The Gamer's System

Chapter 148: The Old Zeke

Chapter 148: The Old Zeke

"Okay this is definitely weird." Zeke said to himself, holding on to his beard and brushing it. He never had one in his entire life and now he magically has enough facial hair to get him to Russia. 

"Where am I exactly?" The gamer mused, plucking out some strands of his facial hair and seeing that, instead of having an ash gray color, his beard was pure white.

The gamer looked around and it seemed like he was inside a room. There was a normal bed with white pillows and a white blanket, the same white curtain, a white wall, ceiling and flooring. Everything around him was white, even the window glass which was supposed to be transparent.

"Let's try something out first." Zeke said to himself, going to the bathroom to look in the mirror. Sadly, even this was turned white and so, he couldn't see how he looked clearly. He then tried out the water and wanted to confirm his suspicions and, once again, the water flowing out was as white as milk.

"White clothes. White pants. Yup white underwear." Zeke said, confirming that everything was indeed white which didn't make any sense at all. 

He remembered getting sucked in by the door containing the theme of a princess in the meadows, yet there he was in a plain white room. 

"This looks more like an asylum." He mused, hearing every sound that came from the room and also outside, faint ones but, if heard long enough, could turn a person insane.

"So far, there's nothing in here that goes well with the theme. The door doesn't make sense but, then again it, it could've been just a method to lure me in." He mused.

While the thoughts were being processed in his head, decided to wear the clothes on the hanger. He decided that getting outside was the best option at the moment because, the room offered nothing for him. 

It was a dream and, everything around him was formed based on what was going through Sylph's head, unconsciously of course. So, the overall white background was nothing more than a manifestation of Sylph's dream. And so, Zeke opened the door, only to arrive at a much different scenery.

"And now this is springtime." Zeke told himself, seeing a valley of flowers and trees.

Something was off putting about it though. Zeke could see all beauty on the surface but, he could feel that something didn't quite fit right. One of it was how the same white liquid coming from his room also had an irrigation system which flowed through the field of flowers and trees. 

"It's like I entered another realm again. This is sick! I really need to learn how to do this dreaming biz which everyone can do so effortlessly." Zeke said out loud, finally getting used to the things around him. Of course, everything was weird but, he himself wasn't much of a normal person.

Zeke always took comfort on what went outside the ordinary and always tried to develop outside the box. Hence, finally getting to see how a dream operated made him excited while still cautious. He didn't want to tamper with things too much of course as, this might bring some negative effects on the dream. Hence, he simply decided to follow the path where the water flowed to.

"So far there's no sign of Sylph and, just as I thought, my skills and the system are both unavailable." He examined these things as he followed the path where the waters lead. It was a long journey and it took him at least a week to get out. But that didn't matter much.

The way time works within the dream is different. There were even claims back on earth that a person could dream a total of 447 different dreams in one sleeping. In reality, once Zeke gets back to the world of the living, he'd find out that it took him not less than a day to finish his task.

At that exact moment after leaving the forest, Zeke found himself at the back of a castle. There was a door for him and the liquid still poured inside. He tried opening it but, the door didn't budge.

Us "Strange." Zeke said, thinking about the whole situation and everything he has come across thus far.

"There should still be a logic behind all this. Everything should still be connected in a way no matter how weird it may get." Zeke continued processing things and, soon enough a smile formed on his face the gamer finally figured things out.

"Let's see, this should work." Zeke took off the long-sleeved shirt he wore over his shirt. He then tied it on a stick firmly and then, proceeded to getting some of the white liquid that flowed near him. It didn't take long for his clothes to get wet and, even the stick turned white in the process.

He then used it like a brush, painting the whole door white. And just for good measure, Zeke also turned a part of the wall into the same color. Back at the starting point, Zeke was able to open the door because it was white and, Zeke tried the same thing on this one. 

Surely enough, there was no resistance from the object. It opened for him entirely and suddenly, Zeke was caught in a blinding flash of light. There were voices, almost inaudible, that surrounded him but it began getting stronger and stronger until they turned into proper and decent voices.

"Hey newcomer. Hey!"

"Oh hush will you. He might just run away like the rest if you keep on barking at him like that."

"Well he ain't responding now ain't he?" 

Zeke's eyes slowly adjusted to the surroundings. He didn't understand how it worked but, he was suddenly transported to another area. This time it was within what seemed to be the pantry and, for the first time in his whole trip, things seemed normal. Except for the fact that, the individuals talking to him looked like mannequins. Faceless, hairless, and pure white in color. Covered, of course, by the same white clothing.

"I'm sorry, things are just a bit overwhelming for me sir." Zeke replied using the closest thing to reality which he could say without getting off track with the conversation.

"Well of course you'd be overwhelmed! The Count has chosen you as her personal aid you sorry excuse for a butler!" The male sounding mannequin said in reply, raising a hand holding on to a cleaving knife. 

Zeke was just about to evade but then, the female mannequin stopped him. Hitting the male mannequin with a dough flattener which knocked him out cold. There was white stuff flowing out of the head of the male mannequin which seemed to be its blood.

"Oh don't worry about that. I didn't hit him too hard." The female mannequin said, which was obviously a lie.

"Anyway, you need to go to Count Sylph now. She needs to take her medicine." It commanded, making Zeke realize that there was a service tray on his hands which contained some things. A white porridge, a white drink, white pills, and a white liquid within a syringe.

"Hurry up now. If she misses her shots, she'd have spasms and a really bad migraine. Last time that happened, some of us were accidentally shot to death hahaha." The female mannequin said like it was a normal thing to happen within the area.

"What happened then exactly?" Zeke asked in order to squeeze out some information.

Instead, what he got was a stare from the female mannequin. Or rather that is what it felt like. It didn't have any eyes after all. 

"Silly. Silly." It said, getting the knife from the presumably dead mannequin.

"You can ask that later deary. For now, you should get going." 

"Understood ma'am I'll be heading out now." Again, Zeke didn't have any clue as to what was going on. But the mention of Sylph's name and her designation made him understand that he was on the right track.

"Why do you have such creepy looking servants in this dream?" Zeke thought to himself, referring of course to the dream owner Sylph.

This time, it was a spiraling staircase that met him. He was in the middle of it all. With the staircase leading both up and down and, as a Count and an archer, Zeke knew that Sylph would be up.

He followed the route which strained his legs. It was a long way up and sadly speaking, the old Zeke body which he got transferred to was easily worn out.

"How many more steps do I need to take?" He said, panting heavily.

Luckily though, it seemed that he didn't need to get even higher because, he finally heard a female scream nearby. It was a bad indicator of course but, nevertheless, it was progress. Zeke followed it and, finally reached the door which was, unfortunately not white. He tried opening it which was a futile attempt. There was nothing white nearby to help him out, except for the food of course. But he guesses that it was also an essential part of the mission.

So he instead covered the knob with a piece of tissue that came with the tray. Luckily, this was enough to turn it, allowing Zeke to enter the room of Sylph who was already beginning to show the signs which the female mannequin indicted.

"GIVE ME MY SHOTS!" Sylph said. There was no way for Zeke to understand what it was that actually occurred but he at least understood that it would be in his best interest to administer the drug.

Zeke came close to her and, Sylph immediately took everything, the glass of liquid and the pills which she quickly placed in her mouth. It was like watching a drug addict who was showing withdrawal syndromes and Zeke was actually pained with the scene.

"What did he do to you?" Zeke thought to himself, seeing nothing of the regal and elegant Windsprite from the sight. Sylph then proceeded to getting the syringe and stabbing it through her skin. It wasn't a proper medical procedure but, nevertheless it seemed to work as Sylph began quieting down.

"What took you so long?" She asked Zeke who forced a smile on his face.

"Forgive me countess, there was a small incident in the pantry so I was a bit delayed." Zeke replied, trying to sound servant like. 

You know what happens to me when I miss my shots don't you? I don't want to accidentally kill all of my servants again so, if I were you, come on time the next time around. Or I swear to all the gods that you'd be the first person I hunt down." She said in irritation. It was normal for Sylph to be hotheaded but, her state was too much. Like not getting the drug on time made her violent.

"Understood. I will be heading out now." Zeke said in reply, not wanting to inquire further. 

But at least he finally got some things going for him and, his highest concern at the moment was the drugs. Where it was made and what was it stopping exactly. And to get this information, he decided to go back to the pantry and the crazy female mannequin inside.

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