to bring Chaos into his faction, knowing him to be a brilliant mage.

Even though she would be delighted if Chaos became a noble due to his accomplishments, Alexia cant just turn a blind eye if there are people who would approach Chaos with such ill intent.

So you noticed. Its true that I was hiding something. Although, if I had to say, it wasnt Chaos I was worried about, but you, Lady Alexia.

Do you mean to say that its something you cant reveal to a noble of another country?

No, just you personally, Roseline says.

Alexia gives her a puzzled look.

You should know just as well as I do that Chaos is in a precarious position. So, naturally, the nobles will be trying to bring him into their own factions. The problem is their method for doing so.

As I suspected, thats what theyre doing, Alexia thinks. However, she cant imagine why Roseline didnt tell her. In the end, her suspicions still arent cleared up.

There are several ways they could bring someone into their faction. What do you think is the most common method among them?

Alexia cant figure out the right answer right away. Her attendant, Irene, helps her out.

Are you referring to marriage?

What?! Alexia exclaims, taken aback by her attendants unexpected answer. However, when she thinks about it, its common practice for nobles to have their relatives get engaged into political marriages in order to build close relations. Especially since Chaos is young and single, theres no reason not to use this method.

Roseline nods, confirming that this is the correct answer.

B- but Teacher is a commoner. Even considering the circumstances, there is a difference in standing.

Thats why there was talk of granting him a title. Even if hes a new noble, if he has a title, he can marry into a house of moderately high rank. And even for a high-ranking house, they wouldnt need to have him marry someone in their own family. They could simply marry him to someone from a close-ranking house in the same faction and form a connection to him.

Alexia is at a loss, unable to deny her response. Nobles connections are wide-ranging. Theyll soon find a girl of marriageable age who meets the requirements.

Teacher is, Teacher is Thats right! Even if he gets married, hes generally unsociable, so his fiancee will surely lose patience with him! He cant possibly get married!

Its just a political marriage. Compatibility is only secondary. And they might find a girl whos surprisingly compatible with him. But saying that he wont be loved because hes unsociable is awful. No matter how you look at it, it would hurt him to hear that, Roseline chides with a bitter smile.

Yes, Alexia says, at a loss for words and dejected knowing that what she said was illogical.

So, because of this, the nobles who have gotten ahead of themselves may make contact with Chaos while I am away from Clermont. It would be troublesome if the royal family intervened in the marriage. If it came to that, the situation would become complicated, so I thought I should avoid having Chaos come into contact with nobles.

Ever since the vampire incident, Roseline has been keeping Chaos by her side, and the fact that the nobles have seen her giving him an important role has had repercussions.

If he becomes a noble, there is no doubt that he will become an important person who will play a central role to this country in the future. Even if he doesnt become a noble, building a good relationship with the person who is deeply trusted by the future queen isnt a bad move by any means.

Even so, the reason that the nobles are hesitant to interact with Chaos is because they simply dont have time for it, because they are sounding him out as there is so little information on him, because theyre looking into what the other factions are up to, because he is Roselines savior and the princesss guest, and above all, because Roseline was by his side. She can easily predict that once the situation calms down, the nobles will make contact with him as soon as she takes her eyes off him.

Chaos is unsociable and awkward at times. I doubt he can refuse an invitation from nobles and their devious methods of persuasion. He may get talked into it before he even realizes whats happening.

Alexia understands the point shes making.

Despite his appearance, he can be quite oblivious. It would be bad if he made a troublesome promise just by talking to them. I mean, havent you ever gotten anxious when he did something that made you wonder if hes incapable of understanding the hearts of others?

Youre right, that has happened!

Just like earlier. Chaos and Roseline had a good atmosphere about them. Alexia was incredibly displeased with this, and even though she knows shes being self-centered, she wanted him to notice her feelings.

But he has more than just flaws. No matter how I look at it, Ive caused nothing but trouble for him, but hes so unbelievably kind that he helped me rather than abandoning me.

Yes, thats true!

She truly understands Chaos, Alexia thinks. This is the first time shes had someone to talk to about Chaos like this, so shes become absorbed in the conversation. To put it simply, Alexia is in high spirits.

That is why

Thats why you fell for him, right?

Yes! Huh?!

Shes so caught up in the moment that by the time she realizes what she said, its already too late. Her attendant Irene lets out a deep sigh.

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