The Fine Food Broadcaster

Chapter 24 Red White, Stand Out With Might

Chapter 24 Red White, Stand Out With Might

When Ye Fei held up the bitten part of the tofu cube, an invisible camera helpfully showed a close up of the cross-section to the viewers. The effect was like throwing a bomb into a noisy crowd. There was a stunned silence, followed by an explosion of noise.

F*ck, what am I seeing?

Three colours in one form!

The outermost part is the snow white tofu, the next ring is black, cola? And the core is actually pink, could it be from the Rose Oil?

Red and White, Stand Out with Might, Three Flavours in One, a King Never Gives In! So this is why the Spring Snow is worthy of being a tribute!

Just how did he do it?

Thats right, just how did he do it? The tofu cubes werent fried in Rose Oil for long, so how could it end up in the innermost part of the tofu?

Thats right, the tofu cube Ye Fei was holding up now consisted of three layers with the outermost part being pure white, followed by a narrow layer of cola coloured line with the core being a gentle rose pink.

This was an ultimate technique that not everyone could copy, definitely not just any person could do it.

Would the broadcaster, no, Great Deity, please explain to this ignorant one and satisfy our curiosity, pretty please?

Thats right, please stop eating, please stop eating now!

Aiya, I felt like all the fried tofu I had before is all garbage, ah. How could such wondrous cooking exist in this world, ah, Tasting Heaven?

Ye Fei looked at the crowd of people in front of him, hollering and chattering among themselves even as they shower him with rewards. Joy bloomed in his heart even as his taste buds ascended to the heavens.

Even he had never expected that by just following the Systems instructions, he could achieve such a result with the Cola Tofu. Right now, his taste buds were fluttering and prancing about happily with the fairies in heaven.

That one bite he had taken, the unique fragrance of Spring Snow Tofu permeated through his mouth, leaving a mellow, melty feeling behind.

After chewing for a bit, the sweet taste of cola seeped out, once the tofu was completely crushed under his teeth, the special aroma from the Rose Oil bloomed around him, it felt like he was drifting on a bed of a thousand roses floating on a gentle breeze.

At this point, the three wonderful flavours blended in a wonderful harmony of sensations. The heavenly fairies, the sweet fruity treacle of cola, and the shining bed of roses all rolled into tiny, tiny flavour bombs that popped and bounced happily on his tongue. With this wonderful taste filling his mouth, he felt like he could eat them forever.

Its so delicious, its no exaggeration to say that this is the best tofu dish ever. Ye Fei closed his eyes, savouring the tofu on his tongue, praises pouring out of his mouth uncontrollably.

The entire broadcasting audience,

Broadcaster, you are too much.

F*ck off, you twit! Youre committing a serious crime you know? A serious crime!

Aiya, my saliva, I dont dare to open my mouth, an instant fall of water could happen.

Tofu, tofu, my tofu~

Hey, Upstairs, thats the broadcasters tofu, ah.

I want to eat the broadcasters tofu.

Ye Fei savoured the half a cube of tofu in his mouth for almost a full minute before swallowing. The enjoyment was truly un-precedent.

He carefully placed the other half of the tofu into his mouth. Once more, Ye Fei repeated all his previous actions, incurring the hate of every single person present.

Broadcaster, please tell me your location. I wish to send you a blade.

Rope, send him a rope.

Silk, three meters of silk.

Send his address to a sworn enemy.

I want to send you a blow up doll, let you do it until your whole body is hollow, all dried out, ah, ah, ah!

Pffft~~ Hey, that guy sending out blow up dolls, ah. I want one too.

Get lost!

Clearly, the audience had gone completely crazy, they were all foodies who love good food. Faced with a legendary class Cola Tofu which they could only see but could not eat, compared to getting murdered, this was even more heinous.

At this moment, Tao Tie sent out a message, Tasting Heaven, what do you think?

Tasting Everything Under Heaven gave a bitter smile. Theres nothing to evaluate, what I really want to do now is to dive through the computer screen and snatch this tofu from him.

Tao Tie was also flipping between crying and laughing, your mom, this is really some kind of inhuman torture. Is there anything worse than watching someone else eat delicious food when you cant have any?

Foodie, what about you?

Great rich guy Foodies answer was very direct and aggressive. Three planes flew past the screen.

Something in Tao Tie seemed to have broken down at the sight, Nyoom! Nyoom! Nyoom your mom! In the eyes of this Foodie guy, this plate of tofu is clearly worth more than a few planes.

After that remark, Tao Tie also sent up two planes after the others.

The rest of the people havent stopped sending out rewards, from small items like applause, flowers, and lollipops to cars, the rewards continued to come. Even so, planes were a minority, after all not everyone could be as grand as Foodie Bro.

At the QQ broadcasting office.

Most of them felt completely muddled up as they stared stupidly at Ye Feis channel which was barely visible thanks to all the rewards floating past the screen. Even breathing had been forgotten.

After a long time, Liu Ping muttered. My God in heaven, ah. Why is this Foodie guy so taken up with gourmet food? Its just a plate of tofu, ah. Legendary Spring Snow or whatever, its still just tofu, ah. To think that these people almost pit their lives in a fight over tofu, your mom, you think those rewards dont cost money?

Tang Xiaomin hating the fact that she could not just stick her face into the monitor, said, Looks we were wrong from the beginning. We thought that Fine Food Section had been getting very little rewards due to our small viewer base, to think our lack of popularity was due to poor broadcasts which could not move the hearts of the audience.

Even people who love gourmet food have some sense of their own economical foundation. However, it looked like that bottom line immediately disappeared when whipped into a frenzy.

This group of people have really gone crazy, this kind of reward storm, its something Ive never seen before, ah.

Me neither, never even seen this thing in my dreams.

All previous roads have been washed away by this, Im sure were now witnessing the birth of a new kind of broadcasting style. Audiences in the future will demand this style of broadcast.

However, the people who could do this kind of performance are too few. Its necessary to have both high cooking skills and god level ingredients, how could anyone just do it, ah?

Just what kind of person is this Ye Fei?

Everyone was pondering over their own thoughts even as the rest of the QQ Broadcasting Company was getting more and more lively.

Song & Dance Sections Statistician, Ma Tao. The f*ck, had the people in Song & Dance been injected by chicken blood? Their reward has just broken past the HX80,000 limit.

Storytelling Sections Statistician, Your mom, why are the new broadcasters so fierce these days? All of our new great deities have reached the HX80,000 limit.

These two guys are definitely our platforms best surprises. In the future we must allocate even more resources for them, the rewards just kept coming.

I think so too, the potential of these two broadcasters is excellent, if we polish them up, they could be the pillars of our platform.

Looks like Celebrate Peace w/ Song & Dance and Torrential Rivermouth have the potential to topple those old deities at this rate.

Haha, after the Yangtze River floods its banks, new life will grow [1]. Those old deities should have a sense of crisis after this, they cant afford to be too proud now.

Thats right, I heard that the Fine Food Section has some small deity called Iron Stomach whos going to challenge a super pizza, how did that go?

No idea, well know once we take a look at his broadcast.

Lets not go, I just came from that place, that guy is really fierce, ah. 3 quarters of the 1 meter pizza is gone now. The number of people in his broadcast has already reached 50,000 people. As for the rewards, thats unclear, youll have to find out from the statistician.

Haha, theres no need for you to bother, if theres anything significant about his rewards, the FF statisticians would have jumped out to crow about it.

That makes sense.

Right now, the statistician for Iron Stomach suddenly declared, Good news for everyone, Iron Stomachs performance is very good. The number of viewers has exceeded 58,000 people and the reward have gone past HX69,000. Just about to break the HX70,000 limit. A record for a bronze star broadcaster.

Liu Ping and the rest nodded. Then, almost in unison, everyone asked , How much is Ye Feis reward now?

[Gumihou: I want to know too, haha]

[1] Yangtze River floods its banks, new life will grow Opportunity comes after a crisis. 

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