The Duke's Passion

Chapter 94 - Illusions

Chapter 94 - Illusions

"Let's not make love." I dared. "Let's fuck… hard."

Sam's eyes darkened even more with lust. That's what he wanted. Now that only made sense why he seemed to have a hard time in Whistlebird.

He had to fight against his own demons. He should've told me. But I couldn't really blame him.

The extent of how far and long vampires could take it remained unknown to me. They said a vampire had an insatiable lust.

That's why they could last for days without stopping. I still couldn't comprehend the entire painting of drinking someone's blood to borrow strength.

But I wouldn't need that now, would I?

Suddenly, Sam bit his thumb with his fangs.

"Have some." When blood appeared on his thumb, he offered it to me. "Lick it."

Sam's voice was flat, but his eyes flickered with fascination. He's thrilled.

"Your blood…?" I raised my brows as I darted my gaze from his thumb to his eyes.

"It's just normal blood. You won't turn into a vampire nor it'll be dangerous for you... considering my current state."

Considering his current state? Did he mean… what happened in Whistlebird?

"Can I ask why?" I blurted out, pursing my lips in a thin line.

"You will need it." Sam explained, keeping it short and simple. Yet, that quick answer didn't enlighten me — not the slightest.

I hesitated momentarily. However, I trusted him. Even if I get sired, I'm too in love with him I felt like there's no difference.

With that in mind, I slowly raised my hand and guided his hand to my lips. My lips parted as I put his thumb inside my mouth.

It tasted bitter but had a sweet aftertaste. It tasted very different from to the iron taste of human blood.

My gaze barely looked away from him as I sucked the blood from his thumb. Sam's mouth fell open as he watched me suck and lick his blood from his thumb.

I studied his aroused reaction. It pleased me.

As that small portion of his blood traveled down my throat, I felt this scorching heat throughout my body. My throat dried up instantly, as my body desperately needed his touches.

Yes. Right now, here in the open.

Unknowingly, I'm panting for air. My chest moved in and out heavily.

All my emotions heightened; this needs, this wants, this lust, this love. I could feel them all fiercely taking over me.

The bitter taste gradually sweetened, closing my eyes as they rolled back. I'm merely sucking Sam's thumb, but it felt very stimulating.

"That's enough." Sam carefully withdrew his hand, snapping my eyes open. I frowned.

Slowly, he bent down on me, licking his bottom lips.

"Do you now understand what it feels to have heightened emotions?" Sam whispered. The apex of his nose brushing my jaw and ear.

He's teasing me, purposely. Goodness… Instinctively, I clasped his chest tightly.

"Stop teasi —" I gasped, arching my back as I perfectly felt how his fangs sunk into my shoulders.

It was rough, unrestrained, and painful. His gulping resonated in my ear, sending shivers down my spine all the way.

Yet, I couldn't think properly. I never loved pain, but this slight sting was different for reasons unknown.

Unlike our first and our last mating, this time felt different. I blamed lust for dominating us.

Regardless, if it was him, it felt alright. At least for me. It felt just about right.

Sam clasped my shoulder tightly, but not tight enough to break them. He's not stopping.

I should stop him, right? But… I couldn't bring myself to.

Soon, Sam let out a low grunt as he pulled his head back. "Lilou…"

His eyes glinted, grinding his teeth as he glanced at me.

"You won't stop me?" He growled huskily, wrapping his arms around my waist.

Why would I? I replied internally.

Upon responding inwardly, the corner of his lips curled into a smirk. Strange, I thought, but ignored it.

With little effort, he pulled me up to sit with his arm around my waist.

Hence, I ended up sitting on his lap while he sat on the ground. Without asking or pausing, his fangs sank into my upper chest.

He's having a feast and the sound every time he punctured my skin felt strange. His grip around me tightened more and more.

Sam couldn't stop himself. He couldn't control his thirst.

Danger. My life was in danger.

Deep down, I'm aware of that. But, maybe, that's just the way to go.

Slowly, I raised my hand from his back and run it through his hair. Arching my back as I tilted my head back, succumbing to the pain of his fangs into me.

"Sam…" I gritted my teeth.

Sam had been reluctant to drink my blood on our way here. Instead, he drank and only licked the blood that would naturally come out from it.

But now he's sucking me… dry. No wonder he was so reluctant and secretive. Unlike his needs for the first time, his needs this time were different.

It was as if he was in desperate need to survive. A subtle smile resurfaced on my lips.

I'm happy to help. "I love you." As my words slipped past my lips, I felt him pause and stiffen.

Soon, my head felt light. It started spinning as coldness seeped into my bones.

But I felt at peace. It was as if deep down; I saved him for reasons unknown. My heart was certain about that.

"My lady!" Before I succumbed to the darkness, I heard Fabian's worried shouts from a distance.

I felt his fang tearing long marks across my neck. Then, nothing.


When Fabian came and saw Lilou sitting on the ground alone, he shouted.

"My lady!" He rushed to her and Lilou was staring into nothingness.

Puzzled upon seeing her lifeless eyes, he shook her shoulders. "My lady! What happened?!"

Suddenly, Sam came in. His eyes instantly went wide, seeing Lilou's unblinking eyes.

"Lilou!" When Sam yelled and rushed to her, Lilou finally blinked her eyes and shifted her gaze to him.

A subtle smile resurfaced on her lips before she collapsed.

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