The Last Primal

Chapter 283 - 283 - Preparations

It didn't take long for the small group to ascend the final set of steps and step on to the maroon-red carpet that covered the top floor of the Sacred Sanctum, the demonic tower situated at the center of the orc tribe.

Following the design from the second section of the previous floor, the floor was covered with the same royal carpet, the clear, clean walls were painted in the same mellow, amber-like color, however this time there were no paintings or any other type of decorations. 

As they looked around, they noticed that opposite to the other ones, this floor was relatively short, with a singular door at the other end. The door was the same as previously, simple and white. No decoration, no motifs, no emblems, nothing that would make it stand out, just like with the other one. From where they were standing, they couldn't say for certain what material it was made out of, although Aiden was fairly certain that it was probably similar, if not exactly the same wood as before.

Giving the group a short time to take in everything, Aiden spoke up only after a while. Since he was addressing everyone at the same time, and for them, there weren't any differences in how they were conversing, Aiden decided to use a different approach this time. 

Focusing on the connection they all shared, he reached to all of them, activating all channels simultaneously reaching out to all of them using the mental link. This action of his, connected everyone, making them able to listen to each other's thoughts for as long as Aiden kept the channels active.

"Okay guys, listen carefully." He began, sending out his voice through the mental channels, making the trio of ex-goblins raise their heads in confusion at first. This state fortunately only lasted for a couple of brief seconds as the mental links and all related information were something that was deeply implanted in them, making them instinctually aware of its existence and usage.

"Look at the door ahead of us. Beyond it, all the leaders of the various tribes are gathered, most likely already aware of our presence. They are waiting, preparing for us." Aiden continued, looking sternly at the white wooden door just a couple dozen steps ahead of them.

"Young Master, I will personally slaughter each and every one of them!" Roas' voice could be heard in their minds.

"Young Master, I will offer my kills as tributes to your greatness!" Glohn wasn't gonna let an orc outdo him, he quickly added his own to the conversation. 

The two youngsters also added their thoughts, following after their teacher.

"Yes, Young Master! We will slaughter all that oppose you! Let us bring honor to your name!" Gob's voice was as enthusiastic as ever, while Galina's were sounded much more faint, meek.

"I-I w-will do my best to support you all! For the Y-young M-master!"  His dark green cheeks turned slightly pinkish, she tried averting her gaze, too scared, shy to meet the young master's mesmerizing golden eyes.

Aiden calmly listened to each and every one of his 4 servants' exclaims, only continuing after Galina spoke. Although he was slightly surprised by her strange reaction, he didn't put too much thought into it. He figured she probably was just still feeling weak and tired after all that happened.

"I am glad you all feel that way, but don't forget! These leaders, warlords are the very best of their respective tribes. Their social hierarchy is based on strength and power. The strongest, most powerful are the ones that earn the others' respect and with that, the right to lead them."

He paused for a second, letting his words sink in for each of them before he continued.

"So, be on your best, and do not act rashly. All of you, even you Roas…" He turned and looked at his first servant with the same serious, stern gaze as he scanned the door. "You are also a part of the team, the family now. Don't rush ahead, work with the others. Each of you has their own targets, rest assured I will not interfere, those targets are yours." 

Going further, he gave the targets and some extra words of advice. Aiden wanted to use this opportunity to hone their skills, whilst also giving each of them their much-deserved chance. Still, as he spoke, he couldn't shake the foreboding feeling… He wasn't sure what it was, but his senses were warning him of some sort of danger. Still, he just couldn't peak behind the door, the whole floor had some sort of enchantment, that blocked such attempts. 

This just added to his already alerted heart and mind.

Shaking his head, he continued with his speech. Whatever danger was laying, whatever trap, hurdle was waiting for them, they will soon find out.

"Roas, you will have to face the true leader, the one that controlled those elite warriors. From what we know, this one is most likely not an orc, nor a goblin, but something else entirely. He or she is proficient in the same type of magic as you and has a way to affect the minds, the will of his opponent. Be ready, and don't let it get to you!"

"Yes, Young Master! Rest assured, I will defeat this horrible existence. His words will no longer taint anyone else!" Roas' reverent voice resounded in the group's minds. With his right fist, he began to rapidly beat the left side of his chest, doing the orcish salute.

Aiden nodded at this, turning his attention to Glohn, Gob, and Galina next. Their target was a cruel orc warlord, one that reveled in the anguish, the tormented cries of the weak creatures. He ordered the torture and killings of many of the goblins for no other reason than to instill fear in their hearts. He was most likely a fierce melee combatant, that excelled in brutality. Unfortunately, even after processing the memories of the two orcs, he couldn't make out much, as most of their related memories were just a messy jumbled blur.

"You three will have to face one of the most brutal, savage monster of the thirteen leaders. Still, do not falter, do not let yourself be engulfed with fear. Remember that he is the one responsible for the deaths of hundreds of innocent goblins. He ordered his men to go and kill without worry. They tortured and murdered, your brothers and sisters, your parents, children even your elders weren't spared! Don't let him get away with it!"

Although he tried keeping a neutral tone during his speech, he couldn't restrain himself, as a tinge of his fury, which he shared with the goblins seep into his words.

Gob, Glohn, and even the shy Galina seemed fired up after his little motivational speech. With fiery eyes, burning with passion, they all bowed at their Young Master.

"We will kill that bastard!"

"For the Young Master, for our brethren!"

The boys fervently exclaimed and even Galina looked a bit more focused after their Young Master's words.

Taking another moment, Aiden continued, speaking to all of them this time.

"Before you charge in… Be alert to all dangers. There might be some unexpected dangers ahead, we can never know…" He warned them, albeit a bit ambiguously as he himself wasn't sure where to place the strange feeling that kept bothering him ever since they left the last floor.

He didn't linger on it much, however, and stepped forward, standing at the front. His eyes focused on the door, he was ready to use all of his remaining energy to finally settle everything, once and for all.

"Roas, before you go in, just put Drake down on the ground. We can't waste energy on him at such a moment. If he wakes up, he can assist us, if not, we will just carry him once we are done here."


At an unknown place, in the dark room, the thin humanoid-shaped figure covered with the tendrils of the eternal darkness was looking at the floating image of Aiden and his group with keen interest.

Although he couldn't hear anything from their mental conversation, he wasn't bothered by it a bit. Just by focusing on the small changes in their facial expressions as they conversed using some unique method, he could make out most if almost all of the topics they covered. 

He even caught the flash of concern that appeared only for a brief moment on the long, black-haired, golden-eyed boy's face. He didn't comment, only chuckled, excited about the show that would play out soon.

Seeing how the little group was finished with whatever preparations they wanted to make, he snapped with his right hand. 

At the next moment, another image appeared next to the other one. The new image showed the dark brown figure of the strange, mixed creature that was this being's number one servant.

As if he could feel his Master's gaze, the creature immediately looked up, gazing at his Master. His guttural, deep voice resounded in the large bloodstained, gory room he was currently in.

"Do you have an order, Master?" He asked, speaking to seemingly nobody.

However, a moment later, his master's words appeared in his mind.

"They are coming. Remember, don't kill any of them, but make sure to push the boy to his limits. I need to check something. I will pull you back in case that old geezer would be alerted, don't worry, you can go all out."

The figure nodded with an emotionless, insipid look on his face, returning his gaze towards the white door...

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