The Latest Game Is Too Amazing

Chapter 30.1 - Battle for Brandenburg 3 (1)

Chapter 30.1 - Battle for Brandenburg 3 (1)

The rhinoses, covered in tough, rocky skin, charge into Brandenburg, flooding in like ants to sugar. Even though they have huge bodies, over four meters long overall, as long as theyre going straight, theyre as fast as the wind, and that surge of momentum is advancing. However, there is a large obstacle blocking their way.


Although the rhinoss skin is like metal, the knees of its front legs are where its most vulnerable, and in the instant that she passes them by, she pierces them six times, in such a brief moment that those around her couldnt see how many times she struck, toppling its gigantic body and stopping its movements.

Out of my way! she shouts as she kicks an approaching rhinos, literally sending it flying. Although shes taller than the average woman, shes barely half as tall as the rhinos, and even to those who witnessed her kick, all that comes to mind is the word absurd. Like a chain reaction, another rhinos gets caught in it, shrieking as it falls over.

N- no way someone mumbles. Thats just how much the surrounding soldiers are overwhelmed by Irenes incomprehensible act.

Their reactions delayed due to their shock, Irenes sharp gaze brings them back to reality, and when the fallen rhinos begins to stir, arrows and spells are sent flying towards its abdomen.

Though, she didnt expect it to be this large of an incident either. According to Chaos, shes become one who specializes in attacks, known as a Berserker, and sure enough, shes noticed that her speed and strength are greater than before. But even if she does have Alexias support magic, she never could have anticipated that it would be to this extent. With how huge it is, she only expected to blow it away, at most. Thats still pretty far removed from how a normal person would think, but she is unaware of this because she still hasnt realized that Chaos and Alexia have corrupted her way of thinking.

Since her role in Chaoss party is to evade and draw enemies towards her, securing her footing is incredibly important for her. After all, she cant fulfill her role if she cant move because her leg got caught on a corpse. If it was a normal party, there would barely be ten corpses at most, so she would be fine as long as she moved a little bit, but she had Chaos and his inexhaustible stamina. Because of him and how he can hunt 50 or even 100 monsters continuously without becoming the least bit winded thanks to his crazy stamina that makes her doubt that he really is a mage, its a common sight for the ground at her feet to be covered in corpses. Thats why kicking away an enemy that was in her way to secure her footing was so automatic for her. And by performing that role in the party, she gained overwhelming speed and strong legs.

Well, that works just fine. Although it was an accident that occurred because she put more strength into her kick than usual because it was so gigantic, since she doesnt have a way to make wide-range attacks like with magic, its a convenient attack for her to kill a bunch of enemies at once.

Since Brandenburgs walls have only collapsed in this one spot, the rhinos invasion is naturally concentrated here. She has as many projectiles as she needs. In that case, theres no reason not to use them. Irene looks around for a suitable enemy.

Sleep Cloud!

Now that its shifted to a ground battle, Alexia lifts the ban on status ailment magic to hold back the invasion, even if only a little. Unlike griffins, rhinoses cant invade if they cant move their legs, and as beast-type monsters, sleep and paralysis attacks work on them. Sleep Cloud, which causes multiple targets to fall into a light sleep, and Paralyze Chain, which paralyzes the enemy by trapping them in a chain of light for a short time, reduce the rhinoses surging momentum. However, the rhinoses just madly charge to trample the soldiers.

How odd. Are they not thinking about anything?

Seeing the rhinoses continue to charge in without changing their methods even the slightest bit, Alexia feels that somethings off. Perhaps its because her earlier battle with the griffins left a strong impression on her, but the rhinoses dont feel like intimidating or formidable opponents to her. This is because the griffins were truly cunning and would quickly stop their attack and improve their strategy if their attack methods werent effective, but in comparison, the rhinoses are blinding charging towards the same location as if thats all they know how to do. Of course, the rhinoses military strength is significantly greater than that of the defending side, so it wouldnt seem strange if she thinks of it as a strategy where they ignore casualties and use brute force. But if theyre coordinating their advance with the griffins, this seems far too crude of a strategy.

Monsters attacking a city in a group like this is unusual in and of itself, but its even more unusual for their attacks to be so monotonous.

Alexia ends her train of thought. To her, its more convenient if her enemies arent formidable. Although the number of griffins has greatly decreased, since their battle with the soldiers on the wall is still going strong, theres almost no air support. If the griffins get reinforcements, theyll have to fight a battle on two fronts. She has to strike while the iron is hot. Intently, she continues using status ailment magic to toy with the single-minded rhinoses.

And so, as the rhinoses are put to sleep and fall over, Irene kicks away as many of them as she can. As their thick skin caves and they meet their end, other rhinoses are brought down with them and a cloud of dust forms. Then, Irene looks a nearby mage in the eye, prompting him to attack.

Eep?! the mage shrieks.

Why is an ally making you shriek? she complains in her mind. No matter how ignorant of love she is due to pursuing the sword, as a woman, she gets a bit of a complicated feeling from this. Although she neither intends nor plans to get married, she feels a bit discouraged at the thought that nobody would take her as their wife as things are.

This is all that idiots fault! Next time I see him, Ill punch him!

Although she knows that shed just be taking her anger out on him, she decides that once she makes it through this battle, shell punch the mage who isnt here. After having this thought, she starts enjoying herself. With this feeling on her mind, she confronts the rhinoses once more.

Will we defeat the rhinoses before they trample us? This desperate battle has turned into a contest of endurance.


How long has it been since I started drifting away from the city? This event where you just keep on walking without even knowing why is seriously the work of the devil. What the heck kind of event is this? I dont understand the point of it. Maybe this is an unknown event that hasnt been discovered yet.

Since the world of Another World is so huge, not all of the events have been found. Even now, as the strategy wiki reports new events, its not a comprehensive list of every event, and there are a lot of events where the activation conditions arent clear. And if its an event this large-scale, it wouldnt be strange for there to be a discovery report posted on the wiki or the forums if someone found it. Its possible that I missed the report itself, but theres a high chance that this is an unknown event. Since its such a large-scale event with the whole city involved, the activation conditions for this event must be pretty strict.

Well, I am interested in the event, but that aside, I have to find a way to escape, so I try to get out of this group. However, the soldier-like NPCs that are positioned to surround the group end up getting angry for disturbing the line. What do I do? Those two are waiting for me. Oh yeah, I can just use Warp Portal. Im not in battle, so it wont prevent me from using it.

As soon as I think of it, I teleport to the Portal in Brandenburg. Apparently, almost all of the citys residents were in that group, since the area looks deserted. I hurry to the Adventurers Guild. Will it be alright even though Im late? I should make sure to apologize.

I arrive at the Adventurers Guild, but its also deserted. Theres not even any NPCs. C**p, has it been so long since the meeting time that theyve already logged out? But still, why arent there any NPCs even? Maybe they were somewhere in that group from earlier. Man, if only this weird event hadnt happened at such an important time!

Huh, theres still an adventurer in a place like this? a voice suddenly calls out from behind. When I turn around, I see a soldier-like man gasping for breath as he looks at me. Well, whatever. Monsters are invading the city right now, so if you want to survive, you help too!

Monsters? Why are monsters attacking the city? Normally, cities are safe zones, so I doubt monsters would be allowed to invade. Hold on, maybe this is the cause of that nonsensical walking event? The residents fled because of the monster attack. I didnt understand why the NPCs were leaving the city, but thinking about it that way, now it makes sense. By past RPGs standards, itd be unthinkable, but I guess it wouldnt be strange for linked events like that to happen in this game with its advanced NPC AI.

I am curious, but those two take priority here. I dont have time to participate in this event.

Sorry, but I have to meet someone here. I cant go with you.

Meet someone? You mean another adventurer? If so, then everyone that was here is at the north wall. All adventurers are being forced to participate.

A forced participation event?! Does that sort of thing even happen?! If everyone is participating, maybe Alexia and Irene are participating too? Maybe they went since I wasnt there in time for the meeting Then, Ill go over and find them!

Alright, take me there.

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