The Crazy Villain Regains His Sanity

Chapter 74:

Chapter 74:

Upon hearing the news of a disturbance, Han Jung-moon arrived at the scene and clicked his tongue.

There, he saw the sight of Choi Jun-ho and the fallen Ham Gook-gi.


At a glance, he could see what the situation was.

Take him away.

Upon that command, people who were watching attentively rushed in and took Ham Gook-gi away. Only then did Han Jung-moon turn his gaze to Choi Jun-ho.

The first impression he had of the other was an appearance that seemed flashy enough to be suitable for events or performances.

However, the substance was an indifferent person, even lacking the gravitas expected of a Transcendent. Despite being acknowledged for having the necessary skills, from Han Jung-moons perspective, there was no shortage of arrogance in the other.

At a young age, its unlikely to stand out as a Transcendent.

Was that guy really that strong? He didnt seem strong at all from his appearance.

Internally, there was a strong desire to straighten out that arrogant attitude, but in reality, this person had a solid background, strong enough for the president to issue a warning.

Han Jung-moon, who had suppressed his anger, introduced himself.

Im Han Jung-moon.

Choi Jun-ho.

A moment of silence settled.

Han Jung-moon, recalling what Choi Jun-ho wanted, extended a proposal.

Well conduct a thorough investigation and audit the company. Then, well proceed with the reselection process. How about wrapping it up at this point?

Are you serious about this?

I am.

This was the limit of what he could suggest. It would be enough to negotiate a few points from here.

Politics is the art of dialogue and compromise. He thought that by confirming each others thoughts, they could proceed in harmony. However, what came out of Choi Jun-hos mouth was completely different.

My thoughts are quite different.

What do you mean?

At the very least, the company should have repaid all the money it earned, and those involved should be punished. Havent you heard anything from the president?

If this continues, the mayors name will have to be included in the list of those who benefited.

What are you saying now

While maintaining a polite image most of the time, Han Jung-moon also had a certain temperament. Without that aspect, he wouldnt have become the mayor of Seoul, and he wouldnt have outpaced competitors within the party.

Being considered a prominent presidential candidate, he had never experienced such treatment before.

At the moment when he was about to express his anger, he locked eyes with Choi Jun-ho. At that instant, as if his breath were being stifled, he had no choice but to suppress his anger.

He felt the shock of the others gaze piercing through him.

Choi Jun-ho was treating himself as Han Jung-moon, not as the Mayor of Seoul.

This is how you look at me, the leading presidential candidate and mayor of Seoul?

However, that gaze was sincere. In that moment, he realized that wielding the dazzling cloak of authority didnt evoke any admiration from the other, and a flash of realization hit him.

Once you strip away societal standing, accumulated achievements, all that remained was the interaction between one human being and anotherbetween the strong and the weak.

If Choi Jun-ho were to take action here, would he face consequences? Given the presidents protection and the overwhelming influence even over the ruling party leader, the result would be as such that, at most, there might be some discomfort. Even if it cost him his life, it wouldnt cause significant harm to Choi Jun-ho.

In that moment of realization, he understood what the president was trying to convey.

It meant that since they couldnt rely on the social reputation and the law they had built, they should come to a peaceful compromise.

After a long moment of silence, Han Jung-moon responded.

Im not involved.

I see. Can I proceed in my own way, then?

Once I learned the truth about Choi Jun-ho, those words didnt feel as intimidating as it once did.

Is there anything I can help with?

May I ask a favor?

Just say it.

Han Jung-moon willingly accepted Choi Jun-hos somewhat demanding request.

Give Choi Jun-ho everything he wants.

Issuing instructions, Han Jung-moon seemed to have aged a few years in a short period.


What angered me about the lunchbox was turning charity work into a profit-maximizing endeavor.

Charity work was a public and social relief effort. Naturally, as it served a public purpose, the goal was to minimize profit and provide as much help to as many people as possible.

Its a bit amusing for someone like me, who used to be the Blood Master, to have such thoughts.

Perhaps having endured pursuit for so long, I genuinely cared about what I ate.

Even if my thoughts seem hypocritical, if as many people as possible benefit from it, I think thats a good thing.

If the lunchbox price was around 2,000 won, I would have overlooked it.

But honestly, 6,000 won was crossing the line.

Im sorry for causing you trouble.

Its not troublesome at all. On the contrary, Im grateful that you let me accompany you.

Not at all. Its reassuring to have the Director with me.

While heading to the lunchbox company, Cheon Myeong-guk joined the audit team brought by Han Jung-moon.

Even though I could handle it alone, its appreciable that he offered to step in and help.

We will thoroughly investigate whether there is any corruption in the selection of the company, and a civic group is scheduled to conduct an audit. Transcendent-nim just need to focus on the lunchbox company.


The inspection was carried out unexpectedly. For the professional audit team, looking into the information of a small factory was a piece of cake.

Upon inspection, it was evident that the facility was poorly managed, and hygiene was at its worst.

Cheon Myeong-guk and the audit team frowned.

Whats the deal with this place?

Someone managed to eat two lunchboxes made in a factory like this in just one day.

That would be me. Honestly, I didnt think much about hygiene.

Its certain that embezzlement occurred, right?


How much embezzlement are we talking about?

The amount needs to be estimated. However, its definite that a significant profit was taken when considering the cost of the lunchboxes.

I thought they were just pocketing some loose change, but apparently, embezzling like this amounts to a considerable sum.

We would need to examine the details. If we investigated where the money flowed, we might find the main source of the issue.

At least the guilt is certain.


Hmm, Cheon Myeong-guks gaze looking at me was a bit bothersome.

To someone watching, it might seem like he was looking at me as if I came to the factory to commit a massacre.

If I had intended to be indiscriminate, I would have taken action much earlier.

You dont have to worry too much. Ill just be looking at the owner here. Im curious about what hes thinking.

I hope hes mentally prepared.

Despite Cheon Myeong-guks words, as the factory door opened, a loud roar echoed, drowning out any conversation with its thunderous sound.

Who are you all? How dare you barge into my factory like this!

Entering the room was a man in his early forties, with pronounced cheekbones and a lean build. Looking dignified, he approached me and Cheon Myeong-guk, squinting at the inspection officials.

Who are you people, and how did you get in here? Do you even know who I am?

To an outsider, it might seem like we were trespassing.

No, come to think of it, we indeed were.

Nevertheless, the way he shouted indicated a certain level of confidence.

I also have the backing of the president. If we consider influence, wouldnt I be the strongest?

I was genuinely curious about who he relied on to act this way.

Who is it?

Assemblyman Choi Hyo-jik is my father-in-law!

Sorry, but I had never heard that name before.

However, I had Cheon Myeong-guk by my side to explain.

Who is that?

Hes a three-term ruling party member. Affiliated with the Seoul mayors faction.

Does that mean the Seoul mayor is involved?

Even if he is, its likely minimal.

Well, well find out when we investigate.

I said, looking at the defiant face of the factory owner.

Even if we catch this guy, it seems like he wont show any remorse, right?

Cheon Myeong-guk responded positively with silence. It was understood as a willingness to accept whatever action I took. It meant hes showing me his trust, right? Well, then I should respond.

First of all, I know what youre worried about. You think that if I interfere like this, it will never end, right?


He wont die. Dont worry.

I swung Nuri, cutting off the factory owners arms and legs with a ruthless strike.


The guy writhed on the ground, blood splattering, resembling a bug in its final moments.

I nodded slightly. Just like earlier with Ham Gook-gi, I didnt kill the factory owner either. This is how we navigate through, finding a balance with each other.

Lets see how the judgment of the law unfolds.

Lets observe the legal proceedings for now. If it didnt seem satisfactory, we could take action later.


Choi Hyo-jik, who heard the news about his son-in-law from his daughter, stood up from his seat and shouted.

He thinks he can escape unscathed after making my son-in-law like that! Choi Jun-ho, this bastard!

He heard that his son-in-laws arms and legs were cut off, and he barely survived in critical condition. Although the doctors managed to reattach the limbs, the prospect of a long rehabilitation for him to lead a normal life was a big shock.

He couldnt just stand idly by.

By any means necessary, he had to strike Choi Jun-ho with a fatal blow to relieve his anger.

However, before he could take action, Cheon Myeong-guk visited the legislators office.

The president hopes that the congressman exercises self-restraint.

My son-in-law just had his limbs chopped off, my daughter called me crying, and you want me to just let it slide like an idiot?

Thats why you should have done it in moderation. You did more than expected, and thats why this trouble has occurred.

Choi Hyo-jiks facial muscles trembled.

No matter how influential he is at the Blue House, talking such nonsense

Do you think I came without any information?

The moment Choi Hyo-jik heard the cold voice, he regained his composure. The person in front of him was the Director of Awakened Security Office, the closest aide to the president, and the one responsible for the incident was a Transcendent.

He heard that the factory was raided before his son-in-laws limbs were severed.

If the investigation was conducted swiftly and the funds were traced, there was a high chance of identifying the main source.

If its discovered that hes entangled not only on a personal level but also deeper, hes the one who would be cut off.

The fact that your son-in-law didnt die is also due to the presidents intervention. He got caught in the eyes of Choi Jun-ho, a Transcendent, over national funds. If it was just the arms and legs being cut off, it was at least contained as minimal damage. Knowing Choi Jun-hos personality, if given the chance, he would have stormed into the National Assembly and severed your limbs right away.

I believe youll act wisely. Ill take my leave.

Cheon Myeong-guk, walking outside, smiled bitterly upon hearing the sound of someone collapsing.

Although this incident ended without escalating too much, there was always a fear that it could grow.

He was the one who had to deal with that entirely.

Suddenly, he felt a pain in his stomach.

I hope the new department is established soon, and Jung Ju-ho comes.

He hoped for the arrival of that time when his workload would be cut in half.

In the meantime, he returned to the Blue House and reported to the president.

The president, who had been watching outside the window, turned around with a satisfied expression.

Weve ended with much less damage than we expected. Well done, Director Cheon.

I just did as you instructed. However, Mayor Han and Congressman Choi Hyo-jik are likely to be dissatisfied.

Choi Hyo-jik, is he meddling with the welfare budget because hes bored? If it had been reasonable, we wouldnt be facing such issues. Send Deputy Chief Ji Chang-yong to make sure Choi Hyo-jik fails in the next candidacy. As for Han Jung-moon lets observe for now.


The presidents voice, capable of swiftly dismissing even a three-term veteran, was cold.

I know, making such decisions will cause discontent within the party. But read this. Your thoughts might change.

The president presented a report related to monster incidents that had occurred worldwide.

Remember when I mentioned that the Awakened Power Rankings werent properly acknowledged last time? Theres a reason for that.

This, this is

Cheon Myeong-guks eyes widened as he took the document. It summarized information about a new monster with danger level 8 that had recently appeared.

Similar in grade to Nuri, which appeared some time ago, this being was much stronger than the previously known Level 8 monsters and exhibited extraordinary abilities.

The nation that formulated countermeasures based on the briefing from South Korea successfully prevented significant damage. However, countries that either didnt believe or dismissed the information suffered tremendous losses.

The fact that three Level 8 Awakened individuals had died as a result of this incident served as evidence.

The United States succeeded in hunting down the threat by mobilizing two Level 8 Awakened, while China deployed a large number of high-level Awakened, ranging from Level 7 to Level 6, to successfully repel the danger.

We handled such a monster with just Choi Jun-ho.

Do you understand why UPN doesnt trust the results of Choi Jun-hos solo hunt? Even I wouldnt have believed it if Id been informed that a Transcendent in China hunted a level 8 monster alone, but we know its the truth. Thats how valuable Choi Jun-ho is. Thats why, even if its difficult, we have to keep this going.

I understand how impressive it is when you look at the numbers.

Others need to be aware of this, but due to prejudices that associate strength with youth, its a shame. They are leveraging that perception in the public opinion war, but over there, all they have in terms of understanding are empty-headed people.

Upon seeing the exponential increase in people recently self-proclaiming to be fans of Choi Jun-ho, Cheon Myeong-guk agreed.

At this rate, UPN might start talking about it

Do we need to pay attention to that? If they pick a fight and things go south, its their own doing. Theyre the ones who will suffer the consequences, not us.

Cheon Myeong-guk seemed to have no doubt that Choi Jun-ho would handle it well.

They had no doubt that Choi Jun-ho would lose.

By the way, it seemed like even the president was gradually becoming more like Choi Jun-ho.

There was a slight concern, but he understood that sentiment.

It would be great if Choi Jun-ho could go to Tokyo soon.


In a forest filled with dense poisonous fog, the bodies of defeated monsters were scattered chaotically, and at the center stood Berserker.

In front of him, the remains of a level 7 Poison Snake, capable of poisoning hundreds at once, lay defeated.

This creature, known to release an enormous amount of Poison Breath capable of poisoning hundreds at once, was considered the most challenging to hunt among the level 7 monsters.

Berserker had succeeded in hunting it down alone.

Kuk! Kuk kuk kuk! Kukhahahaha!

Berserker, unaffected even after inhaling a significant amount of poisonous fog, looked up at the sky and burst into laughter.

He had finally unlocked a new gift, the Gift of Complete Immunity.

Berserker, now possessing the power of the unprecedented world-destroying force, felt a whirlwind of power swirling within him.

This was the moment of the stars. Immersed in an ecstatic feeling, Berserker shivered with delight.

His eyes glowed with life, and he wore an eerie expression, revealing his hidden viciousness.

Choi Jun-ho, now its your turn.

The Berserker pulled out his smartphone and sent a message. It was a declaration of war.

Me (Berserker) Now its your turn.

Me (Berserker) Ill be coming for you soon.

The intense hardships he had faced because of Choi Jun-ho during this time.

He vowed revenge, recalling the merciless moments he had endured.

However, when he remembered the moment when his two hearts broke, the determination that had filled him to the tip of his head began to fade.

The Berserker decided to step back.

I still dont know the full extent of his power. So, I should be cautious. First, Ill make the Gift entirely mine. And then, Ill find him.

Me (Berserker) Message deleted.

Me (Berserker) Message deleted.

He deleted all the messages quickly.

But Choi Jun-ho was faster. The number display was erased before he could delete it. It meant that Choi Jun-ho had read it.

Then a flurry of messages began.

Choi Jun-ho Saw them all.

Choi Jun-ho But why delete?

Choi Jun-ho Want to have a match?

Choi Jun-ho Theres no choice but to simply face each other head-on.

Choi Jun-ho Did you unlock Complete Immunity by any chance?

Choi Jun-ho Where are you?

Choi Jun-ho Im going right now.

Uh, um!

Sweat formed on the forehead of Berserker, who forcefully controlled his anger.

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