The Empress's Transmigration into a Magnate's Wife

Chapter 109: To the point of Death

Chapter 109

If these words were heard by a newly married young daughter-in-law, she would definitely not be able to bear it.

But who is Rong Dai?

In her previous life, she was the empress of a nation, and the storms and thorns she experienced were beyond what a small character like Huo Linjing could imagine.

"The wedding is just a formality. I married Shaoting, our marriage was arranged by the state, and had grandma and mom as witnesses. Our family had a simple meal, and I felt it was good enough. Maybe because that day was too busy, I forgot to invite you, which made you uncomfortable. I can understand, after all, you still remember your surname is Huo."

Rong Dai's face still had a smile, her voice was also very gentle, but there was meaning within her words, which made Huo Linjing's face turn green again.

"As for you saying I should serve tea, I served tea to Er Ye, also because you are surnamed Huo. Anyway, you have the Huo family bloodline in you."

The smile on her face suddenly faded, and the majestic aura of the past thirty years invisibly emanated from her again.

Her eyes glanced over the Huo Er Ye's family, and finally landed on Huo Feng.

"Since you want to discuss rules, then let me ask, isn't this house where our family lives now? You burst in like bandits, can you say I don't understand rules?"

"You came up wanting to hit me. In name, whether you admit it or not, I am your eldest sister-in-law. To be precise, you should serve me tea. Coming in to hit your eldest sister-in-law, I have never heard of such upbringing."

"And auntie, you keep talking about upbringing, but look how unruly and ill-mannered you have taught your daughter to be. I really don't know how you can speak of upbringing from that mouth of yours? Aren't you afraid your mouth will rot?"

"They all say guests should be treated well. Now grandma and my mother-in-law are not at home, and Shaoting is still at the company handling things. I am the elder in this house and the hostess. You coming to my house to teach me rules, auntie, is this your upbringing?"

Rong Dai asked back word by word methodically, not at all afraid of their anger.


"When elders speak, first, juniors should not interrupt casually. Miss Huo, since you want to discuss propriety with me, this is the first rule I will teach you."

Seeing Huo Linjing getting so angry her face turned red and green wanting to interrupt, her eyes looked over sharply, her expression very majestic.

Huo Linjing was shocked, suddenly at a loss for words to refute!

"What a glib tongue!" When had Jiang Qiaoqing ever been ridiculed like this? Of course her expression was not good.

"Thank you for your compliment, auntie, but I have no grievances or grudges with you, I don't even know you, so what gives you the right to lecture me on propriety? I think Meishu has never received a grain of rice or a drop of water from your favor, so you don't seem to have the right to reprimand her either."

"I call you auntie out of respect for the Huo surname. If I were you, I would not boast so much in front of my husband. Too many words will inevitably lead to slips."

She shifted her gaze to Jiang Qiaoqing. She knew about the Huo family's past, and from the attitude of the young aunt and uncle, they clearly harbored deep hatred towards this family.

"I also have something to say to Er Ye Huo. Since this is a visit, you should act like a guest. What our relationship is with Er Ye's family, I don't need to elaborate, do I?"

"By not bringing it up, it's to leave some leeway for both sides. Don't make a mountain out of a molehill, or slap gold paint on your own face. Calling you Er Ye is already giving you a lot of face."

"You all came today, deliberately waiting until Shaoting is not home, wanting to take advantage of your greater numbers to force me to forgive Wen Shi Lan..."

She hesitated for a moment. In the large hall, her voice was clear but full of majesty.

"I think you've miscalculated, or rather, Granny Wen had the wrong idea. Just two days ago, she schemed against me. If you want to learn how to take candid pictures, Huo Shaoming, be more professional about it."

Her gaze suddenly fell on Huo Shaoming, her expression seemed to be smiling.

Huo Meishu was shocked, she leapt up and charged at Huo Shaoming, and as expected found a miniature camera in his pocket.

"Birds of a feather flock together. I'll return those words verbatim to you, Miss Jiang."

Rong Dai's smile became a little cold.

Jiang Qiaoqing's expression was unpleasant, but in this battle of words she was no match for Rong Dai. Moreover, there was something sinister about this woman that made her involuntarily feel afraid in her heart.

Huo Jun had not spoken all this time. Now was when he should say something.

"Rong Dai, right? You still need to be more modest in your speech and actions. You just arrived at the Huo family..."

"Sorry, uncle. My sister-in-law has been at the Huo family for almost half a year. And after my father passed away, your family no longer had the right to come here. Compared to my sister-in-law, you are the new arrivals."

Seeing her eldest sister-in-law taking fire from all sides, Huo Meishu was of course unhappy!

This family was just ungrateful wolves, she definitely could not tolerate this!

"Er Ye, uncle, if you came today to ask my sister-in-law to talk about Wen Shi Lan's matter... there is nothing to discuss. The court session is the day after tomorrow. Everything awaits the court's verdict. Her act was attempted murder."

Huo Shaojie also spoke up in a deep voice.

He had also just been awed by his sister-in-law's aura earlier. If big brother came back and knew he let his sister-in-law face this family alone, he'd be strung up and beaten for three days!

"There is no room for discussion on this matter." Rong Dai's gaze was firm, her voice gentle but very resolute.

"Then are you trying to drive me to my death!? Are you trying to ruin the Wen family, forcing me to marry a poor bastard? Rong Dai, are you that vicious!?"

When Huo Linjing heard this, she immediately bristled up, craning her neck and angrily questioning her!

Hearing this, Rong Dai just wanted to laugh. She was vicious? She was the victim, so how did she become vicious?

"Huo Linjing, has your brain been crushed by a rock? My sister-in-law is vicious? Why don't you tell Wen Runlin that his sister Wen Shi Lan is vicious? Who you marry has nothing to do with my sister-in-law. Between our two families, apart from the Huo surname, there is no longer any blood ties or intimacy. Stop pretending!"

Huo Meishu was also furious. She finally realized what true shamelessness meant.

"You, you..." Huo Linjing was so angry her chest heaved. Suddenly she grabbed the fruit knife on the coffee table and slashed her arm!

Fresh blood instantly flowed out!

"Rong Dai, I'll say it plainly today! If you don't agree to Granny Wen's conditions, I'll die here today! Then you will also be a murderer!"

Huo Linjing looked at Rong Dai with blazing eyes full of desperation. Huo Er Ye's family also did not expect she would be so bold.

Huo Meishu and Huo Shaojie were both shocked, looking at the deranged Huo Linjing. They finally understood Left Ran's madness a little.

Some people really did go crazy for no reason at all.

Among all the people present, only Rong Dai, Huo Feng and Huo Shaoqian were the calmest.

"Wang Ma, go get the first aid kit."

Rong Dai calmly ordered Wang Ma, then her gaze fell on Huo Linjing, "Miss Huo, if you want me to feel guilty, that slash was too light, and you cut the wrong spot."

Her eyes were smiling, mixed with some mockery.

If Huo Linjing really wanted to coerce her with death, she would not have slashed her forearm. Anyone with some medical knowledge would choose to slit their wrist.

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