The Duke's Passion

Chapter 173 - Were Getting Married

Chapter 173 - We're Getting Married

I didn't know a simple kiss on the cheek would shock him into silence, but that was better as we smoothly approached the dining hall without a problem. Unlike usual, almost all the seats were all occupied, as the lively chattering resonated across the dining hall.

When we came in, the liveliness suddenly died down as all eyes were on both of us. Sam strutted in with an air of confidence. While I kept my manners whilst ignoring the awkwardness from their odd gazes.

"Gree—" I was stopped in performing a curtsy as Sam tugged my arm and whispered to my ear, "No need."

A frown resurfaced on my lips as I gazed at him suspiciously. He could be the rudest individual in here, but I can't. I couldn't afford to offend more royalty. I have a neck to save!

"You're terribly late, Hell!" Dominique clapped as he broke the silence. "Why don't you two sit down? It's been a while since His Majesty had seen all his brothers and sisters during dinner!"

I made a quick scan around the table before my gaze fell on Stefan. He wasn't saying anything, as he drank his wine elegantly.

"Then, is His Majesty indebted to me because I reunited his beloved siblings?" Sam humored as he escorted me to a seat before he sat down. "You're welcome, Your Majesty."

'If this was not challenging the authority of the king, I don't know what is,' my subconscious mind crooned.

I wanted to tell Sam not to push it too far, but I admit I liked his sarcasm towards Stefan. I couldn't just forgive Stefan for what he had done, even though the situation had changed.

A shallow sigh slipped past my lips as I instinctively set my eyes on Yul. He seemed to be in a terrible mood… or just being himself. Sivi was also strangely quiet.

Was this because of Sam? Or Stefan? It could also be both. But that was not my concern. I let another weak sigh as I remembered my own current problems.

'Should I start listing my problems and my survival plans?' I asked myself, and my subconscious mind answered, 'Yes, you should or you'd end up… dead.'

As if my subconscious mind wasn't convinced I understood that well, it repeated mockingly. 'Dead, dead, dead, haha!'

'I should stop listening to my inner voice. I didn't even remember since when did I pick up this habit again?' I mentally shook my head to shrug my thoughts away as the servants served the dinner.

My stomach growled upon getting a whiff of the savory aroma of the meat served before me. I gulped, watching my manners as I didn't want to embarrass myself.

Hence, I picked up my cutlery and started slicing the meat. I could've just gobbled it up without slicing it thinly, to be honest.

"You have a good eye patch, Hanz!" Sam clapped, and I flinched before I raised my gaze at him. "It looks good on you!" He added.

Was Sam trying to pick a fight? It was already a surprise that Hanz kept quiet all this time.

"A compliment coming from a bugger. This dinner is surely fascinating." Hanz scorned as he leaned his arms against the smooth edge of the table.

But Sam was unfazed by the insult, as the side of his lips stretched wider.

"I couldn't disagree, my brother! After all, this table…" Sam trailed off as he scanned the people around the table and smirked. "… is filled with people supporting different kings."

"Insolence!" Hanz slammed his palm against the surface of the table… and I took my first bite.

I've been keeping my manners to not tarnish whatever reputation Sam had. Who am I deluding? What sort of reputation did he even have to begin with? Sam didn't even care about it.

My stress started to build up, and I unconsciously ate more. Was dinner not to their liking as they kept arguing whenever they eat?

"Oh, come on, Hanz! How can you be so hot-tempered even after centuries?" Sam chuckled playfully, obviously pleased at his brother's reaction. "Are you that scared of the sheer thought I've finally had an interest in the throne?"

"Hah!" Hanz scowled as the air suddenly thickened. "That arrogance of yours really ticks me off."

My expression grew sullen. Sam should stop teasing Hanz, honestly. Who would want to eat in such a suffocating atmosphere? Even the other royalties had stopped chatting as they watched the two.

The question 'would they end up dueling?' flickered across their eyes. Sometimes, I felt like this palace was just a fancy version of an asylum. The royal family was full of different levels of lunatics.

"Hehe. You're always fun to tease, Hanz." Sam giggled with a change of tone. There he was again, shifting in different moods faster than a blink of an eye.

"I'm in the good mood, so I'll let you off," Sam added as he leaned back. "I actually had a detailed plan ready how I would discipline my little brother for pulling that trick three months ago."

So Sam already knew about that too? I frowned as I wondered, since when? And how much did he know? Did he know about… my shoulders stiffened at the thought of Stefan's involvement.

"Haha! Hell, I wonder what puts you in a good mood?" Dominique chimed in, almost sounding jolly if not for the strange awkwardness in his voice.

Was Sam really in a good mood? I couldn't tell, and I couldn't even guess if Dominique was joking right now. Well, compared to last night's event, Sam could be in a good mood.

Now that I thought about it, I wondered why no one was talking about the occurrence last night? A lot of heads rolled, and blood flooded the floor of the banquet hall. How could they be so relaxed? Those people were nobles, after all.

'I should've asked Fabian,' I thought as I didn't ask about it because their lives didn't matter to me. 'I've also grown cruel, in a way, huh?'

"Oh, now that you've asked, I'm glad to share the good news with you," Sam exclaimed excitedly before I flinched as he turned to me. "We're getting married."

"I see. A wedding after we settle everything would be a good sign, not just for the kingdom but also for the duchy!" Dominique nodded happily, but Sam suddenly intervened.

"Tonight." His eyes were still on me before he reached for the tip of my hair and played with it. "We're getting married tonight."

And a long, suffocating silence ensued.

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