The Conspiracy of the Elites

Chapter 86: epiphany

Chapter 86: epiphany

After returning, Clark went back straight to his room. His 2 friends, were already there to welcome and congratulate him.

Clark, you are so fierce. Damn, that was intense, Henry exclaimed exaggeratedly as soon as he met Clark.

I cant believe you abandoned your weapons to finish the battle with your fists, thats tyrannical. Henry kept on heaping praise on him. He finally smiled a little, which earned a burst of laughter from Emily.

Hahaha, you only know when to smile when praises are heaped on you right? She asked in a slight accusing tone.

, Clark was left speechless. Cant you allow me to enjoy my glory for once, he complained inwardly. He could only cough a little to hide his awkwardness, as black lines already covered his face.

For the rest of the day, talks of how the stranded dragon demolished the trickster kept being circulated. Clark didnt know of all these, nor did he pay attention. As he already returned to his strict schedule of train, bath, eat and train again.

Due to his diligence, Emily and Henry were also affected. As they felt the urge to train and maybe improve also, if possible. Show me your friends, I will tell you who you are, this parable was being proven here.

For the past months after Clark witnessed the hermits self-created technique, he tried hard to create his own also, as he already started knowing the significance of it. After about 2 months of trying, he discovered that self-created techniques are not something that can be created on demand or on a whim.

He needed a source of enlightenment, that was his conclusion. As he was sure that The Hermit created his technique, through some unique circumstances. Despite this obstacle, Ill try my best to create at least one technique, he promised myself.

All the 3rd battle fixtures were finally concluded, the 4th round battles quickly started as the gladiator tournament continued. His and his friends 4th battle was without suspense, as they killed their opponents without suffering too many injuries. They made a little celebration, for making it to the last round of the gladiator battles.

After so long, he still could not create a technique as assurance for his battle against The Emperor. No matter how fast he won his battles, he was not ignorant nor arrogant enough to view The Emperor like the other gladiators.

This guys strength was the real deal. Forget about how he had a draw against Jian Wushaung, the man probably studied him thoroughly, and found a way to counter him.

During their little celebration, Emily suggested that they should project a movie that each of them liked in their tender years, for all of them to enjoy. She first suggested her best movie, which they watched together.

Henry followed after, suggesting his best movie also. When it finally came to his turn, he was suddenly at a loss for what to suggest.

He knew a lot of movies that he liked, but a best movie? That, he didnt really know. As he saw the atmosphere becoming awkward, he just decided to suggest an animate cartoon that was adapted from one of his best novels, The Kings Avatar. After suggesting it, he suddenly started smiling as he felt like he made a good choice.

The first episode quickly started playing through his projection, as they all became engrossed in the cartoon. His whole mind was focused on the projection, as he didnt want to miss a single detail. He had a habit of getting really annoyed, if he missed a single detail when watching a movie, even if its trash.

Henry ohhed and ahhed frequently, when a character in the cartoon performs a high-level skill. Emily was far calmer and more reserved, despite also being engrossed in the cartoon.

Woah!! He exclaimed again, as Ye Xius Lord Grim comboed his opponent to death, the cartoon was just too attention grabbing. Their attention was fully on the projection, the high-quality projection also did a good job in improving their spectating experience.

Lord Grim was battling another opponent in the team competition, as his umbrella suddenly transformed into a shield blocking his opponents view. Boom!! He suddenly dodged to the side, as his teammate Soft Mist, controlled by Tang Rou arrived tyrannically with a dragon breaks the ranks skill.

As Clark saw the spear advancing forward unstoppably, he increased his concentration as he didnt want to lose such an awesome moment. The magic waves emitting from the spear, was what added the cherry on top, as he immediately entered a unique state of mind.

His implant started working on overdrive, as he repeatedly simulated this action in his mind again, again and again. He became completely lost in his imagination, forgetting about the passage of time.

After an unknown amount of time, the episode was finally concluded. Emily and Henry, were gradually drawn out of their deeply engrossed state.

Man, this cartoon is completely insane. Im downloading it now on my implant, this is simply a masterpiece. Henry blurted out excitedly, as he turned to face his friend.

Clark, CLARK, he called with a yell the second time, as the expression on his friends face sent chills down his spine.

Emily finally turned to face Clark with an irritated expression due to the yell, she was also stunned completely on seeing him.

Clark didnt hear Henrys yell, as he was completely in his own world. A grin was on his face, while his eyes were closed. His current look was just like that of a mad man.

Well, if you call him a mad man now, hell just thank you with a smile. Because he just laid the most important foundation, to creating his self-created technique.

CLARK!! Henry yelled again, as he was finally startled awake this time. He slowly opened his eyes, the first thing that greeted his sight was his 2 friends faces, looking at him like he was mad.

He immediately understood, as he grinned on seeing this. He felt kind of funny, as this situation felt like a parable in the bible. He doesnt read it much, but he still knew some famous lines from going to church when he was younger.

They have eyes, but they cannot see. They have ears, but they cannot understand. They have brains, but they cannot comprehend It was so on point. They watched the same cartoon, but he was the only one to comprehend deeply.

He finally explained what just happened to him, as Henry was almost pulling his hair out from waiting.

They were surprised, before jumping in heartfelt joy for him. Envy threatened to sprout, but they quickly suppressed it as their friend comprehended this, through his own ability. He was really happy, as he fully expressed his joy with them, by getting drunk.

The Kings Avatar, the novel was among his 2 best novels. But this was his first time, creating time to watch the animate cartoon. He just thanked his God, for deciding to watch it.

The next day, they woke up feeling fresh and excited. Emily and Henry made sure to leave, giving Clark a silent atmosphere to further study his new technique.

They were worried for him because of his next battle, against The Emperor. So, they were sincerely happy to know that he was creating a possible trump card now. They even felt kind of proud, as it was through their suggestion, that their friend get inspiration.

To be sincere, he was more worried about them. This critical stage, there was no weak candidates again.

Emilys next opponent was of fairly the same strength as she was. But this is a competition, anything could happen. He was more worried about Henry, as according to past battle statistics, his opponent was stronger than he was.

After a week of learning and perfecting it, his self-created technique was finally kind of ready. He could not execute it physically yet, but he could do it through simulations in his implant. He still needed more practice, to perform it physically.

Now, the dilemma of a name finally came, as he thought of a name to give his new technique.

The Dragons roar, he suddenly had a thought. Hmmm, this is good, but people will think that it is an attack to restrain and control, not to directly attack.

What of Stranded Dragons blow. Shit, this is even more ridiculous than the first. He could only blush in shame, at his lack of naming experience.

Forget it, I guess Ill just go with the name that Butterfly blue gave it. He finally decided to settle for the original.

Dragon breaks the ranks. Yeah, this is it. The name alone can instigate terror in my opponents.

Well, I can always decide to adapt medieval Chinese culture by shouting out my moves before attacking. Maybe it will seem more intimidating so. This random thought is a decision for later, the best thing is that Im ready. Im ready to face the Emperor.

Another decision he had to make, was his main weapon to use during battles. Dragon breaks the ranks, is a skill created for spear users. He didnt want to desecrate it. I guess Ill change my main from a sword, to a spear, he muttered.

This was not too hard. In his military training years, he was taught on how to use every weapon. Hell just have to resume training, to master using a spear.

Bam!! Bam!! Poof!! Another boxing target burst, scattering into pieces as a sweat filled figure left for another boxing target. The Emperor was also training hard for this fight, against the Stranded Dragon.

After his draw with Jian Wushaung, he didnt dare underestimate any of his opponents again. He was not afraid though, as he was absolutely confident that he could not be defeated.

This much training was just a precaution to guarantee his win. Unlike Clark, he is among the lunatics who came here willingly in complete trust of their strength to get the price.

Outside here, he is a mercenary who fight, kill, and protect if hired, as a source of income. He is an external member of one of the big 5, the Mercenary alliance.

The Mercenary alliance is the only organization, that its rules and restrictions are looser among the big 5. They accept outsiders who proved their strength, as external members who work for them as mercenaries and are paid. He doesnt focus completely on being a mercenary alone, as he looks for unconventional means of income like this.

What is fueling his desire to look for money by any means, is his sister. When he was younger, a young man from Oakland once came to his town on a tour, with his entourage of soldiers. Unfortunately, his sister caught the mans eye, so he took her with him without even blinking.

This is just a small example of the tyranny of the big 5. His sister was his only family member still alive, after his parents death, so he vowed to get her back.

This was what fueled his choice to train and become a mercenary. As the Mercenary alliance promised him that, they could get his sister back if he got enough money and mercenary contribution points.

The 5th round battles finally began after a whole month of preparation. The whole fleet was hyped up, as this is the final battles to decide the strongest 5 that survives.

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