The Eternal battle

Chapter 201: Teaching ants (2)

Chapter 201: Teaching ants (2)

" What do you mean by that? It's lightning!! of course, I would be afraid, there may be some victims and we may be affected as well."

" Of course there are victims, of not, the Punishment Lightning will not com, it comes only to punish the sinners, as long as we didn't do anything we will be safe, even if the Punishment Lightning strikes us by mistake, except for sinners who are punished by Punishment Lightning, nothing can be harmed."

Du Wang looked confused and asked, "What are you saying? How could a lightning strike only affect certain things?"

"Have you lost your memory or something? How you don't know these axioms?"

After that, without any choice, he believes that his best friend had somehow suffered from partial amnesia or that he was still confusing the dream with reality, he explained to him what is happening.

A hundred years ago, someone is said to have lost all his possessions in gambling, which led to the death of his family seeking to pay off his debts.

But one day, this person suddenly disappeared and everyone thought that he had committed suicide or that the debt collectors arrested him to sell his organs.

But, this person reappeared after more than twenty years with very great power, he was able to control everything, with a word from him, storms will come or the rain will fall, with a word from him will be a harvest or drought.

When he appeared, the first thing he said was.

"From now on, all types of gambling are strictly prohibited. Anyone who utters this word or practices gambling will suffer from the Punishment Lightning."

Indeed, right after he said this, lightning strikes hit all over the world and wiped out all the casinos and gambling dens with everyone who was in.

Of course, there were some people who didn't believe this and dared to utter the word 'gambling', and immediately the Punishment Lightning fell on them and wiped them out of existence.

Since that time it's a common knowledge that gambling is taboo that much basic knowledge is about gambling has been lost and is only found in ancient books so people now don't know what is the casino or the famous games, and seeing Punishment Lightning isn't uncommon, sometimes criminals choose to die by the Punishment Lightning instead of being caught, just as the Punishment Lightning is used for suicide or Some kids who said this word inadvertently.

Hearing this explanation, Du Wang was speechless, and after living in this world for a few days he didn't notice anything strange except for the Punishment Lightning, even the history is almost without change.

Gradually, Du Wang began to doubt that this is the reality and that everything before is a dream or he hit his head and see a strange dream.

But less than a week later, Du Wang began to suffer from severe slavery, and his mental state was deteriorating greatly with each passing day.

These were the symptoms of an addict who had stopped using what he was addicted to.

Previously, not a day went by for Du Wang without gambling, even if he didn't go to the casino he would gamble in normal life, in short, he must gamble in something.

But he now spent a week without gambling! He couldn't stand this!

Soon he began to have nightmares and all of his motivation to study and do anything disappeared.

"Oi, Du Wang, what's wrong with you? You don't look fine lately."

Tuba Yuxi noticed his friend's strange condition and asked anxiously because it's rare for Du Wang to be cheerful.

Du Wang was semi-conscious so he answered automatically.

"I want to gamble, Arghhhhhh!! " 

As soon as Du Wang said this, lightning from the sky fell and turned him to ashes, although he turned to ashes in an instant, he felt it was the eternity, he suffered pain that can't be described because the Punishment Lightning.

"Ha?! What is going on?"

Du Wang opened his eyes and saw that he is standing in front of Tuba Yuxi on the way to school.

'This ..... did I back to the starting point? '

Du Wang was so nervous, he couldn't imagine what it would be his days like in a future were without gambling and he could only wish that it was all just a dream and that he had now woken up.

Despite his extreme fear, Du Wang mustered his courage and said.



Immediately the Punishment Lightning descended from the sky, struck Du Wang, and passed by again with that indescribable pain.

Once again, Du Wang opened his eyes to find the same scene in front of him.

This happened with Du Wang countless times, he was always afraid of dying so he decided to give up gambling.

He visited many psychiatrists and tried all means he knows, but he was already addicted beyond the rescue.

At some point, he began to think about why all that happening to him, why is there such a law? Why did that person do something like this? Only because he once suffered from this, he decides on his own that gambling is a bad thing, or is he just hating gambling?

Why could he do such a thing? Is there no justice in the world?

Just because he's strong he can do whatever he wants? Because he's strong, does the weak's will like me not matter? Because I am weak, my life and my thoughts can be ignored?

Du Wang opened his eyes and gasped madly, looking at his hands, which seemed larger than that of a student.

He looked around to see Lu Huang, Sun Chiwei, and Rui Feiyue exchanging the same horror looks with trembling bodies.

"Since you came out of the dream world, you must have realized well your value, right?"

Shi Tu was lying on his Arcana thighs relaxed, asked without opening his eyes.

The first to answer was Du Wang, who couldn't stop his trembling body.

" I saw a world without gambling, a world where everyone who uttered the word gambling will be killed, and I couldn't do anything in front of absolute power."

"I have seen all of my women being abused and stolen from me, I saw everyone I care about repeatedly being killed before my eyes and I was powerless, I could do nothing."

From all of them, Lu Huang's condition was the worst because he was the most emotional, and seeing his loved ones die terribly over and over again had completely destroyed him.

" I saw my mother and sister being assassinated many times, although I knew how the assassination would happen, I was never able to save either of them."

" I ...."

" I am not interested in you, you are here because of a whim of me."

This time Rui Feiyue weakly lowered her head and didn't dare to say anything, after what she had gone through, she knew very well her worth and knew well that she still alive due to a whim of Shi Tu.

Shi Tu opened his eyes and got up with the help of Arcana, apparently, his body hadn't fully recovered.

"You should be thankful. Usually, only the elite disciple of the great sects and clans can go through the experience of the dream world in their youth. It's a good way to prevent the heirs from falling victim to their vanity and belief in their superiority, you are lucky that Arcana is here, or that you were going to die like dogs if you go into the world with your mentality. "

The dream world considers a high-level soul technique that few people can use due to the great pressure that it puts on the user's soul. He will not have to divide his soul into millions in order for the characters in the dream world to be more realistic and independent thinking to achieve the best possible effect. Controlling millions of characters at the same time for many years without stopping is very stressful and requires great wisdom to prevent something like the user's personality from happening.

That is why only those who have reached the peak of soul cultivation can use this to train their younger generations so that they are not wasteful and cocky.

"We thank you for your kindness to us and we will never forget it. If we have the ability one day, we will make sure to repay you."

This time they didn't say they would definitely repay Shi Tu but rather said if they could and this means that they make good progress realizing their weakness, after all, what can they offer to someone like Shi Tu?

"This is better, now you go and hope you survive and live so that my efforts are not wasted. Among the millions whom I have given this opportunity, you have a fairly good chance."

This was a final reminder of Shi Tu.

Because I chose you, don't think that you are special, you are four out of millions of candidates.

The Four bowed deeply to Shi Tu and left without problems because Ling Qingzhu had gotten rid of everyone and it wouldn't be difficult for them to pass through commoners or ordinary soldiers.

"Well, let's leave now, there are a lot of things to do in one night."

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