The Divine Twilight's Return

Chapter 354: Star, the Planet Celestial (4)

Chapter 354: Star, the Planet Celestial (4)

“Is congratulations in order? You’re officially Earth’s one and only Celestial.” Carl Malone grinned. He knew very well that Chang-Sun’s Divine Class was in a completely different league now. After all, his goal was to stop the influence of <Purple Star Astrology> and <Horoscope> over Earth by making Chang-Sun the sole Celestial of Earth.

Becoming a Planet Celestial was already extremely significant, but their prestige would be even higher if brilliant civilizations with tens of billions of people bloomed on their planet. Monopolizing the Faith of that many people and becoming their collective unconsciousness to represent their civilizations’ will meant having an infinite source of power. Depending on how much their planet’s civilizations developed, a Planet Celestial could keep growing stronger.

That was why Chang-Sun became the Earth Celestial. By monopolizing Earth’s Faith, he would solidify his Divine Class and turn it into his foundation against <Horoscope> and <Purple Star Astrology>. Besides, The path to R’lyeh, the center of all Worldlines, lay on Earth, which was more than enough to make it invaluable.

“The members of <Horoscope> and <Purple Star Astrology> probably feel as if they just got stung. They invested quite a lot on Earth only to abandon everything.” Carl looked ecstatic. Since Dungeons opened on Earth, all he ever wished for was Earth’s safety, and his dream was about to come true. “I heard you guys are almost done closing Dungeons, too.”

Chang-Sun quietly nodded. “Just around ten percent left now.”

His tone was quite polite since he found it difficult to talk to Carl casually. After all, the man was Cha Ye-Eun’s teacher.

[The Celestial ‘Teacher of All Sentient Beings’ timidly asks you why you do not speak politely to her.]

‘Come at me if you have a problem with that.’ Chang-Sun narrowed his eyes.

[The shoulders of the Celestial ‘Teacher of All Sentient Beings’ droop.]

“Whoa, that’s remarkably fast,” Carl dramatically said, pretending as if he didn’t read the message about his Guardian being dispirited. “When do you think you’ll be done?”

While the White Tiger Clan and the others sorted out the aftermath of the ‘Den of the Evil Dragon’ crisis, Chang-Sun and his subordinates were traveling around the world to close the uncleared Dungeons on Earth.

<Horoscope> and <Purple Star Astrology> connected as many Dungeons as possible to Earth to cause chaos on it, allowing them to justify their direct interference with its affairs as merely helping its people. As a result, they established a monopoly over Earth’s Faith.

By severing their links to Earth, Chang-Sun would take away <Horoscope> and <Purple Star Astrology>’s means of exerting influence on the planet. Thanks to his recent work, most of the Dungeons, including the Seven Wonders and the Thirteen Uncleared Regions, were taken care of and could no longer terrify the people. terrifying the people. The only uncleared Dungeons left were the ones in regions like Antarctica and the Sahara Desert, which were difficult to explore. Aside from them, it was safe to say that they had eradicated Dungeons from Earth.

‘Kali and Gyeo-Ul are running around to find the remaining Dungeons.’

There was a limit to how far subordinates could move away from their master, but since Earth was under Chang-Sun’s rule, it was basically nonexistent now.

“We’ll be done in around two to three days.”

“It’s going to cause quite a commotion. Are you sure you’re okay with this?”

Most of Earth’s industrial economy relied on the resources from Dungeons and Players, which meant closing all Dungeons would create a powerful aftermath. Hence, Carl couldn’t help but be concerned about the possible consequences.

Nevertheless, Chang-Sun firmly shook his head. “That’s exactly what’s wrong with this planet. Dungeons are a sign.”

“A sign?”

“Yes. A sign of <Extinction>.”

Carl’s eyes widened.

“Dungeons are fragments of the worlds that met their doom. The more of those fragments are in a planet, the more the planet’s centripetal force increases. ”

“… Their bad influence is dragging Earth down to <Extinction>, huh?”


Carl heaved a deep sigh. “Even if so, the people who rely on this Dungeon economy would think otherwise. They might resent you.”

“I’m fine with that. I’ve already prepared myself for it before I got to work.”

“Well, on another note…”

Chang-Sun tilted his head.

“I heard you acquired something after you stopped the monster wave… Would you care to tell me what it is?”

Chang-Sun just smiled quietly.

Pouting like a child, Carl grumbled, “That is awfully strict of you…”

Nevertheless, Chang-Sun didn’t give him even a hint.

‘It’s not that I don’t want to tell you. I can’t,’ Chang-Sun thought.

The reward was related to the initial reason Chang-Sun decided to clear the ‘Den of the Evil Dragon’ and the other two Dungeons—<Supreme Light’s Face>. The key to becoming one was now in his hands. Naturally, he couldn’t share the information with Carl.

“Anyway, why did you call for me?” Chang-Sun asked.

Looking as if he still had a lot he wanted to talk about, Carl sighed. “We have more or less finished the investigation on the information you asked for.”

Chang-Sun’s eyes slightly widened. “Already?”

“There is no place Lady Avalokitesvara can’t see with her eyes.”

[The Celestial ‘Teacher of All Sentient Beings’ timidly takes credit. She says that she felt as if she was going to break her back while searching for the items you asked for.]

Carl handed Chang-Sun a list that contained the locations of weapons in the [Omni-Weapon Chest], the trademark of ‘Divine Twilight.’ Most of them were in the hands of <Stars> in <Horoscope>. One of the locations especially caught Chang-Sun’s eye.

<Trollsverd ― Antares.>

‘It seems I’m bound to meet him sooner or later.’

The bad blood between Chang-Sun and Antares was no ordinary matter.

“And this is Sun Wukong and his people’s movements.” Carl opened his hand, and a hologram video appeared on the top of it.

Watching it, Chang-Sun ended up chuckling dryly. Jaegal Hyeon-Ryong was in the vicinity of the place where the recent monster wave had taken place.

“They’re probably involved in this incident too. Considering they keep being linked to these large-scale incidents, you’re bound to keep running into them. Be careful,” Carl warned.

With a heavy heart, Chang-Sun nodded. If Richardus and Sun Wukong were involved somehow, Chang-Sun would surely run into them someday.

‘Would I learn something once I become a <Supreme Light’s Face>?’

After sorting out his thoughts, Chang-Sun folded the paper and put it in his inner pocket. He then expressed his gratitude. “Thank you. I’ll put it to good use.”

“With your business on Earth done, are you planning on leaving the planet?”

“Their base isn’t on Earth. Once we’ve erased all signs of <Extinction> on it, there should be nothing to worry about.”

“When are you leaving?” Carl asked.

Slowly standing up, Chang-Sun briefly replied, “In ten days.”

* * *

Chang-Sun believed ten days would be enough to clear all Dungeons on Earth and stabilize his Faith.

[The unconsciousness of the Server ‘Earth’ and the Celestial ‘Divine Twilight’ have been synchronized, beginning the stabilization process.]

[Stabilization progress: 12%, 13%, 14%… 21%…]

Once the stabilization process was completed, the <Horoscope> and <Purple Star Astrology> Celestials would no longer be able to exert their influence on Earth without Chang-Sun’s permission. Creating a pathway to Arcadia wouldn’t be a big issue either.

“You need a coordinate? Alright, I’ll look into it. It won’t take long.”

Thanatos, who had experienced making deals with Worldline #802, stepped in.

‘I can just use the [Bifrost] afterward. If it doesn’t work, I can ask Tiamat, although that will require me to take a little detour,’ Chang-Sun thought.

Going back to Arcadia… brought a mix of emotions to Chang-Sun. Chang-Sun both hated and loved it because of all his memories and nostalgia for it.

However, Chang-Sun was now a completely different being than when he first visited it. At the time, he was just an uninvited outsider. Now, he was an invader conquering Arcadia, where the evil root of <Horoscope> and <Purple Star Astrology> was deep within.

Chang-Sun had already told his subordinates to finish all the preparations within ten days. Since he had also told his <Order> about him being away for some time and left them a series of instructions, he didn’t have much to worry about.

『Arcadia…』Jin Prezia muttered to himself quietly, reading Chang-Sun’s thoughts. He looked as if he also had mixed emotions about going back to his home planet.

“Don’t worry. Time is on our side,” Chang-Sun reassured Jin.

『I’m not. It’s just… I’m afraid that it would be a lot different from what I remember,』Jin replied. However, Chang-Sun knew that he was a little concerned.

‘He’s afraid of reuniting with his family,’ Chang-Sun thought.

Although Jin had been trapped in the Changgwi Cave for two hundred years, only thirty to forty years had passed in the real world. Chang-Sun had even heard about some of the Prezia Family members whom Jin remembered. Having already experienced how jumbled up the time axis was, he understood what Jin was going through right now.

‘I’m no different, though.’

It had already been a year since he came back to Earth, but he still hadn’t reconciled with his family members. It weighed down on his heart whenever he thought about it. Before departing for this long journey, he at least wished to reconcile with them.


Chang-Sun stopped and looked up. Before him was a tall apartment with the moon glowing behind it.

* * *

“I’m home.” Chang-Sun entered his home, opening the front door.

However, it was dark. Maybe his family hadn’t returned from work or had gone to eat outside without Chang-Sun.

‘Well, I didn’t even tell them I was going back, so that is understandable.’

Chang-Sun turned on the light in the living room, which was filled with cold air. Although it had been a year since he came back home, it really didn’t change much.

Should he give his mother a call and tell her that he was back now? Chang-Sun hesitantly looked for the house phone when he noticed that the door to the room at the end of the long hallway was open.

It was his father’s study. From what Chang-Sun remembered, his father, a doctor and professor, hated it when anyone entered it, so the door to it always remained shut. Yet it was open now, and the light was on.

‘Is he in there?’

However, Chang-Sun didn’t feel any presence inside it. Finding it strange, he cautiously walked over to it.

‘No, he’s not.’

It seemed his father had left his work but had received a call, hurriedly leaving the study.

Smiling bitterly, Chang-Sun was about to close the door when he realized that he had never taken a look around the study since becoming an adult.

He entered the room.

The study was filled with all sorts of books, which was to be expected. There were even piles of thick books on the desk like a castle wall, astonishing Chang-Sun.

Thinking this was to be expected of his father, Chang-Sun concluded his short tour of the study. As he headed out, an album in the corner of the study’s bookcase suddenly caught his attention. Among his brick-thick major books, the album was the only thing big enough to bulge out of the bookcase.

Seemingly possessed, he reached out to the album. He had no idea why he was doing this. Although he was well aware that his father absolutely hated it when anyone touched his stuff without his permission… he still wanted to do it for no reason anyway.

When he opened the album and looked at the first page, Chang-Sun unwittingly bit down on his lower lip. It was a photo of him, still a little boy, delivering his speech in a kindergarten contest.

―March 2nd 20xx. Speech contest.

A simple note was written below the photo. There were also other photos of him like the one where he was bawling even though he had a trophy in his arms.

―Same day. My youngest boy feeling frustrated about winning second place.

Chang-Sun felt as if someone hit him in the back of his head. At first, he thought his mother made the album, but the handwriting surely belonged to his father.


Chang-Sun blankly flipped through pages of the album, each one filled with childhood photos of him and simple notes in his father’s handwriting.

―March 2nd 20xx. My youngest boy entering elementary school.

―May 6th. His first field day. Feeling happy for winning first place in the race.

―October 11th. My youngest boy is fascinated with my oldest boy wearing graduation clothes.

[The Celestial ‘A Good Season to Hunt’ excitedly says that your childhood photos are very adorable!]

[The Celestial ‘World-Encircling Serpent’ is surprised to know that you used to be an adorable little boy too.]

Chang-Sun didn’t have time to check the Celestials’ messages. He was turning the pages more quickly. The further he got into the album, the older Chang-Sun was in the photos.

―June 17th. My youngest boy taking a test to join the gamer team to become a professional gamer.

Chang-Sun’s hand stopped moving for a split second. He never expected to see the word ‘professional gamer’ in his father’s handwriting. After all, this was the point where their relationship began to worsen.

―My youngest boy happily holding his first trophy.

―My youngest boy feeling frustrated for getting eliminated in the international tournament’s quarterfinal. He still has a lot of opportunities ahead of him, so I hope he doesn’t cry.

―My youngest boy winning 15 consecutive victories. Proud of him.

―My youngest boy got triple crowns. He’s the first one to win all three major international tournaments in one year. I bragged it to my friends and got teased for being a fool for my son.

Newspaper article clippings were also beside the photos with his father’s writings about how proud he was of his youngest son, showing how supportive he was of Chang-Sun.

―My youngest boy’s retirement ceremony. He is sad. I want to tell him to cheer up since the world will still be his, but I can’t. I’m pathetic.

―My youngest boy joined the White Tiger Clan. Although I wish to say that I support his new decision, I’m scared about him coming back injured.

―My youngest boy is blocked from the view because of his fans seeing him off at the airport. I heard that it is going to be a long trip, but I hope he returns safely.

Drip. Drip…

Teardrops fell onto the album.

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