The Last Primal

Chapter 312 - 312 - Rygintarth

Inside the small gold-covered lit room two figures were plopped down on the floor, heaving heavily. Around them, the traces of a battle of grand proportions could be seen. Several smaller heaps of rubble piling up and forming small miniature hills. Around them, cracked floor tiles, craters of all depths and sizes. 

In the end, just from the clues, it was unclear who won their clash. Both figures were mostly unharmed, and whilst the Guardian's armor's shattered pieces were laid across the room spread out randomly, his body was merely glistening with beads of sweat, similar to Aiden.

"I have to admit…" The guardian spoke between breaths. "...I have not expected that we would be so evenly matched."

"Heh, it was a first to me too…" The boy responded with a much calmer look and a satisfied smile stretched across his face. "This was quite satisfying…. Old man."

"Heh…" The guardian spirit smirked at the boy's words. Although he still hasn't said it directly, it felt that the tension and conflict he had in his heart have been finally resolved, and whilst he refused to let go of his past, he had at the very least started to accept the reality.

Unfortunately, all things will eventually come to an end. Now that the trial was deemed complete, and that the boy is indeed worthy of receiving acceptance of the shrine, he has to close this small reunion of theirs.

"Anyway…" The guardian spirit sighed, as he once again turned translucent, floating up from the ground. At the same time, armor pieces scattered around the floor have begun to glow with a bright, colorless glimmer, vaporizing into thin air, only to reappear on the spirit's body a moment later.

"You have passed the test. This Primal Shrine, the Voragon Sanctum has accepted you as the new successor." 

He waved his right palm drawing a small arch in the air. A golden glimmer remained lingering in the air, forming something vaguely similar to the runes that Granny usually drew when casting one of her mysterious spells. The short plume shined, resonated with the particles in the air around them, gaining even more luster, growing gradually brighter as the seconds continued to relentlessly pass.

The scene slowly changed, forming a set of runes that were not recognizable to Aiden. However, he was surprised when not a moment later his System provided an alert that he hasn't seen for quite a while.

[Rune Magic discovered! Analyzing information… 85%]

However, he had no time to linger on that thought, as the magical scene that was playing out in front of him changed once more.

The runes kept appearing, some he could recognize from before, whilst others were completely new. The system kept updating as they appeared, which after taking a quick glance at them, curved the satisfied smile on his face even higher.

[Rune Magic discovered! Analyzing information… 86%]

[Rune Magic discovered! Analyzing information… 87%]

[Rune Magic discovered! Analyzing information… 88%]




[Rune Magic discovered! Analyzing information… 97%]

He was elated, happy. How could he not be? Just by merely standing in silence, waiting for the ritual to complete, he had already gained so much! His study of Granny's mysterious rune magic was one of the very first subjects he began to analyze. After so many years, he seemed to hit a wall as he couldn't progress, no matter how hard he tried. Now, however, he almost reached completion, after barely a few minutes!

As the symbols were finally formed in the air, they shone with newfound power, marking the completion of the spell. In the next second, the runes shot forward, one by one, seeping into Aiden's stunned body, merging with his soul. 

After some time, after all the symbols have merged with his Soul Space, the system finally gave a new notification.

[Note: Primal Essence Detected! 

Beginning Analyziation...1%...Error: Unable to process, System's level is too low!

A system Upgrade is required to complete the process!]

However, even this initial 1% of progress has already given something incredible to Aiden.

[+15000 Main Level XP received.]

[Congratulations! The host's level has increased! New level: [12 / 100 - (9600 / 2000)]

[Host has received +1 Might, +1 Agility, +1 Spirit]

[Congratulations! The host's level has increased! New level: [13 / 100 - (7600 / 3000)]

[Host has received +1 Might, +1 Agility, +1 Spirit]

[Congratulations! The host's level has increased! New level: [14 / 100 - (4600 / 4000)]

[Host has received +1 Might, +1 Agility, +1 Spirit]

[Congratulations! The host's level has increased! New level: [15 / 100 - (600 / 5000)]

[Host has received +1 Might, +1 Agility, +1 Spirit]

[New Milestone reached! Host reached Level 15!

-Fusion Feature Update has been unlocked! The update will be carried out with the next System Update. Required time: 02 hours 00 minutes 00 seconds]

'Woah... All this for just a meager 1%? If I had known that I would gain so much, I wouldn't have neglected pouring points into my level for so long…' Aiden sighed, just realizing the blunder he had made before. He gained so much, and that was just with 1% of the boon he had been granted.

However, all of this, everything turned meaningless after the next set of words that the Guardian Spirit, the remnant of his father's soul have uttered.

"The heritage is with you, with time, you will slowly receive its full effects. However, besides that, there are two more rewards you will need to take. The first…"

He raised his translucent formless right arm, reaching it towards the boy. In his palm, the obsidian blade with the exotic dragon's markings has materialized, floating in the air. The small beads in its pommel were glowing with a bright vermillion color, visibly excited to be in the presence of his old and newest master. A faint hum could be heard coming from the dark blade.

"The first is this sword. She is not a simple artifact, it's something much more. This blade is a god-slaying weapon, capable of shattering the very skies itself when wielded by a talented owner." 

"For now, it is up to you to understand the mysteries and myths surrounding this one. She is called Rygintarth, the first of the five. Treat her with respect and care for she is not a tool, but your right hand. She is a being from legends, The Fire Starter."

His voice turned solemn, he turned towards the sword itself with his next words.

"Rygintarth, do you acknowledge Aiden Voragon, my descendant as your next and final master? Will you guide him through the murky waters that fate still has in store for him?"

The sword hummed in response, excitement could be felt surrounding the obsidian blade. Leaving no doubt in the minds of the two men, in the next instant, the sword slowly levitated in front of the boy, lingering in the air for a single moment before it suddenly blared up with a blinding white light and submerging into the boy's body once again.

However Ryingtarth didn't vanish completely, its presence could be clearly felt in the boy's soul space. In the endless darkness, a small spot of land appeared, the single island in the endless sea. Dewy, bright green fresh grass formed creating a beautiful, serene meadow. At its center atop a small rock, a small girl appeared in the next moment. She had long, dark red hair, flowing freely behind her back, reaching down to the ground. Her face, just like her skin looked supple, youthful, matching her childlike appearance. The shape of her eyes was akin to thin almonds, with the very same dark red, exotic color as her hair. A small, barely perceivable smile curved the edges of her small and thin rosy lips.

Matching the style and color of her hair and eyes, she wore a cheongsam, a dress adding a bit more to the mysteriousness surrounding the little lady. 

She looked calmly atop the void of darkness above her. Her thin lips parting, she spoke with a bell-like childish tone. Regardless, the very same power and the threat that Aiden was all-too-familiar with due to his transformations could be heard in the tone.

"Rygintarth greets Master." She bowed her head but did not stand up, she kept her sitting position. "I know you have questions, but please keep it for yourself for now Master. We can talk after you finish your business here."

Feeling the presence of another, she smirked, as she continued.

"Meanwhile, I will have a talk with the other one residing inside you. Huh?…" Her eyes wandered below, sensing another ancient presence locked away. A moment later the calm returned to her expression, she sighed as she closed her eyes, awaiting the arrival of a particular being. She did not comment further on what she sensed at all…

Returning his attention to the guardian spirit in the outside world, the spirit was kneeling on the ground in front of Aiden, his head lowered.

"...The last reward that you must take, my son… Is me."

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