The Divine Twilight's Return

Chapter 310: Star, the Last Cryptical Book (2)

Chapter 310: Star, the Last Cryptical Book (2)


Jin Prezia’s message was cut short when a noise blocked the communication, but Chang-Sun heard enough to make his head blank out.

‘... He found Ithaca?’ Chang-Sun wondered. He couldn’t think properly anymore.

Before being trapped in Bloodless Hell, Sangwon claimed that Ithaca was still alive, and Jin just told Chang-Sun that he found Ithaca. He sounded as if something went wrong, though.

How in the world could Ithaca be here? Didn’t she lose her soul as part of the deal that she made with the Outer Celestial named Hsan? What in the world was going on? His thoughts were all jumbled up, and the world around him spun. It was as if his whole world turned upside down.

Chang-Sun wasn’t sure what to do. He felt so confused that he seemed to be going crazy!

Fortunately, someone put a stop to Chang-Sun’s spiraling.

“Twilight!” Thanatos gave Chang-Sun a serious look as he stood right in front of him. Although Thanatos always pretended to be solemn, his eyes were always filled with mischievousness. This time, however, he appeared to be dead serious. “Pull yourself together! I’m not sure what is going on, but everything will be over if you lose yourself! Can you really afford to do that right now?”

Chang-Sun felt as if someone poured a bucket of ice water over his head, bringing him back to his senses. Thanatos was right. No one else could sort this situation out but him. He didn’t know for sure if Ithaca was truly alive and here, and the only way to get answers was to verify and solve this matter himself.


Chang-Sun slapped his cheeks hard, which made him regain his composure on some level.

“You look like yourself now.” Thanatos smiled faintly, feeling relieved.

“Thank you. I won’t let Sangwon sway me anymore.”

“I’m glad to be of help, but… I assume something happened to someone named Ithaca?” Thanatos asked cautiously.

Did one automatically gain an insight upon reaching Thanatos’ position? All he probably heard was Jin’s message, yet his first guess was already correct.

Chang-Sun silently nodded at him.

Stroking his chin, Thanatos narrowed his eyes. “A long time ago, I heard about the goddess who was always hunted by the <Horoscope> and <Purple Star Astrology> Celestials because she coincidentally acquired the <First Star’s Fragment>. I also heard that a fatigued warrior was always by her side. That goddess seems to be Ithaca, your lover and Guardian.”

Chang-Sun nodded again.

“But I heard she passed away. Does she still remain in this world?”

“I don’t know.” Chang-Sun took off his iron mask and brushed off his sweat-covered face. His expression had grown dark. “I buried Ithaca myself and received her <Starlight>.”

Hmm! <Stars> without their <Starlight> could plummet, but such instances are rare. most of them would end up getting annihilated…” Thanatos grunted. Shortly after, he asked, “You said that you inherited her <Starlight>, yes? Do you have any idea what could have happened?”

Chang-Sun was about to shake his head, but a memory suddenly flashed across his mind.

‘Last cryptical book.’ Chang-Sun’s eyes widened. ‘Ithaca put her seven clones into [Seven Cryptical Books of Hsan] and told them to guard the books.’

Chang-Sun hadn’t found the [Seventh Cryptical Book of Hsan] yet, so he didn’t know which one of Ithaca’s daughters was inside the book….

“…!” Chang-Sun straightened up as a mix of emotions ran down his spine, electrifying him.


Badump, badump, badump!

At the same time, his heart raced.

‘What if… Ithaca herself is inside the last cryptical book instead of her clone?’

His blood rushed through his veins, and his mouth dried up.

‘Even if I’m wrong, she could be somewhere related to the last cryptical book…!’

Chang-Sun couldn’t keep analyzing the situation. According to Heoju, the last cryptical book, which was presumed to be related to Ithaca or where she was, was ‘heading’ to Munseong, and it seemed Jin and Sinmara found Ithaca’s trace while pursuing Munseong.

‘I have to follow them!’ Chang-Sun tried to stand up, but…


… he dropped to one knee. Had Thanatos not hurriedly grabbed Chang-Sun’s arm, he would probably have ended up rolling on the ground.

“Are you okay, Twilight?” Thanatos asked worriedly.

Overwhelmed by fatigue, Chang-Sun could no longer hear him….

* * *

[You have entered an unknown place!]

‘Where am I?’ Cha Ye-Eun was walking down a very narrow hallway.

Thinking she shouldn’t lose Munseong, she followed him to R’lyeh, which she just discovered was a complete mess. The mineshaft to R’lyeh was a world filled with darkness and darkness only.

Assuming that R’lyeh itself wouldn’t be any different, she prepared light magic spells in advance. However, it surpassed her expectations. Not even the system could pinpoint her exact location, so she didn’t even know if she was in a Dungeon or a divine ground. All she knew was that she had been walking down this hallway for quite some time now and that the hallway was curved, not straight, making it more akin to a labyrinth.

‘The communication system isn’t working either.’

Amid all uncertainties, what put Ye-Eun on the highest alert was the fact that her connections to the many Guardians protecting her were terminated.

[The Channeling to the Celestial ‘Twilight-Piercing Owl’ is unstable!]

[The Channeling to the Celestial ‘Sky’s and Earth’s Wing’ is unstable!]

[The Channeling to the Celestial ‘War-Loving Fighting Deity’ is unstable!]

[All your Channelings are disrupted for an unknown reason.]

[Attempting to restore your Channelings.]


[Attempting to restore your Channelings again.]


[Looking for a new frequency.]


Ye-Eun was a divine being born with the divine blood of <Olympus>. She was also the direct descendant of Saturn, who was no ordinary <Olympus> Celestial. After all, he received the title of Celestial King. Although most of her powers were sealed due to her congenital illness, she could still <Transcend> to become a Celestial anytime she wanted.

In other words, Ye-Eun was like an aunt to the Numen like Minerva and Mercury. That was why they always protected her with love, which also contributed to her title of Saintess.

For the first time in her life, her communication with the Numen was severed. That alone evidenced that this labyrinth held power so remarkable that she should take this seriously.

R’lyeh, R'lyeh… Ye-Eun had heard many stories about it, but she hadn’t expected it to be this powerful. She had deep knowledge about numerous secrets of universes due to her background, and she had also gained additional information after becoming a key member of the Council.

That was when she had received intel about R’lyeh. The starting point and center of all universes, the cause of everything that was happening right now, the body of <Dull Darkness>... All those abnormal descriptions were fitting for R’lyeh, so she didn’t find it odd that it could also terminate her connection with the Numen. No matter how great a Celestial was, they could never surpass the level of <Dull Darkness>.

‘How am I supposed to find Munseong here, though?’ Ye-Eun thought. After a while, she stopped, having reached a new path at the end of the narrow hallway.


From the floors and walls to the ceilings, every part of this path was covered in big and small mirrors. Like a Mosaic painting, hundreds of mirrors were indiscriminately glued to the surface, creating many reflections. Witnessing thousands of Ye-Eun looking at herself made her feel a strong sense of disharmony.

Clenching her jaws, she entered the mirror maze.

Tap, tap.

Her reflection in the mirrors walked and disappeared as she headed further into the path. She found more mirrors as she went deeper into the long hallway, making it harder to distinguish which was the way forward.

However, Ye-Eun had no time to complain about the maze’s structure. The mirrors were gradually starting to reflect other people’s images.

―I’m sorry, Teacher and Senior Brother. I had no other choice.


―You would never understand me—no, it’s fine even if you don’t. I’ll show you results, so when you watch me from there, you’ll know.

She could see old and young men bleeding and on the ground in front of a boy who looked back at them in a way that made him seem more than just a simple child. Feeling betrayed, the men’s expressions were grim. Ye-Eun didn’t recognize who the boy was at first, but she eventually did.

―… Dear Lord, is he really human like us?

―Of course.

―Then how can you—!

―Do you really want to know? Follow me, then. I’ll tell you my secrets.

The boy turned into an adult. He got taller and lost his baby fat, making him look sharp. However, his eyes were as emotionless as ever. The people before him were covered in dirt, seemingly having lost in combat, and their eyes were vacant. Extending his hand, he offered them to join him, and everyone took his hand as if they were bewitched. As they did, he smiled for the first time.

‘Munseong,’ Ye-Eun thought.

Ye-Eun knew very well who the man was. He didn’t have any wrinkles, so he looked very different from his current self. Nevertheless, there was no way Ye-Eun wouldn’t recognize his sharp and ferocious tiger-like facial features.

―Munseong! Munseong!

―Sword Sky Tiger! Let me follow you!

―Sword Sky Tiger! Please extend your hand to me too!

―Me too!

―Please tell me your secret as well…!

All the images were now showing Munseong’s past, so Ye-Eun had to face all the memories even if she didn’t want to. Thinking the world was too small for him, Munseong traveled across the globe and sparred against the people each region deemed strong. In the end, he never lost a battle. Many people went wild as they watched his journey, resulting in Munseong eventually gaining an army of followers.

Everything was chaotic during the first generation, the era when Dungeons and Gates opened out of nowhere. Even governments were rendered powerless, so the strong—the ones who awakened—could have everything.

During that era, Munseong showed overwhelming force. Almost no one remembered what happened back then anymore, and the Ten Overlords now overshadowed the first-generation Players. Nevertheless, Munseong had more influence in society at the time than the Ten Overlords. That was how the White Tiger Clan was founded and became so formidable that they seemed capable and were about to take over the world.

Kekekeke! You don’t care if someone is a demonic being? You’re funny!

As the White Tiger Clan expanded, people from various backgrounds joined the Clan. Many idiots came knocking on the Clan’s door to gain fame, and numerous opportunists visited the Clan to make some profit. Some of them were renowned figures, but there was quite a number of notorious demonic beings too.

―You’re here to recruit me? Funny! What are you going to use me for?

―To change the world.

―Ha! Who could have known that the famous Sword Sky Tiger is an idealist?

―I don’t care what you call me. Are you in or not?

―Of course, I’m in. Kekekeke. It seems fun, so why wouldn’t I do it?

A series of events took place—one that would make anyone who learned about it appalled. So many demonic beings had secretly gone under the White Tiger Clan’s wings, and those people had made up the Council of Elders, the White Tiger Clan’s strongest force.

It seemed as if no one could defeat the White Tiger Clan—no, no one actually could since the Clan was strong enough to overwhelm the others. All Munseong had to do was draw his sword, but…

―Sword Sky Tiger, why are you putting down your sword?!

―Please reconsider your decision! Many people have faith in you, so please…!

―Sword Sky Tiger!

The White Tiger Clan suddenly had to stop because Munseong put down his sword and chose to go into seclusion without telling anyone his reasons. He vanished just as suddenly as he showed up and dominated the world.

Ye-Eun saw more memories aside from those, each one belonging to Munseong. He despaired, fought, grew infuriated and sad… The mirrors revealed many sides of Munseong that he never showed to the public. Only after looking into every one of them did she realize it.

‘This…’ Ye-Eun’s eyes turned sharp. ‘... is his <Myth>, not just his past.’

A <Myth> was a Celestial’s chronicle. The key parts of a chronicle were making remarkable accomplishments, the number of people who acclaimed the person’s journey, and how they became the center of the world. The images were all about stories with Munseong as the protagonist. The whole world was circling Munseong—who was already a Celestial.

‘Mirrors that reflect one’s <Myth>...? Wait, then—’ Ye-Eun thought.

She straightened her posture. If her assumption was right, then she wasn’t an exception. She could have sealed her powers, but her blood…!

‘It’s too late!’

Gentle ripples spread through the mirrors, and Munseong’s reflections were replaced with hers. She held her breath and tried to maintain her composure as much as possible.

‘Even if the mirrors reflect my <Myth>, there is nothing to show.’

She had lived for around thirty years, which was outrageously shorter than other Celestials. On top of that, she didn’t really have accomplishments, so the only thing the mirror could show was her daily life with her family. Nevertheless, it bugged her that the reflections on the mirrors affected the owner of those reflections. Hence, she reached out for the magical gun in the holster on her back just in case.


The mirror reflections kept changing, but they eventually all displayed the same image. Ye-Eun found the image a little odd because it was neither her nor someone she knew.

‘Who is she? I’ve never met her. It’s not Mom, me, or any Numen.’

The woman in the mirrors looked sad, her eyes filled with sorrow. As if to pray, she held her hands together and stared at Ye-Eun. The woman appeared to be noticeably tired.

Ye-Eun had a strong feeling that the woman was trying to tell her something. Through her intuition and instinct, she got an idea of who the woman was. It was no different from how one would eventually realize that the reflection in the mirror was theirs, no matter how foreign the reflection appeared, even if no one told them.

The woman and Ye-Eun looked at each other.

“... Who are you?” Ye-Eun asked to verify her guess. Her voice uncharacteristically trembled.

―My name is Ithaca.

The woman in the mirror sounded no different than Ye-Eun.

―I’m you.

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