The Duke's Passion

Chapter 159 - Cross The Line

Chapter 159 - Cross The Line

Dominique escorted me to one of the balconies. The gleeful chuckles and cheering from the other side of the balcony turned my stomach. Below the surface where Dominique and I stood were men fighting each other to death.

"Isn't it amusing?" Dominique leaned his arms against the marbled railing as he gazed at the small arena.

"Amusing?" I repeated sarcastically. "It is for you, I guess."

"Of course, it is. They kept coming back on their feet even though, they can barely move." Dominique mused as he watched two determined humans fight for survival.

I bit my lower lip as hard as I could, wincing every time blood spilled on the ground. Dominique then added nonchalantly,? "If one of them just surrendered, they wouldn't have to go through all this, you know."

Surrender? They wouldn't go through all this in the first place if they didn't bring them here.

I took a deep breath, resting my trembling fist on the railing. "If you put yourself in the same shoes, won't you fight back, your highness?" I asked as I gazed at the two fierce warriors battling to death.

"Depends on the opponent. If I know I wouldn't stand a chance, I'd rather enjoy my last drink and wait for my end. Why should I struggle if I know the outcome?" He replied indifferently as he cast me a quick glance. "Human's mind are interesting because you don't think the same, right?"

Silence dawn upon us as I didn't reply immediately. I watched until the match came to an end, with one of them collapsing.

"It's human instinct, your highness," I muttered, watching the victor raised his fist up before pounding his chest to celebrate his victory. "Since humans are born weak, all we can do is try. You can call it foolishness or bravery, but it is what it is."

"Instinct, huh? What a strange way to put it," Dominique replied as he nodded in understanding, before setting his eyes on my side. "Is that why you're putting up with everything? Instinct?"

I slowly faced him, much calmer now than moments ago. "I don't understand what you mean by that, your highness."

"About your marriage, I mean," Dominique uttered, as his eyes glinted with sincerity. "You don't know the type of vampire you want to marry."

"Even if he's the cruelest, it's my decision," I affirmed as I looked away and set them back to the two new contenders entering the small arena.

Dom remained silent as I noticed him turned his attention back to the arena. "Don't misunderstand my intention. You believe Stefan is the bad guy and I'm not interested whose in the right or wrong. What I can tell you is Hell is not who you think he is."

"You may not see him in the same light as I do, but this is a futile attempt to change my mind, your highness." I huffed. "I love him."

"And because you love him, he's the most righteous one in your eyes? Do you even have the slightest idea that the reason this kingdom had fallen in dystopia is because of him?"

I slowly shifted my eyes to his side, a bit taken aback at his remarks. Dominique had almost similar playful traits as Sam, but I only see this stern side of him now.

"What do you mean?" I asked, without looking away from him.

"What I mean is, because of him, a kingdom that put the law above everyone else lost its power when Hell came to age," Dominique explained solemnly as he set his eyes on me. "Rules? They are created so someone can break them, were the words that will come out from Hell's mouth whenever he breaks one or two."

He paused as he turned around, propping his back and elbows against the railing. "Hell is the type of person who enjoys crossing the line. Do you think Hell truly loves you? Are you so certain it is genuine love and not just another rule he wants to break? A line he is tempted to cross?"

My lips parted, but no words came out. I wanted to argue with him, but I couldn't think of words to say.

"I'm telling you this because I don't have those petty prejudices about humans." Dominique cocked his head to me, his eyes glinting as he arched his brow. "Those warriors you pity, can't you see their ardor while they fight? Do you think they're victims?"

I moved my gaze down below. The battle was over, and I fixed my eyes towards the victor. He was grinning as he gazed at a certain balcony. I followed where he was looking at, catching a group of noblemen who raised their glass to him.

"Unlike what you think, humans have a place in this kingdom."

"A place…" I whispered in dismay as if hearing the most ridiculous joke I've ever heard in my life.

"Of course you won't believe that because you came from Grimsbanne. After all, Grimsbanne was like a small kingdom inside this kingdom," Dominique snorted in mockery.

"Impossible," I scoffed as I couldn't trust anything that came from the mouth. "So, you're saying the monarchy abandoned Grimsbanne just because it's Sam's land?"

"We didn't abandon it, he forced us to. Why did you think we never touched Grimsbane?" His voice thundered, making me hold my breath. "There's only one La Crox who can freely enter Grimsbanne, and that's the King. What do you think Stefan had been doing for centuries while your beloved Duke sleeps?" He paused as he straightened his back and faced me.

"Stefan had reached out to Rufus many times, but none of Hell's people wants to cooperate. Just like you, they all see us as villains when in fact, our only desire is for humans and vampires to co-exist."

"Co-exist?" Ridiculous. There's a limit to comedy as well.

"I speak no jest, sister." His eyes glinted in utter seriousness. "There are always multiple answers to some questions, but this is our truth. Whether you believe it, or get blinded by an uncertain love, you're the one who suffers in the end."

Silence befell us as I pursed my lips in a thin line. My chest moved in and out heavily, reminding me to take his words with a grain of salt.

"I'm telling you this because I don't think you deserve to be in such a complicated situation." Dominique languidly stepped forth back inside.

He stopped when he was by the door. "Also, because I'm a bit jealous of your relationship with Silvia. I always wonder how it feels to have a sweet sister. All of them are just dull. Let's go in."

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