The Crazy Villain Regains His Sanity

Chapter 72:

Chapter 72:

In the chilling atmosphere, Choi Jun-ho raised his hand.

This seems to require editing. Upon further thought, treating them as a villain seems excessive. There could be calculation errors or instances where a penalty is imposed, and payment may be necessary. If we dont adhere to that, it could be considered a crime.

Ah, I see.

Go Ye-jin breathed a sigh of relief and changed the subject.

By the way, I heard that the International Transcendent Union event will be held in Japan soon. Are you planning to attend, Transcendent Choi Jun-ho?

As for that, Im still contemplating

While it was a topic unrelated to tax payments, it was a reasonable flow to edit separately.

As Lee Se-hee watched this process, she got up from her seat and left the room.


Recalling what she had heard a while ago, her blood turned cold.

Every company would do its best to save on taxes, and it was considered natural for this to go beyond the boundaries of legality and illegality. Sometimes, companies wage a war on taxes to the extent of engaging in illegal activities. If a significant mistake was made, they might have to pay fines, and sometimes, company owners would end up in prison because of it.

This applied to the Sacred Group as well, or rather, they were the most aggressive in this field among the top companies. If one investigated them thoroughly, they would likely find the most issues.

When Lee Se-hee returned to her office, she immediately called Lee Young-tan.

Review the tax payments from every angle. Do it as legally as possible, without leaving any loose ends.

Team leader, you should reconsider this.

This is the right thing to do.

Although Lee Young-tan tried to convince her repeatedly, Lee Se-hee firmly shook her head.

This would undoubtedly lead to astronomical expenses, but it was a tolerable loss.

It could be considered the cost of working with Choi Jun-ho.

Trying to save in a haphazard manner, only to make a mistake, can lead to even greater losses.

Its hard to do business with someone who isnt greedy for money.

She smiled wryly as she remembered the reason for this debacle.


The interview about tax-related matters received an explosive response.

With Go Ye-jins provocative title and Jin Se-jeongs design, the comments section of the article was filled with praise.

Was this story really worth celebrating just because I paid my taxes?

Honestly, recent trends had been hard to understand.

Give in and accept it. Itll be easier that way.

Yoon-hee summed it up simply.

It meant that as long as I didnt do anything differently, the people around me would take care of the rest.

No matter how much I racked my brains, I couldnt understand the situation, so Yoon-hees advice was just to live my life as usual.

Thats probably for the best.

By the way, Yoon-hee mentioned that shes visiting our parents house tomorrow. I was curious about the outcome of my reporting on her idol fan activities.

And the question of paying taxes was answered by Jung Ju-ho when I arrived at the National Security Agency.

It meant that there are many people who dont do as much as they should. Paying taxes can be a painful process.

Even the director?

Im a human too. Why wouldnt I be like that? Thinking about the decreasing tax refunds every year makes my stomach ache. It feels like theyre taking more from us each year, sigh.

Seeing Jung Ju-ho, who didnt seem to have any greed for money, also reluctant to pay taxes, it seemed like I was a unique case when it came to money issues.

Maybe its a side effect of living on the run for so long when I was the Blood Master.

And its a good thing not to label those who dont pay their taxes properly as villains.

Do you think so?

Yeah, the tax laws are so complex. There was a time when I didnt understand them well, and I received calls for not filing properly. Its like the rules kept changing every time. Its so fickle; whats legal one moment can become illegal the next. If we start treating all these people as villains, more than half the worlds population would be considered villains, right? We should avoid turning over half the worlds population into enemies.

It meant that there were many ambiguous areas thats why its unwise to make hasty judgments

Then, as their eyes met, Jung Ju-ho raised the corner of his mouth.

But some people might be shocked after seeing your interview. Some might even pay up because of that.

Oh, surely not.

Seriously, you dont realize how scary your words are.

If one said something, wasnt it only natural to follow that through with action?

So, how are things these days?

What do you mean?

Your fans are increasing. Isnt that nice?

Well Its not bad.

Its better to receive cheers than to be disliked.

I was not sure why, but I didnt dislike it.

It was an unfamiliar feeling, but one that rewarded me for not being a villain.

Hehe, you have more popularity than idols now.

I didnt like Jung Ju-hos playful attitude.

Good words led to good responses; its important to let him know that.

Congratulations on your appointment as the Commissioner this time.

All thanks to you.

The cheerful expression on Jung Ju-hos face turned sour. One things for sure, the effect was evident.

But why was he saying this to me when he got promoted due to his exceptional abilities?

Jung Ju-ho was originally recognized for his abilities, but his exceptional leadership skills during the villain suppression operation, as well as the successful mission to take control of Busan, have led to his appointment as the newly established commissioner.

It was a department that stood above the existing three agencies, becoming a part of the three-tops structure alongside the Director of the Awakened Security Office and the Minister of Defense.

All of these achievements were made by Jung Ju-ho.

I only answered the Presidents questions.

So I didnt understand why hes blaming me.

If you hadnt been in cahoots with Director Cheon, I could have had an easier time here!

I heard you were very close, though. Its hard to believe.

If it werent for you, I could have been more devoted to my family.

The reaction was far too intense.

He should have felt grateful, if anything.

Instead of gratitude, all I received was blame, and I didnt feel good about it.

And what I knew, and the facts seemed quite different.

Your wife seems to really like the idea of Director Jung getting promoted.

How do you know what my wife thinks?

She contacted me through Da-hyun. She said thanks. But what youre saying is different from what your wife said. Should we arrange a meeting with the three of us?

No. You dont need to ask. Dont contact her. Yes, my wife really likes it.

Jung Ju-ho entered a contemplative mode and started making excuses, like a newbie hunter encountering a level 7 hazardous monster. I tried to calm him down.

Still, its better than having nothing to do, isnt it? If you do well as the Commissioner, you could become a minister sooner or later.

Its not something I really want, you know? And Im not inclined towards politics, neither with the ruling party nor the opposition. It just doesnt appeal to me.

Their goal seems to be to profit while criticizing both sides harshly in the meantime.

And to become the chief, Ill have to deal with the hassle of preparing for a confirmation hearing as well.

Do you have any concerns?

No. But why do you ask?

I could see him flinch for a moment.

I wondered if there was some problem, but an absurd thought crossed my mind, and I chuckled.

I was just asking out of concern.

A cold-hearted person like you would probably not even blink even if you cut my throat. If youre going to kill me, promise to do it painlessly.

Oh, come on. Ive spent time with you for a while now. Of course I will offer help if I can.

It hasnt even been a year yet.

Well, thats true. Considering the numerous incidents and accidents, it felt like a long time had passed.

While I was lost in thought, Jung Ju-ho seemed to interpret it differently.

Hey, normally when I talk like this, dont you normally say you wont help, right? Huh? Youre not thinking differently, are you?

If a situation arises, thats hard to control, I will reconsider it.

Huh? Really? No, right? Hey, hey, really?

I promise. Ill be on my way then.

Jung Ju-ho tried to hold me back, but I escaped quickly.

Nothing unusual should happen.


I dined with the president, the first lady, and Cheon Myeong-guk, and the name of the organization that had been mentioned in passing during the interview came up again.

The International Transcendent Union?

Its a famous organization among the Awakened. They call it UPN for short in English. Do you know about it? (T/N: The equivalent English name of International Transcendent Union must have an acronym of UPN.)

I do. But I dont think it has something to do with me.

There is a connection. Getting to know them wouldnt hurt.

Is there any real benefit?

Yes. There are several things they evaluate. One of them is the global awakened power rankings, which is surprisingly important from a national perspective.

Was there even something like that? I thought it was a childish classification, but the presidents words were different.

Its a ranking of awakened individuals from all countries. Think of it like the old military strength rankings. Its an indicator of a countrys prestige in the modern era.

According to the president, the criteria for the global awakened power ranking included the number of awakened individuals, the number of high-level awakened individuals, the amount of support from the country, the size of the market, geographical advantages, and the frequency of monster appearances, taking into account hunting achievements.

South Korea had a relatively high number of high-level awakened individuals compared to its population and a relatively low frequency of monster appearances, so it ranked within the top 10 of the global awakened power ranking. Its quite a high ranking relative to its population.

It was said that it was ranked 8th during its peak, and since then, it had been fluctuating between 9th and 11th place.

And now, for the first time, were number seven.

Thats impressive.

According to the president, wasnt this the highest peak in history?

One would think hed be happier, but there was a hint of dissatisfaction in his expression.

But we protested that it was too low.


The UPN didnt properly reflect the fact that our Transcendent Choi Jun-ho single-handedly hunted Nuri.

It was said that the International Transcendent Union was currently denying and discrediting the fact that I single-handedly hunted Nuri.

Its true that I hunted Nuri though, so why were there finding problems with it? Strange guys.

If its properly applied, South Koreas ranking could rise from 4th to 5th place. We would then achieve the requirement to become a permanent board member country.

I didnt know that.

Anyway, I didnt have much interest in the fact that the countrys ranking was skyrocketing because of me.

Its not like having a high ranking would bring in money.

But it seemed the President had a different opinion.

Theres a International Transcendent Day event in Tokyo this month. Why dont you participate?

Me? Do I really need to do that?

I wasnt particularly curious about other Awakened individuals, and even if its Tokyo, I didnt feel the need to go there. And as for those who dont believe that I hunted Nuri, looking at guys full of mistrust would only ruin my appetite.

I felt like I would just be busy killing people who argued with me.

Do I have to go?

I saw the expressions of the President and Cheon Myeong-guk blur for a moment. Did they hope I would go?

Rather, if I left my position, it might lead to a lack of efficiency in handling matters, which wouldnt be good.

Whether they noticed my gaze or not, the two of them quickly regained their composure.

Well! You dont have to go, but going doesnt seem like a bad idea.

Thats right. Its a place where you can meet other Transcendent from all over the world, except for those who are assigned to a countrys essential defense. It will help you see the world more broadly in the future.

Did I really need to see the world more broadly?

Seeing the world more broadly only led to the thought that the world was vast and there were many people to kill.

Was this something different?

Anyway, if they recommended it like this, there must be a reason.

Then Ill go check it out.



Why were their expressions brightening up?

I didnt know the reason until the meal was over.


These days, I feel like humans were truly peculiar.

Meeting Jin Se-jeong, actively managing my image, and gaining peoples support made me realize that various changes were happening within me.

It felt like the Blood Master inside me was fading, and I was becoming a true Transcendent, Choi Jun-ho.

Until then, I had no particular attachment or deep thoughts about being a Transcendent. But as I saw people supporting me, my thoughts were changing.

It made me look around more and made me wonder if it would be okay to help them if they were in trouble.

Thats why Jun-ho-ssi cant be a villain.

Lee Se-hees words gave me strength.

Then one day.

Today, like any other day, I received a Transcendent call, went out for peripheral support, and was now on my way back.

While returning on a helicopter, I noticed something when we were about to enter Seoul.

Normally, I would have just passed it by. However, my curiosity suddenly surged and didnt let me ignore it.

Captain Han, please return first.

Yes? What about Transcendent-nim?

I saw something that caught my eye. Ill go down for a moment and then return.


I heard his call, but I ignored it, opened the door and jumped out just as it was.

When I suddenly appeared from the sky and landed on the ground, all the surrounding gazes were focused on me. I didnt care and approached the protagonist who had caught my eye.

They were siblings. The girl who looked like an older sister seemed to be around 12-13 years old, and the boy seemed to be around 7-8 years old.

Wow! A hero!

The boy exclaimed as he looked at me coming down from the sky, but the girl, who seemed to be the older sister, looked at me with a guarded expression.

I carefully examined the siblings. What caught my eye was the way they were walking down the street in their poorly maintained, worn-out clothes.

Even in the inner parts of Seoul, its not safe to roam freely. There were villains within the city, and young children were targets for kidnapping.

Of course, even so, Seoul was Seoul. It was a city where people with the ability to work and pay regular taxes gathered. I wondered if there was a reason for them to be wandering around in such shabby attire.

You two.

They flinched at my words.

Why are you wandering around like this?

We dont have anything to eat! Were hungry!

The answer came from the boy. The girl held her younger brother, preventing him from saying more, but I had already heard it.

They didnt have anything to eat? Why?

I felt puzzled. Even in a time when monsters and villains were rampant, there should be at least some minimum support for the countrys citizens.

Have you not received any support?

We dont qualify!


Its because its possible that were out here begging like this.

I see.

I had no choice but to agree with the sharp words of the young girl.

But I was still puzzled. Seoul was the place where the governments most powerful influence extended, and they were making special efforts to ensure that citizens did not become refugees.

When citizens became refugees, most of them get involved with villains, so support was provided to make it possible for families in difficult circumstances to make a living. So, what the siblings were saying didnt make sense.

Lets go to the local community center. Ill inquire.

How can we trust you, Ahjussi?

Noona, this guy is a hero.

Watching the cautious sister and the smiling little brother, I shrugged my shoulders.

If you have doubts, you can stay back while I do the inquiring.

I took the lead and, along with the siblings, went to the nearby community center to make an inquiry.

The public official in charge, after checking the computer records, looked puzzled.

Theyre not eligible.

Why are they not eligible?

They have a guardian. Households with guardians can not receive assistance.

My father got injured while working. We cant afford the medical bills right now

The girl who had caught my attention spoke.

I see.

But its still difficult. Even though your father got injured, your mother is still listed as your guardian.

Mom ran away.

So there was no one to work at home, and the siblings were starving, and the country couldnt provide support.

I understood the situation. Now they should be eligible for assistance

You have a guardian recorded here on the computer, so its difficult. Im sorry.

Thats what the regulations said. The person in charge couldnt change it arbitrarily. In the end, I left empty-handed, despite all the noise I made.

Well, not exactly empty-handed. The person in charge gave me three lunchboxes with sympathy for the underprivileged.

In my opinion, they look like subpar lunchboxes. Were they really 6,000 won each?


Feeling somewhat disappointed, I looked at the siblings standing awkwardly.

Follow me.

I bought food and drinks for the kids. It may be a small gesture of pity from me, but it was necessary for the kids. I couldnt just send them away with these subpar lunchboxes.

Hyung! Thank you!

T-Thank you.


Seeing the kids expressing their gratitude with teary eyes, I found myself contemplating about something.

The country spent an astronomical amount of money to help children like them. But its not really reaching the children who needed it.

I paid my taxes without any doubt, thinking that the government would spend the money wisely. But what I witnessed just now had made me question the system.

What is my tax money being used for?

Why were there such regulations? And were these lunchboxes really 6,000 won each?

I probably should investigate this.

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