The Immortal Player

Chapter 204: A Shameless Auction Manager!

Chapter 204: A Shameless Auction Manager!

Pedro and Sordal Larkas walked out of the VIP roomconsequently getting the attention of Auction Guide Weese and Pedro's 19 demi-human slaves. At this moment, Auction Guide Weese was about to approach them.

However, she simply halted on her tracks and waited for them, since they seemed like they were heading towards her. On the other hand, Pedro could not help but stole a glance towards Auction Guide Weese and his demi-human slave, and asked, "Sire Sordal Larkas, before we pay the Auction Master a visit, can I know if there's a place where my newly bought slaves could rest for the moment?"

Sordal Larkas stopped on his tracks and glanced to Pedro before he shifted his attention to the demi-human slaves. He rubbed his chin for a few seconds before saying, "Why don't we check the second floor and see if there are any VIP rooms available?"

"This" Auction Guide Weese could not help but to force out a smile in response. Then, she glanced to Sordal Larkas and said, "Sir Larkas Even if there is a VIP room available, I doubt that the Auction Managers would allow us to occupy one for that simple reason."

Pedro can't help but frown in response. Then, he glanced towards Sordal Larkas and said, "She's right, Sire Sordal Larkas. Won't it just bring us trouble? Though it's true that I want to keep them in a safe place while I am roaming around the Auction Mansion, I don't want to experience any trouble just because of it."

Sordal Larkas simply smirked in response and said, "You don't need to worry, young sir! You are an important guest. It is only natural that the Auction Mansion would provide a room for you and your belongings at the least It's a rule that even Auction Managers would not dare to ignore. Am I right, Guide Weese?"

"O-Of course!" Auction Guide Weese said in an embarrassed tone. She can't help but worry deep inside because she knows that the Auction Managers often judge the book by its cover. In fact, even Pedro had just experienced such unwelcoming treatment from Manager Jade earlier.

That said, what Auction Guide Sordal Larkas had stated was true. It was only normal for themthe employees of the Auction Den, to treat important guests of the Auction Den very well. It includes providing services like food, entertainment, and more importantly, a shelter or a place to stay during their visit to the Auction Mansion.

Thus, Auction Guide Weese can't help but be cautious about this matter. She had second thoughts about using a VIP room for Pedro's demi-human slaves because she did not also want to cause trouble to her 'boss'which was the Auction Managers, and at the same time, she did not want to put Pedro in an embarrassing statewhere the Auction Managers might ridicule them, or mock them, or at the worst they might get chased out of the Auction Mansion.

Pedro was still a customer. And to Auction Guide Weese, no matter what Pedro's assets were worth, it does not matter to her. She was just an Auction Guide whose job is to ensure that their clients would have a good time at the Auction Den, no matter what.

Since Auction Guide Sordal Larkas had already explained that matter to Pedro and was even headstrong to request a VIP Room for them, Auction Guide Weese had no other choice but to agree instead. After all Although Sordal Larkas was just an Auction Guide, he was still someone who the Auction Master even respect and trust when it comes to Skills Expertise.

So Sordal Larkas even had an authority that was almost the same as the Auction Managers. Why he was still an Auction Guide despite being trusted by the Auction Master remains a mystery to Auction Guide Weese.

With everything settled, Sordal Larkas clapped his hands and said, "Then, shall we arrange young sir's room first, before we proceed with the transaction?"

Auction Guide Weese could only nod in response. Thus, Pedro could not help but to force out a smile and say, "Then, I would have to trouble the both of you Please lead the way!"

"It would be my pleasure!" Sordal Larkas said in a glad tone but he was still retaining his respectful manner. "Please follow me I'll lead the way."

With the lead of Sordal Larkas, they went back to the Auction Mansion's lobby to head up to the second floorwhere the VIP Rooms were located. The VIP Rooms were at the inner side of the building and was purposely made so that the VIP guests would have a view of the open area in the middle of the building.

It would allow their VIP guests to participate in the Grand Auction that is held at the 'open area' without the need of going out of their rooms. Since the rooms were limited, only the most important guests are often allowed to stay in one of them.

At this moment, Auction Manager Jade was escorting a seemingly noble and was already on the second floor. Because of the open ceiling, she was able to see Auction Guide Weese and Pedro's groupconsequently making her chuckle out loud and say, "Haha! The Minor Auction and the Grand Auction is way different from the Risk Auction being held outside the Mansion! The good being sold inside cost ten times more than that outside! It is not something that an adventurer could handle!"

This, in turn, had caught the attention of the noble with her. The young man with a medium body built glanced towards Pedro and everyone else that was in the lobby, and said, "Are they your acquaintance, Manager Jade?"

Auction Manager Jade simply chuckled in response and said, "N-No, Baron Kireon! I-If I would say it It's just a frog in a well."

"Is that so?" Baron Kireon chuckled. Then, He ignored Pedro and his group as if they were not on the first floor and said, "Let's go to my room! I want to have some rest before I roam the Minor Auction."

"O-Of course, Baron Kireon! Please follow me!" Auction Manager Jade said as she pulled the Baron's hand like a sweet maiden to her lover.

Soon, their figures disappeared from Pedro and everyone else's view. At this moment, Sordal Larkas could not help but shake his head and force out a smile, out of embarrassment from Auction Manager Jade's act.

On the other hand, Pedro can't help but feel annoyed after being embarrassed by Auction Manager Jade in public. Fortunately, other than him, there was only Auction Guide Weese, Sordal Larkas, and his demi-human slaves in the Mansion's Lounge Area. Thus, he was able to calm himself after a few seconds when Manager Jade and Baron Kireon disappeared.

"Frog in a well, huh?" Pedro murmured, but it was still loud enough for Auction Guide Weese and Sordal Larkas to hearconsequently attracting their attention. That said, Pedro did not mind them. He simply chuckled and said, "Then I would be troubling you to throw your coins to my well!"

At this moment, Pedro unintentionally exerted a weak amount of murderous aura that was strong enough to make everyone look at him with fear in their eyes. They were all frozen in place. While some of them had even shivered out of fear.

It was only after a few seconds did Pedro noticed their gazes towards him. He can't help but force out a smile in response as he dissipated his killing intent. Then, he clapped his hands to get them back to their senses, and said, "What are you guys spacing out for? You guys don't need to worry! I am not a monster who eats humans I would not do anything bad against those two."

"Haizzz" Sordal Larkas sighed as he shook his head. Then, he glanced towards Pedroembarrassed, and said, "I would like to ask forgiveness for my colleague's harsh comments. Rest assured that I would personally inform the Auction Master about this incident."

Pedro could not help but shake his hands in response and said, "No, No, No, No! There's no need for that Sire Larkas! It was only natural for me to be mistaken for someone new to an Auction Mansion. Let's just simply do as we planned. I would like to avoid conflicts as much as possible."

Sordal Larkas seemed like he was headstrong in making sure that Auction Manager Jade would be punished. However, On the other hand, Auction Guide Weese agreed to what Pedro said. Avoiding conflicts at that moment was their best option in hand. Thus, she can't help but interrupt them before Sordal Larkas could utter another word.

"Shall we proceed as planned?" She asked as she bowed respectfully to Pedro.

Pedro, in turn, simply smirked in response and said, "Please take the lead!"

Auction Guide Weese and Sordal Larkas could simply bow slightly towards Pedro before pointing towards the stairs to the second floorAuction Guide Weese pointing to the left stairs while Sordal Larkas pointing to the right, and saying in unison,

"This way please, Sir Aron!"

"This way please, Young sir!" 

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