The Immortal Player

Chapter 218: Revelation of the Truth to Duke Ersi, Part 1!

Chapter 218: Revelation of the Truth to Duke Ersi, Part 1!

"I-I-I don't believe it!" Clara said with a frown on her face. Then, she added, "S-Show me a proof! Else I won't believe that you are someone acquainted with my savior! I-If you could prove it to me, then I might even give you my loyalty!"

Pedro could not help but gasp in response. Although Clara was stuttering when she spoke, Pedro knew from what she saidhow she looks up to Madame Soledad and how her life changed because of her. But despite her sincerity and tempting offer, Pedro had no other means of proof other than the Karakoa ship that he inherited from Madame Soledad.

That said, it does not mean that he would immediately bring Clara to the ship because of a spoken promise. He was not that dumb to do that.

Clara, even Ragas, were NPCs that were seemingly stronger than him. So, it would be troublesome if he would need to fight the two of them in case they became his enemies. Even the safety of the ships would be placed in jeopardy if he carelessly brings them aboard the ship.

That is why bringing them to the ship was a no go. In fact, they would even need to undergo Pedro's observation that would happen upon his stay in the Tarala Kingdom and later onhis visit to other strongholds. 

Since he had nothing with him to act as proof that he was really someone acquainted with Madame Soledad, Pedro could not help but force out a smile and ponder on how he would answer Clara's question. Fortunately, at this moment, Ragas had arrived in front of Pedroready to fight Clara and protect Pedro.

This, in turn, gave Pedro ease on his mindconsequently allowing him to focus on thinking of a way to prove the credibility of what he was claiming. He thought, 'Inviting them to the ship is a no go! And I don't want to reveal that I am also a skilled maker as much as possible! As for combat ability Madame Soledad did not even give me any lesson about combat or battle And even if I did learn a few from Madame Soledad I would not be able to properly show it towards them, especially when against Clara'

Pedro could not help but scratch his head and frown, thinking, 'Haiz How troubled some! It's not that I have no proof that would show that I am really acquainted with Madame Soledad But The ways I have to prove my claims is not something I could just show to strangers!'

At this moment, Duke Albert and Duke Ersi could not help but glance towards Pedroseemingly waiting for his response. They also seemed interested as to how Pedro would prove that he is truly acquainted with Madame Soledad.

In response, Pedro could not help but take a deep sigh. Then, he glanced towards Clara and said, "I would be honest to all of you I currently have no means to prove to you that I am acquainted with the Vice Almirante other than the transformation skill that was recently sold to Duke Ersi! Besides Although I am acquainted with her It does not mean that I have to show proof or something!"

Clara was about to move his jaws and was about to say something to Pedro. However, before she could utter a word, Pedro furrowed his brows and said, "And frankly I am quite annoyed by yourshould I say request?! I wore an overcoat that serves as my uniform from the Bearth Human Organization! On top of that I even introduced myself to all of you! Don't you think that you are being a bit rude towards me?"

At this moment, Pedro glared towards Claraconsequently replacing her mixed emotions with guilt. That said, Pedro did not stop and said, "I am being quite lenient to all of you since the start! But if you are going to keep poking into such matters Then, don't blame me for not showing mercy!"

Duke Albert and Duke Ersi could not help but force out a smile. They both have different reasons, but both of them became suddenly scared of what Pedro has just said.

Duke Albert feared Pedro because of his strength, especially after experiencing the effect of Pedro's Demonic Eyes when they were testing Clara's strength earlier. Though he was able to remain conscious, Duke Albert was a hundred percent sure that Pedro can kill him as if he was just a bug. Thus, he can't help but fear Pedro, especially now that he felt that he was offended.

As for Duke Ersi, although he was not able to experience the effect of Pedro's Demonic Eyes first hand, he seemed like someone who even personally knew about Madame Soledad and the Legendary Fleet of Karakoa. Amongst them, he was the one who knew the legitimacy of what Pedro said regarding the overcoat being a uniform.

Well It was probably not something unusual to him. Because in the first place, Duke Ersi was the Head of the Military of the Tarala Kingdom. And most of the time, they were the ones who would definitely know anything about the Bearth Human Organization.

So It would be perilous and a huge loss to the Kingdomand even just to themselves, if they would be able to offend someone from Bearth Human Organization. That is why Duke Ersi could not help but fear the loss that the Kingdom would gain if they offend Pedro.

On the other hand, Clara could not help but to shake her head to clear her mind and return to her calm and composed demeanor. She sighed and said, "Then Unfortunately I can't simply believe that you are someone who is acquainted with my savior! Unless you show me a proof I'll stay by my condition that I will follow you on my own accord, and see for myself this family you are proud of!"

"Suit yourself!" Pedro said in a cold demeanor. Then, he glanced towards Duke Albert and Duke Ersi, before saying, "Then please make way There are a few things that the respected Dukes and I needed to talk about! Follow your task, and protect my demi-human slaves! You can do that at the least, right?"

Clara simply averted her gaze from them and turned to the hallway that was leading to Pedro's VIP room. Then, she said, "Of course!"

Soon, Clara's figure disappeared, making Ragas feel at ease. His clenched fist went open, while his shoulders lowered a tad bit.

Pedro was able to notice Ragas relaxing, thus Pedro could not help but to force out a smile in response. Then, he took a deep sigh before placing his hands on top of Ragas' shoulder and said, "Thanks, Ragas! You did well! Stand by for now."

At first, Ragas was seemingly at loss for words. But after a second, he was able to gather himself. He smiled in response to Pedro and bowed out of respect to him, saying, "It is my honor to be praised by you, young master! I would do as you command!"

Pedro simply nodded in response and said, "Wait in the VIP room. Help Clara watch over my demi-human slaves. I would just have a discussion with the two respected Dukes."

"Yes, young master! Then, I would be taking my leave!" Ragas bowed one last time and leftleaving Pedro with the two Dukes.

Seeing the troubled faces of the two Dukes, Pedro could not help but to also force out a smile and say, "Sorry for the trouble, respected Dukes! Please kindly lead the way so that we could proceed with our discussion as soon as possible."

"Y-Yes, of course!" Duke Albert said as he led Pedro and Duke Ersi to his room.

They went to the discussion room of Duke Albert's room to talk privately. At first, the atmosphere was tense because of the fear of the two Dukes to Pedro. That said, Pedro did not give that much care about it.

And when Duke Albertwho ensured that the doors were locked, had sat with them across the table, Pedro rubbed his chin and pondered, saying, "Now Where should we start?"

Seeing that Pedro was a bit troubled at where to start their conversation, Duke Ersi took the initiative and said, "If I may I am quite intrigued by the reason why you gave a sudden visit here to the Tarala Kingdom? So I would like to humbly ask for the reason."

"Oh, that?" Pedro raised his brows and chuckled, "If you wanted to know the reason for my visit, then it would definitely be best to tell you, first, about it I am here to solve the problem that the Kingdom is facing!"

"Problem?" Duke Ersi asked, "Do you mean the monster waves?"

Pedro simply smirked in response and said, "Yes But I don't think that the monsters are the only problem of this Kingdom."

"Then" Duke Albert frowned in response. "Do you mean"

Pedro simply nodded in response and said, "If you are referring to the matter regarding the selection of the new King, the re-establishment of the Kingdom, and the establishment of the Adventurer's Guild Then, we are on the same page."

"New King?! Re-establishment of the Kingdom?!" Duke Ersi asked in a calm demeanor. Though it seemed like Duke Ersi was calm, Pedro and Duke Albert knew that he was just holding back his anger. And from the looks of it, Duke Ersi was somehow angered by what Pedro said.

But despite that fact, Pedro and Duke Albert learn that Duke Ersi, somehow, have no idea by the current state of the Royal Family. Thus, Pedro could not help but to force out a smile towards Duke Ersi and say, "I know that you might not believe what I am about to say, Duke Ersi, but I got an information from one of my men that the Royal Familytogether with several high ranking officials, are already dead!"

"What?!" At this moment, Duke Ersi was not able to control himself any longer. He slammed the table and stood while shouting, "Non-sense! Why would that happen if there are Royal Knights scattered all over the vicinity of the Royal Palace?"

Pedro simply shook his head and said, "I know that it is hard to believe. But there is only one way to know whether I am right or wrong! And it is"

"To meet with the King!" Duke interjected, making Pedro nod in response. 

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