The Glorious Summoner

Chapter 907

907 Chapter 9

Wu Wuxin, who had just gotten off the carriage, did not notice Xia Pingan, who was sitting in the carriage in the distance. He stood by the side of the road and looked around. He took out a piece of paper in his hand and seemed to be reading the address on the paper. Then, Wu Wuxin carried his luggage and crossed the road. He walked towards a residential building not far away and disappeared into the alley next to the residential building in a moment.

This guy had finally been sent by his father to explore the land in Koland.

Xia ping ‘an was watching from the carriage. When he saw Wu Wuxin leave, Xia ping’ an was still a little excited, but he did not get off the carriage. Instead, he took a deep breath and gently patted the carriage. The green-clothed emissary, who had been staying on the roof, flapped his wings and flew in the direction of Wu Wuxin’s departure.

After the green-clothed emissary left, Xia ping ‘an and Dragon Five’s carriage left the street in the blink of an eye.

Dragon Five’s carriage stopped at a small square on the west side of kolanthe after 40 minutes. There was a small river near the square, and it was surrounded by a large residential area and some factories. The chimney of a coal factory was smoking even during the day. Most of the people living in the vicinity were the middle-and lower-class workers of kolanthe.

Xia Pingan changed into an ordinary-looking gray coat and put on a blue cap in the carriage. He got out of the carriage and walked toward the square. He sat on a bench near the square for more than ten minutes. After long Wu drove the carriage away, Xia Pingan looked at his watch and walked through the square. He followed the river next to the square and headed west.

Obviously, the water in the river was polluted by the surrounding plants. The water of the entire River looked grey with a tinge of blue and carried a faint smell of scorched sulfur. Some domestic wastes flew by in the river every once in a while. The boxwood beside the river looked a bit withered with yellow leaves covered with ash. This was the real environment of common residential areas. It was far worse than Lakeside Avenue, not to mention Odin Avenue. Although it was the same city, it was like two different worlds. The gap between the rich and the poor was particularly obvious here.

Xia Pingan walked along the river for about a thousand meters before turning into a Street in the residential area. Xia Pingan then went to the public carriage booth by the street and sat down. She looked at her watch and waited quietly, as if she was waiting for a carriage.

There were also a few people waiting for the carriage at the public carriage station. Xia Pingan was wearing a gray jacket, which was just an ordinary coat. He looked no different from the people around him, so he did not attract any attention at all.

The public carriage came twice, but Xia Pingan did not move. Gradually, the number of people waiting at the bus stop increased. Most of them were people who worked nearby. Gradually, it was time for the day shift workers to get off work.

Another long public carriage arrived!

Seeing the arrival of the carriage, Xia Pingan finally stood up.

The public carriage stopped, and the people in the carriage got off. The platform suddenly became crowded.

bastard, get out of the way. Don’t you have eyes? ” a rough voice sounded at the door of the carriage. Then, a big, burly man with a bare head and a bear-like body glared at the people who were squeezing in front of the door and squeezed out of the public carriage.

Xia ping ‘an squeezed into the carriage. When he got on the carriage, a black needle that was an inch long suddenly popped out of the ring on Xia ping’ an’s finger. When it passed by the bald man, the needle on Xia ping ‘an’s ring directly pricked the man’s thigh in the crowd and chaos.

The man only felt being bitten by a mosquito on his thigh. It was so light that he even felt a bit numb. However, he didn’t care about it as he thought it was something in someone else’s hand. He just walked towards the nearby residential area while swearing.

The carriage started moving.

Xia ping ‘an got on the public carriage and stood in the crowded carriage. Through the glass of the carriage, she squinted her eyes and watched the man leave the carriage platform. Then, she calmly looked away.

After a few hours, the man would return home with vomiting, a high fever, and a weak body. He would die in the next 24 hours. Even if he was sent to the hospital, the hospital couldn’t treat him. Moreover, with the medical standards of this world, the death conclusion could only be blood disease or organ failure.

That man was killed by the ricin poison on the ring’s needle. That ring was made by Xia Pingan himself, and it contained a little more than a gram of ricin that he had extracted. As long as the needle in the ring was ejected and pierced into the human body, it would release at least one gram of ricin, up to ten grams of it. The amount released was controlled by Xia Pingan. In addition to the ricin poison, the needle on the ring also had an anesthetic effect. This made it almost impossible for people to feel anything strange when the needle pierced into the human body.

When Xia ping ‘an stabbed that man, less than one milligram of ricin had been injected into his body. Yes, sometimes it was that simple to kill a scumbag. Just as they passed by each other at the train station, they could send that scumbag to hell. This was much more effective than any sorcery. Even if that person was sent to the autopsy room, with the autopsy technology of this world, it was impossible to detect the true cause of death. There were no traces of magic in the man’s death.

The dead man was a manager of a nearby factory. However, he was a real scumbag. He had raped and killed several female workers in the nearby factory area. His methods were cruel and violent. Every time, he would knock a woman unconscious and commit a crime. After committing the crime, he would take the victim’s body outside the city and throw it into a River outside the city to be washed away. That guy was discovered by one of life song’s infiltrators and had his eyes on him. The lurker from The Song of Life was planning to turn this man into a subordinate.

The Infiltrator was already dead and was currently being punished in the divine prison. After Xia Pingan obtained his statement from the interrogation and looked through The Infiltrator’s memory, he finally locked onto this scumbag.

It was impossible to report this kind of thing to the police. There was no direct evidence. If they continued to let this guy do as he pleased, he might commit another crime at any time. Therefore, Xia Pingan could only do it himself to get rid of this malignant tumor hidden in the civilian area.

After three stops in the carriage, Xia Pingan got off the carriage and went to the river. After walking along the river for a short while, he saw the small square again.

The sound of the carriage Bell rang behind him. Xia ping ‘an turned around and saw that Dragon five had already driven the carriage over.

The carriage stopped, and Xia Pingan got into the carriage. He took off his clothes and hat again and changed into the clothes he had been wearing before, as if nothing had happened.

An hour later, Dragon five drove the carriage and brought Xia Pingan to a busy street in the center of the city. They stopped in front of a well-known high-end restaurant.

Xia ping ‘an, who had changed into a new set of clothes, alighted from the carriage and walked to the entrance of the restaurant. Immediately, a waiter wearing a bow tie opened the door of the restaurant. Sir, do you have an appointment? ” he asked.

yes, I had someone make an appointment yesterday. My surname is Xia!

“So it’s Mr. Xia. Hello, please follow me!” The restaurant’s waiters were well-trained and had memorized the names of everyone who had made reservations here today. After Xia Pingan reported his name, he was immediately brought to a seat in the restaurant by the restaurant’s waiters and handed over the restaurant’s menu.

After ordering, it wasn’t long before it was time to eat. The restaurant was filled with people, and most of them were well-dressed gentlemen and ladies. This was one of the best high-class restaurants in Coland.

Just as Xia Pingan started to eat, a man in his forties with a big belly, wearing a black top hat and a double-breasted coat, walked in with a young and beautiful woman in a long white dress. They sat in the aisle on Xia Pingan’s right at two O ‘clock.

When they arrived at the restaurant, the man took off his hat, revealing a head full of red hair. The man was polite and tried to please the woman. The man seemed to have some status. As soon as he arrived, the restaurant manager came over to bow and greet him, bringing a bottle of red wine.

Xia Pingan glanced at the man, and a cold light flashed in his eyes.

That man was called Sandro, the mayor of the district of Coland dilaop. He was more or less a figure in this city. However, this guy colluded with the evil forces and liars in dilaop District and robbed them by trickery and force. In the renovation project of a residential area in dilaop District, many commoners were forced to lose everything and their families; however, he made a fortune.

The other day, a low-level guard in the underground secret Hall of The Song of Life was forced to a dead end by this guy. Full of hatred and despair, he finally joined the evil cult and wanted to avenge himself with the power of The Song of Life. However, he did not expect to be besieged by the night watchmen before he could avenge himself.

Are those who join these dark forces definitely evil? Not necessarily. Some might be forced to do so. When justice crumbled in their hearts, they would seek power from the darkness. Did people like Sandro have to be noble? that was even more unlikely. A real scumbag would sometimes act high and mighty, pretending to be a sanctimonious official.

Everything was relative!

Sandro sat in his seat for a while before he got up and seemed to need to go to the bathroom.

Xia Pingan also put down her cutlery and stood up at the same time. She walked towards the bathroom, and the two of them met in the corridor outside the bathroom. Xia Pingan walked past Sandro, and the moment they passed each other, the needle on Xia Pingan’s ring pierced Sandro’s forearm, injecting poison.

Sandro did not feel anything at all. He just thought that the corners of his sleeves were rubbing against the copper buttons and felt a little uncomfortable. He pulled his sleeves and continued to walk in the direction of the bathroom without turning his head.

Xia Pingan went to the front desk, paid the bill with a calm expression, and then walked out of the restaurant.

The sky outside had just turned dark.

Dragon five drove the carriage to the entrance of the restaurant. Xia Pingan got on the carriage and knocked on the door. He let out a long breath. He had gotten rid of two more scoundrels today. Not bad.

“Go back to 169 Lakeside Street, Huahua.”

Dragon five shook the reins, and the horses started to run.

In the carriage, the Child of Fortune flashed and appeared in the carriage. He was jumping around on Xia Pingan’s thighs.

For the past two days, the Child of Fortune had been monitoring the Ceylon Empire’s consulate in Corland and the missionary mage of The Song of Life. There were indeed a few Summoners in the consulate, but they had not done anything out of the ordinary. Xia Pingan had not found anything against them. On the other hand, the missionary mage of The Song of Life was still in the swampland. Xia Pingan was impressed.

That guy had stayed in the swamp for so long that even Xia ping ‘an was a little impressed.

Xia Pingan didn’t know if that guy had gone moldy, but the investigation Bureau had been lying in ambush around the swamp for a long time. Some Summoners who were greedy for rewards had also gone to join in the fun. However, because they had not found any movement or trace of that guy in the swamp, everyone thought that he had already escaped from the swamp. For the past two days, the encirclement and ambush around the swamp had relaxed, and even the investigation Bureau personnel had begun to withdraw from the swamp.

Only Xia ping ‘an knew that this guy had been hiding in the depths of the swamp all this time. His patience was terrifying.


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