The Immortal Player

Chapter 177: A Miserable Defeat!

Chapter 177: A Miserable Defeat!

"Raaaa!" Werewolf Tam howled as loud as he can, while his eyes stared bloodshot towards Sabrina. The veins in his forehead, arms, feet, and neck had suddenly seemed like it all wanted to burst. Then, he lunged forward towards Sabrina with his claws protruding at their maximum--seemingly wanting to slice Sabrina into half.

However, Sabrina simply smirked as she lunged forward and attacked the werewolf head-on. But before the two of them could clash, a pen-knife went past Sabrina's neck and flew towards Werewolf Tam's head at a high speed. 

Werewolf Tam swayed his head to the side and was barely able to dodge the pen-knife. The pen-knife cut through his right cheek, making blood burst out of it. Despite obtaining an injury, he did not remove his eyes from Sabrina and did not halt in his advance as if he did not feel any pain, nor did he fear Sabrina. 

However, before he could even blink his eyes, another pen-knife went past through Sabrina, accurately aiming for his head. Since his body could lose balance if he swayed further to the side, Werewolf Tam bent downwards--allowing his body to retain the momentum of his charge.

Unfortunately, Werewolf Tam did not obtain any injury or cuts this time. This made him smirk as he and Sabrina were just a meter away from him. 

'You're mine!' he thought as he transferred all the force that his body generated to his right paws. 

However, despite being able to predict his attacks, Sabrina did not even dodge as she stabs her pen-knife in her right hand--aiming towards the werewolf's chest. When the claws of Werewolf Tam was just almost a feet away from tearing Sabrina apart, and the pen-knife of Sabrina, on her right hand, was also just feet away from Werewolf Tam's chest, Sabrina smirked as she released her grip to her pen-knives.

The pen-knife she held on her left hand had shot straight to the claws of Werewolf Tam, deflecting like two swords that clashed. Consequently, the force made Werewolf Tam sway to his right, saving him from obtaining a fatal hit from the pen-knife that Sabrina released on her right hand. 

That said, the pen-knife had still successfully pierced through the chest of Werewolf Tam--just missed a vital organ. Werewolf Tam can't help but cough dryly as an intense pain surged from his chest. 

Blood and small chunks of flesh burst through the hole on Werewolf Tam's chest, revealing a portion of the monster's beating heart. Werewolf Tam was really filled with luck. If the pen-knife pierced through his chest, slightly to the left, a cut would have been made to his heart. 

Sabrina did not want to let this chance go, she bent down and grabbed her Katana as tight as she can. Her eyes glowed full of murderous intent as if she had already dictated the end of the monster's life. 

The moment that Werewolf Tam was able to meet Sabrina's terrifying eyes, He can't help but grip his left hand and pour all of his remaining strength into it, to send a strong punch towards Sabrina that hinder her from drawing her sword and, eventually, slicing his body into half.

In spite of his efforts, Sabrina simply smirked as she bent even lower--making Werewolf Tam punch into the air. Then, she drew her Katana and sliced through Werewolf Tam's feet.

"Aaaaaaah!" Werewolf Tam cried as his legs slid into the ground--completely immobilizing his movements. 

At this moment, Pedro had come out of the village house where he hid Village Chief Meerak. He could not help but force out a smile after seeing Werewolf Tam fall into the ground, with his feet separated from the rest of his body. 

"This..." Pedro frowned when he noticed that Sabrina was about to deal another strike towards the hopeless Werewolf Tam--aiming for his neck and showing not a single bit of mercy.

"STOOOOOOP!" Pedro shouted on top of his lungs as the vein on his forehead suddenly seemed like it was about to burst. His eyes seemed like it went even darker in shade, releasing powerful magical energy that 'miraculously' stopped Sabrina's Black Katana. 

Werewolf Tam's blood flowed through the blade of Sabrina's Black Katana that was only able to cut several millimeters deep into his neck. 

At this moment, the time had seemed like it had stopped. Pedro can't help but sigh of relief as Sabrina and Werewolf Tam glanced towards him with frowns on their face. 

Pedro met Sabrina's gaze and simply shook his head, saying, "Don't kill him!"

"Why?" Sabrina asked, coldly, "He's an enemy. Hesitate now and we might not get another chance to kill him!" 

"I know." Pedro said, "But if we kill him, we might end the Continental Quest! We would suffer a huge loss if we end it now! Just cut his limbs, his tongue, and his eyes. Without his sight, his voice, nor his ways of movement, he won't be able to escape nor run away from us. He's good as dead. That way... We can ensure that the Continental Quest continues, no matter what."

"But..." Sabrina wanted to argue, but Pedro was headstrong with his decision.

Truth be told, both of them had good points. Pedro knew that the continental quest ends when Werewolf Tam dies. He knew it very well because the Continental Quest ended when Madame Soledad defeated Werewolf Tam in his past life. 

However, Werewolf Tam was almost as strong as Madame Soledad. That is why she was the only one who was able to defeat Werewolf Tam in his past life. The underlying reason probably lies in the fact that Werewolf Tam was able to obtain the Demonic Eyes in the past.

Unfortunately, Mathew obtained the Demonic eyes in this timeline--which he sold to Pedro. Else... Sabrina would have not been able to fight Werewolf Tam single-handedly and one-sidedly.

Thus, Pedro did not want to kill Werewolf Tam and end the Continental Quest immediately. It would greatly affect several plans he had in mind for his fleet, especially the development of the players on his force. 

Using the monsters as EXP farm was one of his major reasons. As he establishes his player force, the source of levels might become a problem if the Continental Quest ends. 

At this moment, players were struggling to fend off monsters all over the Aquari Continent. But... If the continental quest ends, the players might start fighting over the monsters that they could farm.

Add up the factor that the population of players was yet to spike up. By that moment, it would be troublesome to fight for 'EXP' for everyone else as strong players would need to escort weak players, consequently slowing the development of players.

Truth be told, only the strong players benefit from the continental quest. They kept farming EXPs, consequently increasing their levels with ease.

On the other hand, the weak players end up being cannon fodders, who would just enter the fight-die-create new character cycle. 

Since Pedro and his force belong to the strong players, there was really no reason for him to end the continental quest soon. He gains a lot of benefits as a player in the world of Bearth.

In terms of being the Fleet Captain of an NPC force from BHO, he actually has more advantages than disadvantages if he would not end the continental quest. Yes, it was his duty to end it.

But... He would lose the chance to use the continental quest as a reason for him to recruit and, at the same time, infiltrate and gain control of every stronghold in the Aquari Continent. 

Well... It was not as if the NPCs would be left in the dark. With the players' arrival, their safety is most likely ensured. So, there was not much reason for Pedro to end the continental quest any time soon.

Regardless of any reason, Sabrina, on the other hand, was only thinking realistically. She and Pedro know that if they did not take this chance to kill Werewolf Tam, there's a possibility that he would be able to escape and take revenge later on. She simply did not want that to happen. A wasted chance to end the life of a troublemaker that might give them hardships in the future.

That said, She has a hundred percent belief in Pedro. Thus, she did not argue even further and simply followed his orders by cutting Werewolf Tam's limbs, tongue, and eyes.

Then, Pedro and Sabrina used the looted clothes to tie up and stop the bleeding on Werewolf Tam's limbs, eyes, and chest. Soon, Werewolf Tam passed out as his body weaken due to severe blood loss.

But Pedro did not panic. He simply poured a bottle of potion towards Werewolf Tam's mouth in order to restore a little bit of health to the unconscious werewolf. 

Seeing that Werewolf Tam was somehow alright, Pedro and Sabrina sat casually to the ground as if they were tired after a long day of work. Pedro sighed and glanced to Sabrina, saying, "Now... Where are we going to hide him?"

Sabrina glanced at him and said, coldly, "Don't ask me! It's your idea to keep him alive."

Pedro could not help but simply force out a smile and say, "What if you carry him with Loren on your bird form?"

"Hmph!" Sabrina averted her gaze away from Pedro and said, "Whatever! But... What would you do if I am offline?"

"Hmm..." Pedro rubbed his chin and pondered for a few seconds. Then, an idea came up in his mind after remembering about the Tarala Kingdom, and he said, "The slums and the black market of Tarala Kingdom hold the answer to that."

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