The Epic Tale of Chaos vs Order

Chapter 79

79 Dragon Blood Grass

Cain and Oliver left the Titan Tower and returned to the cadet’s residences. Both of them remained silent the entire trip, which was fine for Cain as many things were going through his mind.

It was after they were back at Cain’s residence that Oliver spoke again.

“Lord Zarak is an extremely important character in the Empire, and becoming his student is a great lucky chance. That is all I can say about that. Good luck, young man.” Oliver rose to the sky and vanished after that.

A meaningful light appeared in Cain’s eyes as he analyzed Oliver’s words and entered his residence. Less than an hour had passed since he left, so nothing had changed.

“Apex, have you found any record of Zarak?” Cain was not someone that blindly trusted people. While having a powerful master would be good for him, following someone without knowing anything about them could lead to disaster.

“Unfortunately, no. Whoever that man is, there is not a single public record of him, so he is very reclusive and powerful.”

Cain expected such an answer and nodded. There was still some time to sleep, so he began analyzing the crystal card Zarak gave him.

There was a systematic approach to the Ego Eternal Path of Power in that crystal card. The first line he read made it perfectly clear how essential willpower was for those who trained on that path.

“Willpower is your limiter. No matter how high your talent or how fast your Ego Wave increases, without strong willpower, you will never thrive in the Ego Eternal Path of Power.”


It was not hard for Cain to understand the meaning of those words. He could access the First Realm of the Ego Eternal Path of Power at such low cultivation because his Ego Eternal Matrix was activated, granting him willpower equal to a Late Wave Champion from birth.

If Cain does not increase his willpower beyond that point without external help, he will be stuck in the First Realm until his cultivation in the Astral Rebirth Path of Power surpasses the Wave Champion rank, improving his willpower. Nevertheless, taking that path would drive his Ego Eternal Path of Power to a supplementary role.

According to the information in Zarak’s crystal card, most Wave Cultivators use the Ego Eternal Path of Power as a supplementary one, not having access to it before reaching the Middle or Late Wave Champion rank. You would have lost most of your potential if you accessed the First Realm at that point.

‘Wink must be one of the Wave Cultivators that doesn’t take the Ego Eternal Path of Power as a primary power source. He should not even be aware of the Ego Eternal Matrix, or else he would not have been baffled by my use of Ego Wave during the training.’

Cain spent the next five hours going through the information in the crystal card, and even then, he only scratched the surface, but the most important part for him was how to access the Ego Eternal Path of Power’s First Realm.

There were two requirements, the most simple yet hardest being the activations of the Ego Eternal Matrix. One must develop willpower through hardship and pain until the energy wave it generated could match that of a Late Wave Champion.

Your cultivation in either the Essence Evolution Path of Power or the Astral Rebirth Path of Power would immensely help develop your willpower. Nevertheless, if you overly rely on them, your Ego Eternal Path of Power will never be more than a side path.

Cain was incredibly lucky since he was born with his Ego Eternal Matrix activated from birth, most likely due to his identity as a Reincarnator.

However, the second requirement had nothing to do with luck and all with self-realization. You must detach yourself from all outside perceptions and find your true nature.

Most people see themselves as reasonable and fair, but that is because they live in a world with rules, laws, and cultures that stop them from allowing their true nature to flourish. What would you become if nothing stopped you from following your deepest heart’s desire?

After understanding that, Cain put the crystal card away. He knew there was no way he would reach the level of enlightenment needed to enter the Ego Eternal Path of Power’s First Realm by simply meditating.

As Zarak said, tribulations are fundamental in the growth of those who want to have the Ego Eternal Path of Power as a primary source of strength.

‘I need to take on missions that push me to my limits. However, I must not be careless either. The first thing should be improving my battle power.’

Cain used the military network to search for two things. One was a skill that could improve his speed, and another a treasure that could improve his cultivation. It did not take him long to find what he was looking for.

[Lightning Armament: Transmutate your Astral Wave into lightning that can cover your body. It also uses lightning to stimulate your nervous system to improve your reaction speed.

-A total of three levels

-Useful up to the Early Wave Champion rank

Cost: 2500 Imperial Military Credits.]

Cain was very pleased with Lightning Armament. Although costly, it was among the best skills for Wave Warrior as it improved speed, offense, and defense.

Although Cain already had Lightning Conversion, a skill that helped transmute his Astral Wave to lightning, it was too rigid and could only cover the body’s outer layer. If Cain were to use it to affect his nervous system, he would end up severely harmed.

Lightning Armament was the skill that would improve his speed. As for treasure that would assist his cultivation, that was much more expensive.

[Dragon Blood Grass: Herb nurtured by the blood of a dragon. It has immense blood vitality and blood energy. Excellent for tempering the body of those that follow Astral Rebirth Path of Power and has a high chance of triggering marrow washing.

-Due to the calm nature of its energy, anyone above Level 1 Wave Warrior can use it.

-Normally used for Level 7 Wave Warriors to improve their chances to advance into the Wave Champion rank.

Cost: 25.000 Imperial Military Credits]

The Dragon Blood Grass was a single-use item, yet it cost more than ten times what Lightning Armament, but Cain did not find it odd. Cultivation was the base of all strength, and something that could help you rise from a Wave Warrior to a Wave Champion was bound to be costly.

Of course, Cain did not intend to buy it just to keep it locked until he could advance to the Wave Champion rank. He would use it now, hopefully triggering his marrow washing, and improving his strength and talent.

It did not take long for a drone carrying a crystal card and a small chest to arrive at his residence after Cain paid for the articles.

Cain took the crystal card and branded it, transferring all the information into his [A.I. Chip Module]. Thanks to his Lineage improving his talent regarding lightning, it was not hard for him to learn Lightning Armament’s first level, allowing lightning to cover his legs and affect his nervous system, improving his reaction speed.

There was still a long way before Cain mastered the first skill level, but his current proficiency improved his speed by at least twenty percent. Although he wanted to keep training and take a look at the Dragon Blood Grass, it was already too late, and he was exhausted.

Only after a long sleep and waking up refreshed and full of energy did Cain pick up the small chest and open it. As soon as he did that, a strong smell of blood inundated his residence, and he saw three slivers of red grass.

Originally Cain intended to consume the slivers of grass immediately, but when he detected the blood energy flooding the room, an idea came to his mind.

Cain made sure to shut down his room tightly, so no iota of the blood energy coming from the red grass could escape before adopting a meditative position and using the Blood Refinement Art.

A large smile appeared in Cain as he felt how the blood energy in the room was entering his body under the Blood Refinement Art’s guidance and began to nurture his flesh and blood.

Just the residual energy that the Dragon Blood Grass naturally released proved to be better than what Cain would obtain from using the hearts of Level 3 Wave Beasts!

Cain kept practicing the Blood Refinement Art for over nineteen hours until he finally consumed all the residual energy released from the Dragon Blood Grass.

There was a feeling in Cain’s heart that if he consumed just one of the slivers of grass, a massive change would happen to him, and without hesitation, he did it.

The moment that sliver of red grass entered Cain’s mouth, he felt a wave of blood energy reaching every corner of his body.

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