The Conspiracy of the Elites

Chapter 55: the joy of being able to revisit your childhood

Chapter 55: the joy of being able to revisit your childhood

Even Benny was completely gob smacked as he opened his mouth wide while staring around foolishly. The street was truly a shocking sight, despite this much increase in technology the road of this street actually had port holes.

The appearance of this kind of sparkling car here clearly broke the equilibrium as Clark was sure that 100% of the people, they passed stared at the car with either greed or jealousy.

Man, I think we should park the car in a better place before coming back on foot, Clark gulped as he suggested to Leo. Benny seconded his suggestion without hesitation and even added that they should just go and not come back.

Leo thought silently to himself for 5 seconds before he agreed to return the car to somewhere better, but he directly ruled out any thoughts of going and not coming back. He quickly did a U-turn as he drove back. As they drove back somewhere else in the street, someone on black clothes weaved expertly in between houses before reaching an uncompleted building.

Commander, can I come in, the strange person asked.

Come in, a deep voice answered.

What happened, the owner of the deep voice asked as the strange person walked in. If Clark saw this man he would have definitely been alarmed, it was the commander of the terrorist base he attacked.

Commander you were right, I saw Clarks car enter the street today.

Did you confirm it was him?

I couldnt confirm as they quickly drove back afterwards.

Ok, call the others to look out for them, Im sure he is with his friend and will likely come back on foot if it was really him. The Commander said as he slowly let out a breath of cold air.

After Clark escaped from the terrorist base, they ran again as the local police force came after them. Fortunately for them, the commander was decisive this time as he led them to flee that night without rest.

Luckily, they escaped but the terrorist base was now a just a shadow of its former self. After they settled down in a new location, the commander proactively researched about Clark.

After a lot of research, they finally found his identity, the commander predicted after days of thoughts and calculations that Clark will probably use his week of leave to visit his hometown. The problem was that they couldnt barge into Vatican City as it was an advanced city so they gambled on him coming to his friends town. It seems their gamble paid off as they already probably found him.

All these undercurrents were unknown to Clark as they strolled back leisurely while discussing. They made sure to change their clothes to match the status of the people in the street a little.

Seriously battle arts are too hard to learn, Leo complained. This common battle art I bought I cant even perform it a little after 2 days of practicing it.

Its a little frustrating, Clark added with a sigh. During my simulations Im trying but I cant perform it yet. Benny also complained as they followed Leo, only God knew where Leo was taking them. As the 3 boys walked, a pair of eyes watched them keenly with extreme caution from a corner, after confirming what he wanted the owner of the eyes directly left.

In an uncompleted building, the commander stood with his back facing the 3 high-grade soldiers. After their misfortune, their terrorist headquarters gave them a little aid by sending them a new high-grade soldier who already learned a battle art.

The commander finally turned as he coldly spoke, observe them for 2 more days while reporting your findings to me. Well attack him on the 3rd day, the 3rd person with them try to find out if he is a high-grade soldier also no matter the cost.

Yes sir, the 3 executioners all saluted before leaving simultaneously. After the soldiers left, the commander turned back to face the wall as he sat down. Clark your greatest mistake was killing 2 of my high-grade soldiers youll surely pay for it, he muttered while suppressing his raging emotions.

Leos parents didnt have a house of their own, they were provided shelter in the company where they both worked as cleaners. Leo slept there with them all his childhood before he became homeless after his parents death.

Leo brought Clark and Benny there, but they just passed as Leo basically didnt have any memories there. Leo smiled as he led them to were, he inherited most of his childhood memories.

The stadium was one of the only resources the street had. Even the police were reluctant to patrol here as this street was one of the shadiest streets in the town leading to a lot of criminals settling here. Leo spent most of his childhood memories here in the stadium, where he played ball every evening with his friends and where he fought others alongside his friends. The military also recruited him from this same stadium.

Leo smiled on seeing the familiar stadium, the stadium was scanty with few children playing as time was still around the late afternoon. Clark and Benny followed Leos suggestion to buy snacks to eat and spend their time before 4:00pm.

It was not long before 4:00pm passed, the stadium gradually began filling up as spectators from the surrounding and people came from various corners. Leo invited them to play, Clark readily agreed but Benny stayed behind as he was a complete newbie to football.

Leos old friends were surprised to see him but they quickly ignored it as they excitedly invited him to join them. The football game was a delight to both Clark and Leo as they enjoyed themselves. Clark scored one goal but Leo scored a whopping 3 goals which led to his teammates chanting his name.

Leo felt like he went back in time as all his teammates chanted his name, he now felt really happy for agreeing to come on a tour with Clark on their one week of leave.

Somewhere else Benny laughed as he cheered his new friends on. Benny was completely ignorant as a strange guy on black clothes weaved closer to where he sat.

[Thank you for reading this chapter, I really appreciate. Please if there is any problem with the translation quality or if there is any wrong spelling or sentence, indicate I'll try to fix it immediately.]

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