The Last Primal

Chapter 280 - 280 - Is This A Trap?

Inside a mysterious, tall structure that towered high up in the sky, at the middle of a camp of savage orcs, two beings were standing in front of what probably was their final hurdle before finally reaching their destination: the top.

One was a tall, bulky, robust orc that exerted a fearsome, battle aura. Opposed to the usually mostly bald warriors of his race, this one had long, black hair draped over his shoulders, swaying wildly with each of his movements. He held a dominating presence and a cold look, however, there was also a hint of proudness in his eyes, as he silently stood at the other, much leaner, smaller figure on his left. Over his right shoulder, the body of a human-looking figure with his silver-hair swaying with each of his steps could be seen. It was unclear without taking a longer, more scrutinizing check if the body had any life in him.

The smaller figure in question, a dark green figure that while had clearly defined muscles, looked like a fragile, weak child next to this humongous giant on his right. From a distance, he held a resemblance to a goblin, but also there were several unknown, alien features mixed within. He took calm, stringent steps, with a relaxed smile on his face. They crossed through a scene of brutal carnage nonchalantly, stopping only when they reached the very end of the hall.

In front of them stood the last barrier before they could continue with their seemingly never-ending ascent towards the top. Both men were focused on the simple, painted, wooden door, the last hurdle they would need to cross. From a look, Aiden guessed that it was either made of the commonly found whitewood or poplar, however, it could very well be made out of something else, something otherworldly just as well. The type of wood didn't really matter, what did was the strange fact that while Aiden could scan behind the door, he couldn't extend his [Dark Sense] further than a couple of dozen steps. After that, there was a strange resistance, some sort of boundary field that didn't let his mental energies through.

"[Orc] Young master, should I go ahead? There could be dangers laying in the dark, waiting for an opportunity to strike." Roas, the tall, robust figure spoke up in his hoarse voice. His eyes wandered off from the door to his young master awaiting his confirmation before stepping to the front.

However, the young master, Aiden merely shook his head. A gentle smile curved his lips as he responded with calm and warmth.

"[Orc] No need, Roas. There's no immediate danger behind the door, at least for a short distance." He did not mention the fact that he couldn't scan further ahead, as while it could indeed be a trap, Aiden had a feeling that it wasn't, but it was something else.

There was a simple bronze knob on the door, without any keyhole or any visible mechanic, slot, or otherwise. This was slightly baffling as this was the only one of its kind with such features, making it stand out even further from any other they could see in this 'Sacred Sanctum', this huge and mysterious tower.

Aiden slowly reached for the knob, only to stop his hand mid-air, as Roas, his minion yelled out once again, with a warning, slightly agitated tone.

"[Orc] Wait, young master! Don't touch it! We can't be certain if there isn't any hidden mechanic, trap, or warding on the door.  Please, young master, as your guard let me be the one to check it!"

Hearing his servant speak up, Aiden could only sigh and nod with a wry, complicated look on his face. If he were to deny his servant once again, despite showing such conviction, he would be rude.

He silently stepped back, allowing Roas to step forward and be the shield he wanted to become. Not that it mattered, as unless these leaders had a way to fool his senses, there was no chance for an ambush happening at the other side.

Roas felt elated seeing his master acquiescing to his request and giving him the chance to serve him as his shield and sword. With his right arm wrapped around the human baggage on his shoulder, he reached for the bronze knob carefully. He was focused, ready to exert his mana and push back against any magical warding that could be cast on this seemingly simplistic door.

As the tip of his fingers came in contact with the knob, Roas' mind was already running at full capacity, expecting a similar sort of power that they felt at the entrance. His eyes were burning with a fiery passion, he wanted to show the young master that he was indeed worthy of his self-proclaimed title.

He felt a natural coldness as his skin came in contact with the metallic circular handle, but apart from that, he felt nothing. There was nothing of the unnatural, mystical nature. With that knowledge in mind, his fingers slowly wrapped themselves around the handle, still fully focused to react at the moment he sensed something otherworldly being activated.

The whole event took only a second at most, even though it felt much longer for Roas before he confirmed the fact that there was nothing magical happening. The door was indeed just like as it looked. 

He slowly turned the handle, all the way until he heard the satisfying clicking sound. With that he was once again, fully focused ready to react in case of something was activated at the same time.

Behind him, Aiden was watching the scene play out with a cheeky smile on his face. He was fully aware of the fact the door was harmless, he scanned it multiple times after all. Still, even though he informed Roas about this, his servant seemed to be determined to show him how 'good' and aware he was. He didn't want to spoil his fun, he waited in silence behind.

Meanwhile, as there was no reaction at all after unlocking the mechanism in the door, Roas slowly, carefully pushed against it, keeping his attention to the gradually expanding gap as the wooden barrier creaked open under the invader.

The hallway behind this last hurdle surprisingly wasn't anything special or extraordinary. There weren't any presence lying in wait ready to jump at them, it was an empty corridor that seemingly went further on. It was slightly more elegant, had a more 'royal' style to it, but apart from that, there were no big surprises waiting for the duo as their eyes first glanced at the second half of the hallway.

A clean, unblemished maroon carpet was laid out on the marble-like floor. An amber-like, mellow, yellow-colored wall stood at both sides. Just like in the loop they were stuck in a few floors below, paintings of various beings greeted them from each side. However, these looked mostly normal, human-like even. There were no protruding horns, or hellish, demonic figures at all. In fact, there was not even one orc, goblin, or any other kind present on any of the portraits.

There were no doors at all, and from a first, brief glance, the hallway continued on until their eyes could take them.

However, when Aiden used his [Dark Sense] once again, he felt the same resistance just a bit further on. There, just ahead of them, was something, blocking his attempts to peak further inside.

"[Orc] This…" Roas was looking at this scene with a dumbfounded, incredulous expression. This wasn't what he was expecting at all. This place was supposed to be the most important part not just in the tribe but in the entire Horde. At the very least, it should be protected, guarded! But, contrary to his beliefs, there was nothing behind the door. Not a single trap, not a soul, or those fearsome stone guardians… nothing! He stepped through, standing back to the right side awaiting his master to follow along.

As if reading his thoughts, Aiden spoke as he followed behind his servant.

"[Orc] Don't be downhearted, Roas. There is no need for such measures, this place is not something that could be reached by an outsider normally. Even if someone would come, he would be met with the combined wrath of the leaders, warlords of the Horde. What need is there for such measly stone guardians?"

He spoke, not expecting a response. Reaching next to the robust servant, he pointed ahead of them with the same calm, friendly smile stretching his facial muscles.

"[Orc] Instead of wondering about the lack of presence, look ahead of us. What do you see?"

Following where his young master was pointing at, Roas first was puzzled. He was pointing at the air! 

He was sure that the master wouldn't joke at a time like his, he focused all his senses, and even his mind to take a careful, scrutinizing scan at the empty air in front of them. 

Suddenly he gasped in surprise, he could actually feel a thin film, a sort of transparent, invisible layer of energy spread out where his master was pointing. What puzzled him the most, was that without focusing, he would have easily missed this detail, and would have walked into whatever trap was laid out.

"[Orc] Young Master… w-what is that?"

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