The 3 B's- Beauty, Brains and Bravery

Chapter 421: Want a ride?

Chapter 421: Want a ride?

Xi Corporations Headquarters, 11:30 p.m.; 

"So far, it doesn't seem like Mr. Xi is lying.", Xi Fang relayed the information, as his eyes scanned through the documents in his hands, "There were indeed some heated arguments between Grandfather and this Feng Ching, a few months before his death."

"Hmm. What about Xinghe's connection with any of this?", Xi Yuan questioned, signing the business documents on his table. 

"She was twelve when that incident happened, brother. She volunteered for the position of Military Chief not until she was seventeen. Even if she'd come across Diablos during her training, there are very slim chances he might've mentioned the attacks to her. Why would he? Think about it; he was in love with her, there was no motive for him to reveal his foster parent's revenge fantasies to her, right?"

The second Xi Fang realized what he'd just blabbered, a chill ran down his spine. As he sneaked a peek at the man from behind the documents cautiously, he could feel the tension in the air, the man's both hands clenched, his brows furrowed. What in the world was he thinking when he used the L-word?!

"I didn't mean it like that, Brother.", Xi Fang quickly explained himself, "I just got carried away."

"Hmm.", the man dropped the ball, letting out a sigh. 

There were very few men in the world who were capable of intimidating or bothering the Business King Xi Yuan. The Six tigers being one of them. He'd never dared to take any of their warnings for granted; for they were fiercely protective of their sister. And that, he understood.

But Diablos was different. Just the mention of this man irritated Xi Yuan. He hated this guy. Maybe because he'd never heard Rong Xinghe tell him about their connection. Or maybe because he knew this man had romantic affections for his wife-to-be. The Xi trio was well-aware of their brother's jealousy, but they did not have the nerves to point that out to him. 

It wasn't like Xi Yuan would confront the girl about it. He'd never done that before. He would always wait for her to feel comfortable enough to confide in him. No complaints, no doubts. That was just how he had always been. He'd waited for her to tell him about the train incident, and about her childhood, and even about her past relationship. He never pushed her for answers. He'd rather suffer himself than to let her feel mistrusted. 

The two men were busy discussing their next step when Xi Yuan's office landline beeped, receiving a message from the main reception of the HQ, "President Xi, there's someone causing trouble down here.", the receptionist reported anxiously, "It's a... sports car."

Xi Yuan stood up and approached the floor-to-ceiling windows, fixing his gaze at the Black Bugatti La Voiture Noire driving back-and-forth ceaselessly, at the speed of 150 mph. Xi Yuan's lips curled up into an amused smile as he browsed through his phone before bringing it to his ears. 

And as he'd expected, the car came to a stop shortly after, a soft intoxicating laugh coming through the other end simultaneously. "So this was why you needed my card, huh?", Xi Yuan laughed warmly. 

"Want a ride?", Rong Xinghe giggled, "This baby is awesome, Yuan!"

"Coming down in a second.", Xi Yuan nodded.


BK Road, 00:00 midnight; 

As the exquisite sports car propelled through the silent but open path, Xi Yuan turned to look at the girl, "Where are we going, Love?", he asked. 

"Just somewhere.", the girl shrugged, "I needed a breather. And I know you did too. Moreover, it's been so long since I had the softy from that ice-cream van in the suburbs of the city."

"And you have the card.", Xi Yuan added, pointing at the Infinity Black Card upon the dashboard, "Such a devil!"

"That... I am.", the girl smiled, her eyes on the road. 

Shaking his head, Xi Yuan simply leaned back in his seat, his head on the headrest. Closing his eyes, he placed his hand over the girl's thigh. The silence in the car was interestingly comfortable; it had a coziness of its own. Rong Xinghe didn't move the man's hand away, neither did she utter a word to him. A while later, the girl turned down the sound of the music system, slowing down the vehicle's speed, allowing her darling to get some rest. 

About a half-hour later, Rong Xinghe pulled over at the side of a road, detaching her seat belt. Gingerly, she ran her fingers through his well-adjusted wavy hair, the corners of her lips curling up. One glance at him, and she could tell he'd been dealing with a lot of pressure lately. But what exactly, she wondered. In the end, she decided against waking him up. She could bring the softies to the car, couldn't she?

A moment later, when the girl returned back with two softies, one choco-chip, another butterscotch-flavored, she found the man waiting for her by the car. Xi Yuan wrapped the shawl, she'd sheathed him with earlier before leaving, around her arms, "You need this more.", he said, "It's cold out here."

The girl rolled her eyes at the man, passing him the butterscotch cone, "I am fine.", she said, sitting upon the car hood. Looking up, the girl stared at the sky, "I used to come here a lot when I was little. Bro Su used to bring me here usually, escaping me from the Rong house after 2 or 3 at night. One of my most favorite memories."

"It must be beautiful back then.", Xi Yuan smiled.

"It was. There would be stars in the sky and a lot of stories, and a lot of food.", the girl laughed, "Air was cleaner. Cheap ice-cream prices; not that that ever bothered Bro Su. He always carried the money. For me, I guess."

"I am glad they were there for you then, Xinghe.", the man stated sincerely. 

"Hmm. I am glad too.", Rong Xinghe nodded, pecking the man on his lips. It was now that her phone rang up, inside the car. "Yes, David?", the girl picked it up at the sixth ring. 

"It's an in-and-out operation. There are three more sleeper cells in the hiding.", David Florence informed, "Your location is the closest to them. I've just texted their whereabouts and pictures to you. They have no information, and hence, are of no use to us. But still, a threat. If you get a clear shot at them, just go for it."

"Got it.", the girl replied, disconnecting the call. She then turned to face the man beside her, "I have to go, Baby.", she said.

"No, Honey.", Xi Yuan cocked his head to the side, "We have to go."

"But what if-"

"I will be fine. And I am coming. End of the damn story.", the man announced, his tone resolute. 

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