The dragon's harem

Chapter 762 Yarn Ball

Chapter 762 Yarn Ball

"I did get a hit in." Arad said with a smile, Staring at Betty's bleeding nose.

Betty smiled, "Yeah, it's been a while since someone got me. But it isn't strange with Master living rent-free in your head." She stared at him with glowing diamond eyes. "I'll make sure…"

Betty went silent, and so did Arad, a large aura of mana rushed from the dust, and two blue eyes glared at them. Gojo stood there, staring at Betty with a smile.

"I can't see a damn thing, you broke something in my head." He tapped the back of his head. "But…I can still feel it, your mana, you're here."

He lifted his hands. "You'll regret killing my little brother, cry about it in this world's non-existent future." Gojo attacked first the moment he sensed Betty's magic spiking, thinking it was a surprise attack. A strange person with light dragon magic is trying to kill him and his younger brother, that is what he thought, and that notion only got stronger when Betty hit him in the back of the head. The damage she caused his brain was so great, that he lost vision, and several of his senses got impaired.

"This is bad!" Betty gasped. [100% Light speed] She lunged forward, punching him in the face, but he didn't even blink. She immediately followed by a kick to the guts, but couldn't knock him down.

^How long have I been unconscious…little brother, Arad…I can't hear his thoughts…that halfling killed him…I failed as his older brother… It's my fault, I should've ripped her head off in the office when I sensed her magic first, I shouldn't have trusted her calm thoughts…^

Betty did her best to knock him off in that fraction of a second but to no avail.

^This is bad, I don't have enough weight.^ Kinetic energy is mass multiplied by speed. Betty could max the speed, but with her light halfling body, she couldn't provide enough mass to scale the damage to a level that could knock Gojo cold. She managed to get him in the first surprise hit as he never faced something at light speed, but now he's deciding to take her hits as he prepares his expansion.

Betty knew that what Gojo was about to pull wasn't something she wanted to see. Her grandmother Luminus had always warned her, time dragons can freely travel through time, they'll kill in your mother's womb. Light dragons are fast, you'll never escape their claws, but you can run like them so you might be fine. But, voids are destroyers, do not anger them, and if you did, try to kill them in one hit before they'll retaliate.

"This world shall know pain!" Gojo glared at her with two glowing blue eyes.

[Reversal] [Void Compression: Yarn Ball]

Instead of the regular expansion, Gojo opted to test something new, something he shied off from trying as he couldn't guess how destructive it would get. Void is the empty space devoid of matter, Void dragons are space dragons.

As Gojo's hands got closer together, his fingers started touching the thread of space of the fabric of space-time around him, knitting them into a yarn ball. As he pulled the threads of space, they pulled the threads of time they were intertwined with.

As the matter tied to space got sucked into the yarn ball, the fabric of time started ripping between Gojo's hands and the past melted into the future, the darkness of nothingness came into reality, a black hole, a universe devoid of everything.

Betty turned around to grab Arad and run, but no matter how fast she tried, she was getting pulled toward Gojo's yarn ball, the black hole. The immense gravitational pull generated by a black could even bend light, twist, and suck it into the singularity that burns between Gojo's fingers.

Betty growled, ^No wonder grandma warned me about them, but fine challenge accepted. I'm no stranger to pushing beyond my limits.^ BAM! She started running faster and faster, [101%...102%...103%] Slowly pushing faster than light, to a past where Gojo still hadn't activated this black hole.

But then, something wrong started happening. Gojo wasn't just pulling her and everything around him, he was effectively pulling space and time themselves, knitting them into a yarn ball.

Betty felt like she was running on a treadmill set to a bit over the speed of light. Even with her running at light speed, she was getting pulled back toward Gojo's black hole. To combat that, she tried to push over her limit and run faster than the speed of light, faster than the treadmill to outrun it and push forward. It was then that she realized that Gojo's black hole was pulling time and space themselves, pulling the treadmill whole from beneath her feet.

Light can never escape a black hole, even if its speed becomes infinite, that is why they are black, light never managed to escape, not in the past, and never in the future.

^Death is inevitable, void dragons are destroyers, and a half-blood line myself can never match true dragons…^ Betty's last thoughts, seeing herself getting pulled toward the black hole.

Nothing can stop void dragons…

CLACK! Arad grabbed Betty by the neck and sucked her into his stomach.

…Beside another void dragon.

"Brother! WAKE UP!" Arad screamed directly into Gojo's brain as sound didn't exist where the two of them were. Gojo didn't react, Betty's first hit had damaged his brain enough that he couldn't hear Arad's thoughts, and that reality became clear to Arad as he sensed a deep sadness coming from Gojo's mind. Loneliness, his only family member got killed, Gojo stopped caring about the world at that moment. Just as red dragons burn cities out of rage, Gojo is about to unleash all that he has in the world.

Arad extended his hand into the black hole, grabbing the yarn ball. Any other creature would've already ripped apart, but void dragons are born to interact with the void, just as Gojo can spin it, Arad can touch and grasp it, even if he can't create a black hole of his own at his age.

"STOP IT!" Arad screamed into Gojo's brain once again, but he didn't get any response. He tried to stop the Gojo from knitting the yarn ball, but couldn't match him in strength or control. Just as a little brother can never beat his older brother in arm wrestling, Arad found himself at a great disadvantage when it came to void control due to the age difference.

^I can't talk to him, and I can't beat him in void control.^ Arad thought, wracking his brain as the whole demi-plane around them crumbled, a moon-sized world started breaking and getting sucked into the black hole. ^No, I have something.^

Arad grabbed Gojo by the face and started waterboarding him with healing potions. "Unlike me, you can't regenerate from brain damage without external help, I'll be your healer. Get that brain fixed, and listen to me!" Arad screamed at him.

Gojo's brain damage slowly healed from the potions shoved in his face, and soon, he could hear a faint scream in the distance…^Ha…I finally started hallucination of him…my brother is dead, he'll never be back…^

"It isn't a hallucination, wake up! Shut this thing off!" Arad started shaking Gojo's head, shoving more potions down his throat.

"Huh?!" Gojo gasped, realizing it was indeed Arad screaming at him.

"You're alive?!"

"Shut this thing off first!" Arad shouted back, and Gojo canceled the black hole.

Gojo and Arad found themselves floating alone in the empty space, surrounded by chunks of debris and molten stones, a the moon-sized world had been destroyed leaving them in a gravity-less space.

"What happened…" Gojo asked. The two were talking telepathically as air doesn't exist in space, it's how void dragons evolved to live in the void.

"Betty smacked you in the back of the head. You went blind and insane." Arad replied.

"I didn't go insane. She knocked me out, but when I woke up, I didn't know how much time had passed, I couldn't see, hear, or feel anything. I was alone in the void of my head, but I knew one thing, she had to be close, and if not, I was still in her demi-world." Gojo looked around, "I'll blow this whole place, hopefully, she'll be inside and die, if not, I'll go to the outside world and blow it out as well."

"Even if I die, don't blow the outside world. My wives live there." Arad sighed.

"Now that's a problem, I'll try not to do it, but no promises. I might end up wrecking a kingdom or two at least, but I'll keep you wives safe, that's a promise." Gojo replied with a smile. "But…is she dead?"

"No, I sucked her into my stomach before you could turn her into a paste." Arad waved his hand and pulled Betty out, encased in a shell of air that he created with gravity magic around her.

"What happened?!" She gasped, panting with sweat dripping across her whole head, "The hell was that?"

"I cleared the misunderstanding. Get us out, brother need healing." Arad put his head inside the bubble of air to speak with her. "He shouldn't try to kill you again, but keep in mind, he's stronger than me.

"Next time, at least rip my head clean off, or the world shall regret giving birth to you." Gojo stared at her with a smile, his eyes flashing with ominous blue light.

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