The First Evolution

Chapter 54: Presumption

Chapter 54: Presumption

Fang Linyan walked out of the building with a frown while massaging his temples.

The sun was shining outside, and it cast a spotted shadow under the tree. At this moment, he only felt that his head was buzzing. If he tried to use his brain, he would feel mentally and physically exhausted. This was a condition of using too much brainpower. Such a situation happened before too, so he decided to eat or drink 5 walnuts so as to relax his brain on the way.

After strolling for 2 streets, Fang Linyan suddenly smelled a scent, and his stomach growled instantly. This was a rare appetite in a long while. He immediately had the urge to have a big meal, then he walked into the small shop beside.

After sitting down, Fang Linyan realized that although the shop was small, the price wasn’t cheap at all. The main dish of this restaurant was the stew series. A small portion was 128 yuan, Fang Linyan ordered a Dongpo pork set meal. It was soon served. The dish was placed inside a claypot. The roasted pork skin inside had a maroon red color. The dish was still steaming after it was served. The smell was peculiarly wonderful.

Not only that, the roasted meat had been cut into 2 to 3 cm² before cooking. Each square was tied with selected fine white onions before being put into the pot. The work was very ingenious. After that, it was added with secret ingredients before steaming for 6 hours straight.

Fang Linyan used chopsticks to pick a piece of roasted meat with a brown yellow onion rope. At this time, as the chopsticks moved, the braised pork was shaking more and more as if it would fall off at any time. At the same time, it released a lot of appetizing scents which instantly triggered the secretion of saliva.

After taking a bite, Fang Linyan immediately felt that a large amount of rich and sweet juice was squeezed out from between the teeth. The teeth were pushed forward unimpeded in the plump fat, and finally touched the outer skin with a burnt smell. This pleasurable experience immediately made Fang Linyan continue to chew. He only planned to take a bite on this piece of meat, but at this time he couldn’t suppress the appetite in his heart. He directly chunked down this large piece of meat.

In the process of chewing, the burnt aroma of the skin, the fat, and the elastic lean meat were perfectly combined. Not only that, after chunking, the aftertaste was still slightly refreshing. Why? It turned out to be the smell of the brown yellow onion rope wrapped around the meat. Under the simmering heat, the pungency of the onion had disappeared, and what was left is the lasting freshness.

After eating 2 pieces of meat, Fang Linyan ordered a bowl of white rice, then took a scoop of the bright red soup and mixed it with the rice. The chef did not add water when steaming the meat. At this time, the soup was all from the meat. The rice mixed with the steamed essence tasted fresh and salty. There were also chopped bamboo shoots at the bottom of the soup which was crunchy.

Eating together with the fresh pickled made yesterday; the red bell peppers, radishes, white lotus white, green lettuce, and cowpea pellets, it was very refreshing. Fang Linyan ate 3 bowls of rice in a row, finished the soup and the braised pork.

After a full meal, Fang Linyan only felt tired, and he went to the physiotherapy center beside. First, he found a master with strong hands to loosen his muscles and bones. 3 hours had passed just like this. When he woke up he was totally refreshed, his energy was almost restored too.

At this time, Fang Linyan found a cafe and ordered a cup of cappuccino. After taking a big sip, he asked the waiter for a pen and a piece of paper. After thinking for a while with his eyes closed, he opened the map on his mobile phone and wrote 2 words on the paper,

Joint trial.

Then, he wrote out an address very slowly next to him.

Daxing Bridge Ferry! !

Then, after less than 5 minutes of contemplation, Fang Linyan wrote 1 more line below, from 10 am to 2 pm.

Yes, this was the time and place to enter the joint trial that Fang Linyan analyzed and presumed!!!!

It seemed that it was very difficult to determine these 2 elements, and there was no clue; but in fact, after obtaining the small clues, it was not too difficult to do this.

The first was the presumption of location. The mysterious text message asked Fang Linyan to wait at Zolton Avenue No. 4 and then crashed into someone. The text message made it clear that this person had just left the joint trial and he was still seriously injured.

According to Fang Linyan’s personal experience in the 811 Event adventure world last time, the place where he entered the world of nightmare and the place after he escaped was not very far away. At best, it was only a few tens of meters.

Then, the place where this person escaped was actually very close to Zolton Avenue No.4.

Therefore, the entrance to the joint trial was actually not too far from Zolton Avenue No.4.

Fang Linyan drew a circle with a radius of 1 kilometer using Zallton 4 as the center. There was a 90% chance that the entrance of the joint trial would be inside this circle.

Then, the mysterious message also mentioned a vital piece of information. After the joint trial was started, a large number of ordinary people would be included, and these ordinary people would often have a shocking elimination rate.

In order to cover people’s eyes, these eliminated people would have a reasonable way of death in the world they lived in. Often in the form of air crashes or ghost ships.

Therefore, Fang Linyan thought for a moment while looking at the electronic map, and he set his gaze on Daxing Bridge Ferry.

This ferry route was 5,300 meters in length, and the entire voyage took 17 minutes. It was an important route connecting Thai City’s core areas, Balaam and Wufu Mountain.

If the passenger didn’t take the Daxing Bridge Ferry, he would have to drive for nearly 90 minutes and take a detour for 48 kilometers to get to the opposite side. This was still in the absence of traffic jams.

According to the information found on the Internet, each Star Ferry used for sailing could carry 441 people, but because the operating company hoped to maximize the benefits, and the Star Ferry only sailed in the inland sea which was close to the shore and the wind and waves were very small, so it tends to be overloaded.

Therefore, during the peak period at 2 pm every day, the number of people carried by Star Ferry would reach its peak, which was actually more than 500 people.

In this way, Fang Linyan naturally listed Daxing Bridge Ferry as the first suspected target. When the joint trial started, the eliminated people could naturally die on the reason of “the ferry had fallen into disrepair and overturned, drowning more than hundreds of people”.

Did Fang Linyan make the correct presumption? So far, his luck has been utterly bad, but his plans sometimes work though…

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