The Immortal Player

Chapter 208: A Former Royal Knight!

Chapter 208: A Former Royal Knight!

Without wasting another second, Duke Albert stood and was about to leave the discussion room. Then, he glanced at Pedro and said, "Please excuse me for a minute! I would like to immediately prepare my payment to you, Officer Aron!"

Pedro simply nodded in response as Duke Albert left. This, in turn, had left Pedro with Sordal Larkas in the discussion room. And it was only at this moment that Pedro noticed Sordal Larkas was 'somehow' unconscious. Thus, he can't help but force out a smile and reactively stood uprushing towards the unconscious Sordal Larkas.

"Sir Sordal! Sir Sordal! Are you alright?" Pedro shouted in a worried tone. However, Pedro did not get any response from Sordal Larkasleaving him with no other choice but to shake Sordal Larkas on his shoulder in an attempt to wake him up.

Unfortunately, Sordal Larkas remained unconscious whatever Pedro did. In fact, he even slapped his face but was still not successful in waking him up.

Soon, Duke Albert had returned to the room and witnessed Pedro slapping the face of Sordal Larkas. He can't help but frown and ask, "What are you doing, Officer Aron?"

Pedro could not help but to force out a smile in response and said, "For some reason, Sir Sordal Larkas is unconscious! I tried shaking him And even slapping his face just to wake him up. But, none of it was effective and Sir Sordal is still unconscious. I checked his pulse and based on it, I don't see any life threatening signs that we should be wary about."

"I-I see" Duke Albert could not help but force out a smile in response. He walked out of his room and called one of his guards to carry Sordal Larkas, saying, "Bring him to healer Ethareia. Tell her to prioritize his recuperation and inform me immediately, once he wakes up!"

"Yes, Duke Albert!" The guard said. Then, he carried Sordal Larkas out of the roomconsequently leaving Pedro and Duke Albert behind.

When the doors slammed shut, Duke Albert took out a pouch that was hidden in his pocket. Then, he handed it over to Pedro and said, "This is my payment. Please check if you receive the right amount. And Since I have already given my payment, there won't be a problem if I use the skill page that I personally bought, right?"

Pedro simply nodded in response and said, "Yes, you gave me the right amount! As for using the skill page Please feel free to do so, since it is essentially yours from now on."

Duke Albert smiled in response. He immediately took the skill page and tore it into halfconsequently allowing him to obtain the Wolf Transformation Skill. And without a second thought, Duke Albert used the skill and transformed into a wolf.

"Awoooo!" Duke Albert cried on his wolf form out of excitement.

On the other hand, Pedro could not help but smirk towards Duke Albert and say, "I am happy that you like the skill, but Please do not forget that there's still the two goods of my ow choice left in our condition. I hope that you won't forget it."

Duke Albert could not help but force out a smile in response. He could not help but revert to his human form, thinking that he has some matters yet to settle with Pedro. Then, he glanced at Pedro with a huge smile glued into his face and said, "Of course, Officer Aron! I would not forget about our deal. However Since Sordal Larkas is unconscious, I would be the one who would personally handle matters regarding the goods you want to take with you. That said, I would need to also arrange and manage the Grand Auction regarding your Skill Page, so I would like to ask you, Officer Aron, which goods are you specifically looking for so that I could bring you to where the best goods could be located."

"Hmm" Pedro pondered for a few seconds, thinking of what goods should he prioritize obtaining since it was for free. Skills, Weapons, Equipment He weighed it all and pondered which was the most important and ideal for him to obtain at this moment.

In the end, he said, "Slaves!"

"Slaves?" Duke Albert frowned in astonishment. "A-Are you sure about that, Officer Aron? I-I mean"

Before Duke Albert could continue speaking, Pedro nodded with a smile and said, "Yes! I am a hundred percent sure about it!"

Seeing Pedro headstrong in his decision, Duke Albert could not help but sigh. Then, he rubbed his head and said, "If that's the case, then please follow me, Officer Aron! I shall bring you to the Best Slaves that this Auction Den could give you."

Duke Albert and Pedro went to an underground area that was hidden beneath the Auction Mansion. It resembled a jail inside a cave and was only lit by a few Magic Crystals and Several Runic Formations written all over the ceiling.

The Jail Bars were six inches thick and were embedded deep into the ceiling and the ground. Inside each cell were Slaves which had the same thick steel collar around their necks. But in comparison to the Slaves that were found at the Risk Auction Area, the slaves here were completely wrapped in a half an inch-thick metal chain, except for their eyes, mouth, and noses.

This, in turn, gave Pedro a bad feelingthinking that these slaves might be troublesome or difficult to manage. Thus, he can't help but glance towards Duke Albert and ask, "Duke Albert, are you sure that they are slaves and not some sort of most wanted criminals caught by the Kingdom?"

Duke Albert simply burst into laughter in response. Then after a few seconds, he calmed himself and said, "It's true that some of them were once branded as criminals by the Kingdom. But rest assured Officer Aron All of these slaves are not only strong, but they are also of good heart! Something that would suit you best, if I am not wrong!"

"Hooo Is that so?" Pedro murmured as he gazed through the slaves that they pass through. Fortunately, at this moment, they have reached the furthest cell in that underground area.

Duke Albert glanced to the left cell and said, "Officer Aron, this is the best slave you would be able to find within the territory of the Tarala Kingdom!"

"A woman?" Pedro asked with a frown.

Duke Albert simply nodded in response with a smirk painted on his face. At the same time, the guard with them entered the cell and removed the chain to reveal the physical appearance of the slave.

She had long silver hair, beautiful and elegant golden eyes, and snow-white skinthat gave Pedro a good impression and even thought that she was somehow part of a royal family. However, that thought vanished after the chains were completely removed.

Her perfectly matured assets were paired with slightly toned muscles on her arms and legs, indicating that she did not live a carefree life like the princesses from the Royal families. Unfortunately, Pedro was not able to hypothesize more about her nor her abilities because she had a calm demeanor towards them.

Pedro can't help but avert his gaze to Duke Albert in the fear that he might start to take a liking to the womanwho was seemingly also around his age. Then, he said, "You said to me that she is the best slave, but Don't tell me that this is all about her physical appearance?"

Duke Albert burst into laughter once again. Then after a few seconds, his demeanor suddenly shifted to a cold one, and said, "I am not mistaken, Officer Aron! She is the best slave that I could offer! After all She is a former Royal Knight from the Great Kingdom of Aleria in the Western Continentthe Kingdom where the Swordsman of the Legends originated!"

"What did you just say?!" Pedro shouted in astonishment. "S-She's a Royal Knight from the Kingdom where the rumored Legendary Swordsman originated?"

Duke Albert could not help but force out a smile and said, "Y-Yes, Sir Aron! You are not mistaken!"

"This" Pedro could not help but stare towards the woman in response. This, in turn, had made the air around them a bit awkward. Thus, Duke Albert decided to tell Pedro other details that he knew about the woman instead.

"Her name is Jea-an Clara Aleria. A Royal Knight of the Alerian Family in the Western Continent. In fact The blood of the Legendary Swordsmanwho once fought the demons together with the gods and goddess, runs through her since she was an illegitimate daughter of the previous King to one of her maids." Duke Albert explained. "Initially The previous King was able to cover up her identity to the point that she was even raised to become one of the strongest Royal Knights of the Great Kingdom of Aleria. Unfortunately, the former King of Aleria died due to a sickness two years ago. And as the first prince ascended the throne, her true identity was revealed. Consequently As usual To reduce the threats that may steal the first prince's throne, she was ordered to be executed. Fortunately, she said to us that a kind woman helped her escape the execution and even brought her here to the Eastern Continent. However Since then, she had that slave collar in her neck before her supposed execution. And not even the one who saved her was able to remove it from her. Thus, despite her strength as a former Royal Knight, she was treated as a slave and no one, not even a village, dared to recruit her. And that is how she ended up under my Auction Den She did not want to be sold But rather She wanted to find someone Someone who can give her a new home. And I think that you are the person that is the most capable of that! Don't you think so, Officer Aron?"

Pedro simply smirked in response and said, "Well She has the final say on this anyway. Am I right, Duke Albert?"

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