The Immortal Player

Chapter 251: The Love Bird's Training Part 2!

Chapter 251: The Love Bird's Training Part 2!

Ragas simply smirked in response as a strong forceprobably made out of magical energy, was slamming to Pedro and Sabrina like it was a wave that surged from the sea. Then, Ragas said, "Young master, young miss, please try to imagine a strong energy bursting out of your body to fend off the outburst of mana that I am directing towards the both of you!"

In response, Pedro and Sabrina frowned as they both glared towards Ragas full of killing intent. This had consequently released magical energy from their respective bodies that opposed the 'waves' of magical energy that Ragas was directing towards them. By this time, Pedro and Sabrina did not feel like they were being hit by strong 'waves' anymore. Instead, they could occasionally feel some 'splashes of water' hitting them as a result of the clash of Mana Outburst between them and Ragas.

Unfortunately, Faunia thought that Ragas was being too lenient towards the two lovebirds. So, Faunia exerted a strong Mana Outburst that immediately suppressed even Ragas' and Clara's Magical Energy. This had consequently forced Clara and Ragas to enter the second stage of the mastery of Mana Utilization, which is the Mana Control, and establish a Mana Barrier around themGreenish Aura for Ragas and Light Yellowish Aura for Clara, just to resist the Dark Greenish Mana Outburst by Faunia.

At this moment, Pedro and Sabrina felt as if they were drowning in a deep sea. And they could only remain calm in response and do their best to manifest a Mana Outburst that would be strong enough to resist Faunia's.

And before Pedro could even grumble deep inside, Faunia chuckled saying, "Fufufu! Humans, is that the best that you got? Come on I am even in an injured state! This Mana Outburst is just one-tenth of my true strength! The wyvern is being lenient on the two of you But I won't be the same! Hahahaha!"

This, in turn, made Sabrina glance towards Pedrowho, despite seemingly being calm, had a frown on his face, indicating that he was feeling troubled like her. And knowing that the two of them were hopeless, she can't help but grit her teeth, clench her fists as tight as she can, and glare towards Fauniafilled with a very, very, very strong killing intent that was strong enough to even make Clara and Ragas force out a smile.

"Yo-ou Daaa-aa-ree!" Sabrina cried as her body occasionally released a Mana Outburst that was able to momentarily push Faunia's Magical Energy just enough to give her a millisecond chance to breathe. It could be said that at this moment, Sabrina was able to create a slight opportunity to be able to breathe out air and be able to survive in waterlike a swimmer.

"Hooo" Faunia chuckled in response. Then, she glanced towards Pedro and said, "Your woman is doing great, human! How about you? Are you just going to keep depending on those eyes of yours? And everyone around you? Hahahaha! How weak!"

At this moment, like a man who is just a few seconds away from drowning, Pedro remembered how he failed miserably in the past, for some reason. The times he lost in the Tier-C League Finals The times he lost his guild memberswhom he even treated as if they were his own family To the times where he remembered how the people of Kagat Village celebrated and thanked him upon the rescue of Village Chief Antonio's Wife and Daughter, to the memorable times he had with Madame Soledad, Kentaro, Alivia, and his other mentors in the Karakoa Fleetwho had trusted him and treated him as if he was their family!

He remembered it all as if he was about to perish. And as he draws his last breath like a drowning man, Pedro bit his lips and murmured, "I won't give up"

Then, in the next second, his eyes burned with the desire to liveconsequently releasing strong magical energy that was even able to push Faunia's Mana Outburst for almost an inch away from his front. At the same time, Sabrina's intense desire to protect Pedro and save him from a seemingly perilous state had seemingly ignited the almost non-existent magical energy that she was releasing to oppose the Mana Outburst of Faunia.



Pedro and Sabrina said respectively as they were able to manifest a Mana Outburst that was strong enough to push Faunia's Mana Outburst back, almost a foot away in front of them. Compared to a drowning man, Pedro and Sabrina have an oxygen mask this timethat enables them to survive for a limited period of time.

Unfortunately, to them, their 'time limit' had soon come. And eventually, all of their magical energy was sucked up dry. Consequently, both of them had slowly lost their consciousness as their pen-knives crashed into the ground one by one.

Of course, when Pedro and Sabrina lost their consciousness, Faunia stopped releasing Magical Energy, consequently allowing Clara to charge and handle the baby spiderswhich should be farmed by Sabrina and Pedro. While Ragas went to properly lay Sabrina and Pedro down into the floor.

The mother spider was not eliminated as Pedro ordered the three NPCs, no matter what. While Pedro and Sabrina were not given any help in restoring their mana because this was a part of their training that falls under their Mana Restoration Capability. After all, it can only be improved when 'naturally' restoring their mana. The more there was a demand on someone's body to recover their mana on a daily basis, the more their Mana Restoration Capability would speed up and improve.

After several hours of sleep, Pedro and Sabrina woke up and resumed the same training. Unfortunately, there was not that much of an improvement that could be noticed. Well It's not like they are not improving. It's just that it's not visible in the naked eye, at the least.

On the other hand, Clara and Ragas were on dutytaking care of the baby spiders while Pedro and Sabrina were asleep. Since there was not much to teach the two love birds, it was only natural to be on guard duty instead.

Besides... Although Faunia was helping in their training, she was still recuperating her injuries, and is best for her to at least have as much rest as possible. Well Helping Pedro and Sabrina in their training was not that much of a problem Because the two love birds would only last a few minutes before going back to sleep. Had they been like this in real life, they would have had been called lazy trashes by their family.

Hours passed, and eventually days. And on their third day of training, they were able to last around 17 minutes awake while resisting Faunia's Mana Outburst. At the same time, they were able to obtain such feat by learningalong the way, to regulate or control the amount of magical energy that they release to counter or push Faunia's Mana Outburst.

It was a good improvement for the two love birds since it would be a part of the second stage of the mastery of Mana Utilizationthe Mana Control. In any case, Pedro and Sabrina were taking leaps ahead of every other player.

If the members of the Adventurer's Guild can establish a good foundation as players, then, Pedro and Sabrina are doing their best to establish a good foundation to become one of the strongest entities in the game. Something that can be compared similarly to the distance between heaven and earth.

And on the fourth day of their training, a piece of good news arrived. Not about matters related in-game, but matters in the real world!

After a session of Pedro and Sabrina's training for the fourth day, Pedro had awakened in real lifewhile his character on the game was asleep. It was not something unusual. But the good news is that Pedro was now able to move without pain, despite still lying on his VR Box.

This, in turn, was a positive noteindicating Pedro's trauma less recovery was successful. And with that in mind, he was transferred from the intensive care unit room to the VIP room of the hospital that was prepared beforehand in anticipation of Pedro's recovery.

"Oi, Kid! I heard that you hit the jackpot in the game this time!" His grandma scolded whilst his mother, Mrs. Caroline Armaztogether with Sabrina and Sabrina's Mother, Mrs. Marisa Conception, were taking care of some stuff as they settle into the VIP room. Taking advantage of this chance to give him some 'tips', his grandma continued, saying, "But don't let that distract you! Still focus on your studies and graduate! It's still different being a degree holder rather than a high school graduate!"

Mrs. Caroline Armaz and Mrs. Marisa Conception could only smile and nod in responseas if agreeing to what Pedro's grandma said. On the other hand, Pedroat the same time, Sabrina, could only force out a smile in response. They can only remain silent and refrain from answering back to avoid 'adding fuel to the fire' and, at the same time, out of respect to their elders. Besides The less they say the less mistake they do.

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