The Duke's Passion

Chapter 207 - If Im Not The King...

Chapter 207 - If I'm Not The King...

This was awkward. Why did I even agree to his invitation if I knew this would happen? A sigh slipped from my lips. I should excuse myself since he hadn't said a word from the beginning.

"I —"

"How are you faring?" he asked, cutting me off as if he knew what I would say. I glanced at him and my eyes instinctively averted in a different direction when I caught him looking at me.

"Good, Your Majesty." It was actually better until the moment he asked me for a stroll. I've only seen Stefan a few times in the past month, and all that was in the gathering Sam would constantly take me in.

At first, I didn't understand Sam's reasoning why he would take me to that gathering of the most important individuals in this kingdom. But I figured it was because he didn't want to explain it himself, or it was just too complicated if explained by words. Politics was too complex and everyone was ought to have a different opinion.

"Won't you ask me in return?" he asked in a light tone.

I bit my tongue before sporting a forced smile. "How about you, Your Majesty? How have you been?" I cast him a look and then looked ahead.

"If you put it that way, it sounds like I'm forcing you."

'Are you not?' was what I wanted to say, but held back. I remained silent as the rustle of the grass sounded a little crisp under our boots. Even though Sam guaranteed Stefan wouldn't use the power of sire on me again, there's still a lot of reason I'm hostile towards the king.

"Well, I suppose you're not interested," He said, nothing changed in his light tone. Was there something I should be interested in him? I glanced at him, but said nothing.

He then asked once again, "has Hell been good to you?"

"Yes, Your Majesty," I answered, moving my gaze down. "Although we've been both busy with our duties, he always spares some of his time with me." My eyes softened as I smiled subtly.

"I see," He said, nodding. "That's good to hear then."

His tone sounded light and distant, but something pricked my heart lightly. I'm quite familiar with this pain already, as this pain had been striking me ever since that wedding. I had a few conclusions, why, but I couldn't ask anyone aside from him.

Because I was sired to him, I wonder if the pain in my heart was his doing? Or am I just feeling the pain in his heart? Was it mine? Or his?

My steps grew slower until I was walking behind him. "Why?" I whispered, stopping in my tracks as I raised my head.

Stefan also stopped and slowly turned around to face me. He tilted his head, sporting a perplexed look on his face.

"Your Majesty, why does it sound like you care?" I asked, mustering a lifetime of courage to ask him this question. His eyes briefly dilated, stunned, as if he didn't expect such a foolish question.

I knew it was a foolish question. He aggravated me, or rather, his actions, his personality, and how he glossed his words with vagueness, annoyed me. But I couldn't bring myself to hate him completely. After all, there was this little part of me that believed he was doing everything for… me.

Stefan let out a low chuckle. "Do I?"

"Your Majesty, you told me you saved my life three times," I paused, fighting off the urge to tell him the term 'saved' was incorrect, but I had to stick with it. "First is when you abducted, rescued, me in Cunningham, and second is from Hanz. Did you count it incorrectly?"

Silence befell us, and I'm not even surprised. A faint sigh slipped past my lips as the whistle of the night breeze blew past us. This was… disappointing.

I cleared my throat and broke the silence. "It's about time I should return, Your Majesty. I had to excuse myself first," I said and beckoned a bow, turning around to leave.

"Lilou," he called, and I halted. "The ones you mentioned are the second and third."

Then, when was the first? I asked in my head, but words clogged in my throat.

"The first time…" He trailed off and as if he changed his mind, he asked, "Will you walk with me again to hear it?"

I scoffed, rolling my eyes as I faced him squarely. "I'm afraid —"

"Come here." My breath hitched as I gritted my teeth, balling my hand into a fist. This again. My feet moved on their own towards him and stopped three steps away from him.

"Your Majesty, didn't you promise not to use the power sire to my husband?" I queried through my gritted teeth, glaring daggers at him.

Stefan just stared at me, and I couldn't guess what was behind those eyes. "I did and by breaking that promise will render the agreement null and void."

"Why?" My voice shook. "Why would you go this far as to risk the lives of the many just to provoke my husband?" Had he lost his mind?

The only reason for this truce was the possibility of a war breaking out. But if he provoked Sam, not only the truce would be void, but this would also give the perfect chance for the enemies who lurked in the dark to attack. So why? Why would a king jeopardized this temporary peace and risk the kingdom after all the trouble he went through?

He raised his hand. "Why?" he asked. I wanted to take a step back, but couldn't, letting his hand cup my cheek. "Because I've been wondering, sweetheart, if I'm not the king, if I didn't care about the people, and if I live my life solely for myself, would I be happy?"

I felt a hand clench my heart. It was painful, so much so my lungs constricted.

Stefan slowly bent over, tilting his head as he added, "I just had to close this tiny gap, sweetheart, and everything is over."

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