The Immortal Player

Chapter 180: Departure From Axutar Village!

Chapter 180: Departure From Axutar Village!

Because of the Murderous aura emanated by Pedro, none of them was even able to lift a finger. Thus, Pedro can't help but to sigh and shake his headclearing off the strong murderous aura that his body emanated.

He glanced towards Meerak Axutar and said, "That is as much as I could say to you, respected village chief! Other details about the adventurers are still being observed by my men. We are yet to establish a plan on how will we handle them. But We highly recommend to be cautious against them. Nothing would be lost if you establish a few countermeasures against them, right?"

"O-Of course, Young sir!" Meerak Axutar said, "I-In fact Eikzitor and I had a talk about what we would do to the adventurers, just a few days ago. There was a sudden increase of adventurers appearing in our teleportation platform to the point that it crowds the central area of the village. Luckily, the adventurers were brave and enthusiastic in helping the village, even if they needed to be sent to the battlefield and help the soldiers fight the monsters."

Meerak Axutar paused for a second and glanced towards his son, Neerak Axutar. Then, he pointed his hand towards Neerak Axutar and said, "Speaking of which Last night, the number of adventurers appearing in the teleportation platform had suddenly increasedhighest than I had even seen before in my life. Fortunately, my youngest son, Neerak Axutar, was able to control the crowd of adventurers by creating another office that specifically gives task to the adventurers that arrives in this village. Though our treasury needed to release a huge amount of funds, it was worth the price as the adventurers had been organized and where even able to help our soldiers in fighting monsters."

"I see" Pedro rubbed his chin and nodded whilst staring towards Neerak Axutar. He thought to himself, 'Not bad To think that an NPC would be able to think of a way to manage the players this early in the game. This kid had a lot of potential. However, such strengths do not come without any draw backs. Based on his actions earlier Perhaps it is his attitude. It would be troublesome to bring the kid with me but His ability to manage people is something rare among NPCs. I have no choice but to bring him with me If I can! Whether they come from a Kingdom, or a village, it does not matter! Talent is talent, period.'

"Is he amongst the people that you are going to send with me?" Pedro asked to Meerak Axutar.

Meerak Axutar nodded in response and said, "Yes, young sir! Forgive me for being seemingly biased but I do think that my son would be of great help to you, especially in managing people and their needs."

"Hmm Is that so?" Pedro said as he glanced towards Neerak Axutar. Then, he asked, "Tell me young man Do you want to join me on my quest to help the strongholds here in the east?"

"I-I" Neerak Axutar could not help but force out a smile. He glanced back and forth from Pedro to his father, whilst carefully thinking for his answer.

'If I said no, father would be enraged towards me. But if I say yes, I would need to travel with this man and face the monsters in the wild. I am not confident to my combat ability just like my elder brother. I could barely able to properly hold a sword. So I need to confirm to this man, what would my task first. If he expects me to fight monsters on a regular basis, then I could only apologize to father. But If it is about other tasks like collecting herbs and preparing food I have no choice but to follow this man. After all, what father truly wanted for me to accomplish was to gain even the smallest insight or knowledge from this man that we could later on apply for our village.' Neerak Axutar thought.

Neerak Axutar glanced to Pedro and asked, "Before I make my final decision, Can I ask young sir, what would my job or task be if I joined you on your journey?"

"Aish!" Meerak Axutar grumbled as he stood and was about to scold his son.

But before he could do so, Pedro raised his handstopping Meerak Axutar from doing so, and said, "Your task? To be honest I do not know as of the moment. Your father told me that you are most capable in managing people, not leading people. Thus From the looks of it, you are not that efficient in terms of combat."

"Yes, you are right young sir!" Neerak Axutar nodded in response. "I am not a combat type of person. That's why I was wondering as to why I should go and join your party, young sir! I know that you have an important task to carry, which is fighting monsters. I do not want to hold you and your party off just because of my incompetence. I think it would be wiser to bring more soldiers instead, so that they would at least be able to help in young sir's quest."

Pedro smirked and simply shook his head in response. He said, "You are right. But you got one-point wrong!"


Everyone frowned after hearing what Pedro said. It was confusing thus they can't help but glance at himwaiting for his explanation.

Pedro simply smirked towards them and said, "You are wrong about the term "Holding Back"! Don't misunderstand young man! I don't need help when it comes to fighting these annoying monsters. It would be an easy task form me if it was the case."

"W-What do you mean?" Neerak Axutar asked as lines started to weave on his forehead.

"Did you forget what I said?" Pedro asked, "Didn't I say that my job is to help the people of this land? Do you think that the issues regarding the monsters would end if I simply killed as many as I can? No! Because no matter how many monsters I would be able to kill, it would not be enough to kill them all. If you think that killing them all would solve the problem Then, why didn't the organization launch an all-out attack against the monsters? The answer is simple Because even if the whole organization goes all out, we won't be enough to exterminate every single monster in this continent."

At this moment, Pedro averted his gaze and was about to leave the village. He said, "It would just simply be waste of time and resources. So Won't it be better to help you fight the monsters, while guiding your best men along the way? This way, you'd be ensured that there would be capable and experienced soldiers that would defend your territory. On top of that, you could use the few lessons that you might learn from us, to improve and develop your training system or fighting strategies against monsters."

Pedro stopped on his tracks and gaze towards Neerak Axutar, saying, "So, tell me young man Won't it be better to give some people a guidance, rather than giving you flowery words about salvation? Whether you are a combat type person or not The monsters do not give a fuck! And Don't give me a shitty excuse that you are not a combat type person because in this point of crisis, everyone should be thinking on how to capitalize on every single opportunity to become strong as fuck!"

"I am going ahead, respected people of Axutar Village." Pedro said as he averted his gaze to the mountain in front of himgoing to the east. Then, he said, "I have an important matter to take care off. To those who the village chief recommends, follow me if you want. Just be informed that although you are with me, your survival in the wild would be in your hands."

At this moment, Meerak Axutar could only glance towards his son. Yes, he badly wanted Neerak Axutar to take this opportunity to learn from a BHO officer. However, he did not want to force his son to do so if he really did not want to follow Pedro.

It might be a waste, but he still wanted his son to decide for himself. After all, his life would still depend on him if he decided to follow Pedro.

Thus, Neerak was placed into a tight spot that eventually made him bit his lips and decide. He glanced to his father and said, "For the village For the sake of the village, I'll do my best to learn as much as I can. But I need youfather, to promise one thing to me in return!"

"Promise?" Meerak Axutar asked, "What is it?"

"Promise me that you'll take care of yourself, no matter what!" Neerak said.

"I will!" Meerak said with a smile as he patted Neerak's shoulder.

Neerak simply smiled in response and said, "Then I am off, father!"

"May the gods and goddess bless you with a safe journey!" Meerak Axutar said as he waved his hands to his departing sonwho chased after Pedro with the other three village soldiers. When their figures faded from the distant, Meerak Axutar smiled and said, "Good luck, my son!"

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