The Last Primal

Chapter 243 - 243 - A Brief Look Back To The Past

As the wooden gate slowly creaked open upon the constant churning of a wheel somewhere behind the protective walls, a new, previously never-before-seen world slowly unfolded before Aiden's eyes. 

Whilst keeping his stoic, cold look on the outside, he was very eager to finally witness another civilization for the first time. Yes, the orcs may have been primitive in terms of their weapons and beliefs compared to the much more sophisticated humans, but at the same time, they were more honest as well. 

They didn't hide their nasty secrets underground, away from the prying eyes, they would put it in the forefront and be proud of it. When he visited the goblins, their small tribal settlement felt as if he stepped back in time. Small round, circular buildings, instead of doors they used small separators… Personal Space was an unknown term to them from what the small glimpse he was granted through the eyes of the absorbed ex-leader goblin.

As he got the first glimpse of the inner grounds, the real, first look at the tribe's grounds, Aiden was granted a similar sight, albeit in a slightly larger scale. The same circular, rounded yurt-like designs dominated the landscape from where he could see.

There was little to no planning behind how the village was structured, the small, tent-like buildings made of wood, mud, and a mixture of leaves were placed all over the place. 

They weren't sturdy, with a well-placed kick, punch, or strike, the whole 'building' could collapse upon its usually singular resident. In fact, they were so small, that Aiden was even doubting that those robust, bulky warriors could fit with comfort. 

Following his young master's gaze, Roas spoke after giving him a few seconds to take in the sights.

"[Orc] These buildings are the Worts, or in other words, wooden tents erected by each warrior. They only come here to rest once they get back from a mission or a shift. They are not given much care and they are not used that often. The warriors often sleep under the sky, or in other places."

"[Orc] Worts? Interesting… So, you orcs have no real home's to return to at all?" Looking away from these wooden yurts, Aiden shifted his attention to Roas on his right. 

While taking in the sights and discussing it, they began to walk at a slow, but steady pace, leaving the still wary guards, and finally entered the tribe's inner grounds.

"[Orc] Home? Once we had those… Before I ruined my tribe and forced them to leave the mountains and join the horde. Ever since then, the horde never settled in one place for too long and was constantly on the move. We had no time nor any reason to erect proper houses since then, and we settled into this lifestyle."

This information was new and unexpected, Aiden raised his eyebrows as he inquired further.

"[Orc] Huh? I thought the Horde's main purpose would be to find a place for you all to live. What are you all gathered together for if not that?"

With a sour expression, Roas looked at the clear night sky. Letting out a sad, long sigh, he explained.

"[Orc] It's true, my lord, that the original purpose of the horde would be to gather all the races that were hated or disdained by the more civilized ones and wrestle themselves some land they could finally call home under one collective, unified banner." As if remembering some of the dark moments of his past, Roas heaved yet another heavy sigh before continuing.

"[Orc] In fact, it was this promise, this hope that led most of the other races and tribes to join up. Hundreds of Orc, Goblin, and even Ogre and other tribes joined rapidly growing in numbers and creating a humongous, deadly army."

While listening to his eager follower, Aiden also kept his attention on his minimap, and also made sure to use his [Dark Sense] ability to map out as much of the tribe's grounds as he could. After all, whilst information gathering was the original purpose of him coming here, he now also had to find out what happened to the prince and hopefully get some additional clues about the true location and entrance of the Demon Grotto. 

Surprisingly, the inner ground seemed much more expansive than what one would expect at first sight. They have been trekking straight towards the inner sections of the orcish settlement, but so far, all he could see was a literal forest made out of similar-looking wooden yurts or 'Worts' following Roas' explanation.

Seeing no change in sight, without looking at him, Aiden continued his inquiry.

"[Orc] If that's the case, what happened after that? Also, you joined for the promise of power, I presume at a later date? What changed?"

"[Orc] I'm not entirely sure, my lord. One night I was visited by a mysterious being and he gifted me the holy staff you took away from me and freed me from its demonic control. He said I had had great talent and offered me a 'better future'. I could feel great power radiating from that shadowy figure, and my stupid younger self was blinded by the promise of it."

Shaking his head at his own stupidity, he continued.

"[Orc] I was considered a gifted one since birth. I had a unique talent amongst our race, an affinity, a talent towards magic. My father, the previous leader of our tribe taught me everything he knew, but that wasn't much. I got a taste of this mystical, magical source of energy that could evoke the powers of nature and even more. I loved this power, and I wanted more, I thirsted for more."

He raised his hands as he spoke and watched with dazed eyes as a variety of scarlet, golden, blue, and black lights began to rapidly swirl at the surface of his hands only to fade a few moments later.

"[Orc] I was stupid and blinded by it all. So, when this mysterious being suddenly appeared in front of me… and I could feel the incredible, dark pressure coming from him… I just couldn't stop thinking, dreaming about it. That power, that dark, incredibly thick energy… I wanted it, I needed it! So, without much hesitation, or any thinking I almost instantly agreed and pledged myself to their cause. I was granted that staff and my life changed almost instantly…"

Listening to his explanation, Aiden thought back to the memories of the ex-goblin. Although his circumstances were different, he also found a similar artifact and was granted power beyond the limits of his race, however at the cost of his own sanity. Slowly, bit by bit, the dark presence, the otherworldly being corrupted the weak mind of the goblin and made him into his mindless follower. 

Thinking back on it, probably something similar was happening here, but contrary to what happened to the goblin ex-leader, Roas somehow managed to retain a small bit of his sanity. This strand, -however small, frail it may be-, was what eventually saved him, and allowed a new hope a new life to the once old orc shaman.

Looking at him at the right, Aiden revealed his usual, friendly smile and calmly asked.

"[Orc] Let me guess, the staff gave you powers beyond your imagination but there was also a constant presence, another being that whispered to you in both in your dreams and in your wake hours, slowly, but surely corrupting your very thoughts."

Shocked by his master's incredible insight, Roas couldn't answer instantly but look at his young master wide-eyed. After a few seconds, however, he managed to regain a bit of his composure and nod at him.

"[Orc] Y-yes… Just like you said, my lord. I gained knowledge to bend a new type of energy, the darkness itself. However, that being that promised the power to me, seemed to be able to reach out to me through the staff itself. Through his constant whispers, I almost lost myself to the insanity…" He answered letting out yet another sad sigh.

"[Orc] But you still managed to hold on despite the years. You managed to retain some bit of your sanity, Roas, something they have not expected. What was th-" Aiden asked, but halfway through his question, he turned silent, as suddenly a much larger structure appeared on his minimap, soon followed by a large silhouette appearing on the horizon.

Shifting his attention, Aiden looked at the huge shadow of a building, that looked vaguely similar to the slave pen, the stables looking building from earlier, but on a much, much larger scale. 

"[Orc] What is that?" He asked, keeping his focus on the building ahead.

Following his master's gaze, Roas quickly shifted his mood, going from the sad remembrance to a stoic, focused state. In a respectful tone, he answered once his eyes met the huge building further ahead in the distance.

"[Orc] My lord, that is the central building of the tribe. It was not built by us, but something that supposedly created by the true leaders of the tribe, the dark, otherworldly overlords."

Seeing how his master remained silent and continued to gaze at the strange building with a stern, focused gaze, he added in a hushed, whispered tone.

"[Orc] That is where the other gathered envoys and leaders of the horde that are present should be gathered at. Also in its depths, you should also find the sanctum leading to the overlords…"

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