The Duke's Passion

Chapter 148 - Ninth Prince

Chapter 148 - Ninth Prince

When I was left alone in the gazebo, a sigh slipped past my lips. I didn't expect Silvia to say all that.

It was too abrupt that it I didn't get the luxury to gather my thoughts. All I did was to hold it in.

Fortunately, I had felt this same anger before, back in Cunningham. Hence, I didn't explode from it.

"How can a big place feel so suffocating?" I murmured, propping my jaw against the bottom of my palm, staring at the lake.

Slowly, I gazed down on my other hand, which was holding the invitation for the banquet. It was my first time to receive such an invitation, I should feel honored.

However, I felt more restless, bothered. Something inside me was telling me not to go.

'Do I have a choice, though?' I wondered internally. Obviously, Silvia didn't give me a room to refuse.

Instead, she proposed she would be my partner. Perhaps it wouldn't be that bad if she's with me.

"Four days…" I whispered, shifting my gaze back to the still lake.

From Cunningham to the Capital, if I remembered correctly, that was enough for Sam to arrive here. I wanted to see him so badly.

But now that I thought about it, how come I arrived here so fast? Did it even take a day? Or… was I asleep for days before I woke up?

If it's the former, I could just think they used a special trick or a secret route. If it was the latter… why was Sam not here yet?

My heart throbbed anxiously just thinking about it. I had too much to think about, on top of the words that Silvia told me.

I still had a myriad of questions in my head. Things escalated too quickly that my thoughts were all over the place. Not to mention my emotions.

I wanted to ask if a war about to break out soon? Why was Silvia so calm, despite knowing Sam and the king were about to face an inevitable power struggle? Did she hear anything from Sam? Who was the man last night? Why were their hair had different colors?

Above all, why Sam? Of all the royalty, why Sam?

So many questions but very little answer. The only consolation in here was, some answers were given.

Such as, this entire ordeal from hundreds of years was not entirely because of hatred. It was all about greed and obsession: they would use anything at their disposal.

I wondered if the king knew about this? If so, shouldn't he see those who wanted to depose him a threat instead of Sam?

"Sivi said something about her blood choosing Sam…" I murmured, frowning.

Vampires were different. My opinions differed from them. Because the blood running through their veins was different from mine.

It was hard to relate to them because of it. No matter how I tried to see their perspective in their shoes, it made little sense to me.

"Didn't I really know about this?" I wondered as my eyes drooped. "At the back of my head, I already expected it."

That was right. From the very beginning, Sam always hinted me that accepting him would put me in constant danger.

At that time, I didn't really think about it. I didn't know the extent of danger as I lived my life surviving day by day.

Yet, I've lived peacefully until now. Despite what happened in Cunningham months ago, I still considered my days peaceful.

But now that I'm on my own, I realized how naive I was.

"Be it in Grimsbanne, Whistlebird, and Cunningham, I had nothing to worry about that much because Sam dealt with it. Without telling me, he had shielded the innocence and my slight positive outlook in life." I murmured, along with a deep sigh.

Sam barely informed me what he had done in Grimsbanne after he woke up. In Whistlebird, I witnessed that gruesome massacre in the Remington.

Did Sam had done the same in Grimsbanne while I was peacefully sleeping at night?

My jaw tightened as I clenched my teeth. My shoulders tensed as the knot in my stomach contracted.

The only reason I had that peace was because Sam dirtied his hands with their blood. Even when I wanted to blame him for doing so, I couldn't bring myself to.

Sam didn't tell me about it for my own good. I should be grateful.

'So, I will protect what you had protected as well.' I whispered internally. 'To do that, I had to change to survive in this place.'

Just like what Silvia told me, if I wanted to survive, I had to think like one of them. Know when and when not to look away.

Could I do it?

I sighed at the thought. Initially, I didn't think I could. But after gathering my thoughts, I didn't have a choice.

It's not a matter of whether I could do it. I just had to.

Sam had protected me. So, I had to protect what he had protected. Let that naive and simple-minded Lilou to sleep peacefully.

I nodded encouragingly. That was right. I had to decide now and act accordingly. This time, I had to apply everything that Fabian and Rufus taught me.

"I wonder what Sam is doing, though?" I murmured as the mild breeze brushed past me.


I spent a very long time in the garden before I returned to my chambers. The servants had assisted me back in silence.

As we marched through the hallway, I halted. My gaze landed on a man's figure leaning against the wall ahead.

'Who is he?' I wondered, studying his side profile.

His dark and long plum hair tied down, fleek brows, straight nose, and naturally contoured cheek. I would mistake him as a lady if he was in his dress.

He's gorgeous.

'But… he looks like…' I trailed off as I pondered who it reminded me. 'Plum hair… ohh! The wife number two!'

Right. Cassara and that man over there resembled each other. The only difference was the aura they exuded. Cassara had this arrogant air around her, but that man had a more repressed aura.

'But what was he doing there?' I wondered. He wasn't there to see me, right? Did Cassara tell him I bullied her?

Just then, the man moved his head in my direction. As soon as he did, our eyes met. I flinched that instant. Deep azure eyes.

"Let's go back to the garden." I muttered immediately and turned around.

My time with Silvia was enough for today. No more royalty, please! Can they introduce themselves one at a time?

"Wait." When I heard him, I gritted my teeth in distress.

I let out a faint sigh as I turned around. The maidservants immediately bowed and greeted.

"Greetings to the ninth prince."

"Greetings, your highness." I greeted with a curtsy. Just how many brothers and sisters Sam had?

When I raised my head, the ninth prince was staring at me from head to toe. What did he want?

"Your highness?" I called out, raising my brows as he just remained silent.

He blinked upon hearing me. He then glanced at the maidservants.

"Leave us for a moment. I want to talk to her." He ordered.

Yet, the servants didn't move a muscle. I glanced at them.

Were they waiting for my approval? The head maid glanced up, and I nodded lightly.

Upon doing so, they walked back in a distance. Their distance wasn't far, nor they were near.

I then moved my gaze to the ninth prince, who was staring at the servants. Momentarily, I noticed the murderous glint flickered across his eyes.

"You're fast to take them in your side." He muttered, staring at the servants.

Huh? What did I do?

Slowly, he set his eyes on me. I linked my hands in front of my abdomen, biting my tongue as I stared back.

Although I could feel his enmity towards me, I didn't it was to the extent he wanted me dead. Just what does this ninth prince want?

"Later..." He muttered, making me raise my brows.

What about later? I tilted my head to the side.

"You will dine with us." He informed me, staring at me straight in the eyes. "Kill yourself before supper."

With that being said, the ninth prince turned around and walked away.

Wow… what a jerk. A male version of Cassara, indeed. I wanted to clap with amusement.

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