The 3 B's- Beauty, Brains and Bravery

Chapter 396: The Donation

Chapter 396: The Donation

11:00 a.m., Lu Corporations ;

Lu Wei found his assistant waiting for him at the main entrance anxiously, as soon as he walked into the HQ, which was strange. Zhang Yong would often wait for him in his private office, unlike today. The man took off his overcoat and hung it over the royale-oak coat rack, and turned to raise his brows at the thirty-two-year-old man, questioningly. 

"President, Lady Xinghe is here.", informed Zhang Yong anxiously, "She, um... is playing Chess with our investors from India."

"She is doing what, now?!", Lu Wei stopped in his tracks, confounded. 

"Chess, sir. She wanted to meet you, initially. But the investors showed up two hours earlier than the scheduled time.", the man reported, "Miss. Rong noticed that they were Indians, and she started talking about their food and culture and now..."

"I get it.", Lu Wei shook his head weakly, "And from the next time, address her as the Military Chief. She isn't just my sister, Mr. Zhang."

"Sorry, Boss."

"Where are they?", the man asked.

"In the Conference Hall, Sir."


"So, Mr. Singh, how is it like there? So many festivals? And so many varieties of food?", the girl grinned, as she stared at the piece of black Rhook on the bottom left corner of the board.

"Yeah... well. We love it there, Military Chief.", the man replied, as he adjusted his Navy Blue turban, "We do have our ups and downs, of course. I mean, economically. But I have visited hundreds of countries before, and I would still not trade my life there in India for anything. It's home, after all."

"Home, indeed.", the girl smiled sweetly, "Chess was invented in India too, right? Your country is so amazing, Sir."

"You know a lot about India, ma'am. Have you been there before?", the man in his mid-forties asked, amused.

"I have always been fond of India, yes. But I have only been there twice. Both the times, during my training.", the girl stated, placing her black Bishop against the white king, diagonally, "I loved it there. I am going to visit India again, sometime. And this time, I am going to explore every state there. It is not going to be about work at all."

"I would love to show you around.", the man laughed, "Do bring Mr. Lu and Mrs. Lu along with you."

"You have my word. I am going to drag all my brothers with me.", the girl laughed, "By the way, here you go. Checkmate.", announced the girl, with a cunning smile, as she cornered the King with her black Queen.

"Wow!", the man looked at the girl, astounded, "You are good."

"That I am.", Rong Xinghe chuckled, proudly so.

"What is going on here, Kiddo?", at this time, Lu Wei's voice resounded across the hall, sending a chill down the girl's spine. 'No meddling with my work', he had warned her, long before. But what she had done today, was plain and clear defiance. And if there were anyone Rong Xinghe feared in the entire world, it was her Bro Lu. 

"Hello, President Lu.", Mr. Singh stood up to shake hands with the man, "I apologize for showing up so early. Actually, an emergency came up, back there at home. So I had to book an early flight."

"Instead of calling off the meeting, I thought it would be better to prepone it. I was hoping that you would be available. But I got to meet this lovely lady over here first."

"I hope she didn't cause you any trouble, Mr. Singh.", Lu Wei placed a hand against the girl's right shoulder strenuously, his tone still noble and laced with propriety, "Anyhow, we can still discuss the proposals, if you're up for it. I can cancel my next few meetings for it, in fact. As you are already aware, establishing Lu Corporations in India is one of my foremost priorities presently."

"That won't be necessary, President Lu.", the old man laughed, heartily, "Miss Rong mentioned everything about how Lu Corporations operates, to me. She also told me about every major project you've personally managed. It's a shame I never realized how efficient and well-planned you are, Mr. Lu. 

"Since I am running late, I won't be able to sit through the presentation. I don't need to, frankly speaking. Just consider me your investor for each and every single one of your construction plans in India."

"What?!", Lu Wei fixed his gaze at the girl beside him, disbelief plastered across his face, "Are you sure, Mr. Singh?"

"Absolutely. Let's directly sign the contract.", the man nodded confidently. Lu Wei regained his posture before he gestured Zhang Yong to take Mr. Singh away to his office, so that they could complete the formalities for the merger.

Only when the siblings were left alone in the room did the man finally confronted the She-devil, "As much as I want to thank you right now, may I know why you are here, Kiddo?"

"I wanted some money.", the girl answered guiltily, her eyes still on the floor. 

"And chess? Why?"

"I was just roaming around the office when I saw him playing the game on his phone. He told me that he is a national level player. So I asked for a board and suggested we play.", the girl explained, "I am sorry." 

"Hmm. It's okay.", Lu Wei smiled. She looked like a little scared kitten. It was impossible to keep a serious face in front of her for a long time, even for him."How much money do you want?", he asked the girl, as the two walked out of the Conference Hall. 

"One million USD."

"And am I getting it back?", Lu Wei directed his next question towards the girl, "Or is it a donation to the Military, like the other times?"

"Could it please be a donation to the Military, brother?", the girl joined her hands, her tone expectant. 

"Donation it is, then.", the man laughed.

"Wait. You are not going to ask me what I am going to use that for?", Rong Xinghe stopped in her tracks, thrilled.

"Are you going to smuggle drugs with it?"


"Then no. I don't care why you need that.", Lu Wei pinched the girl's nose playfully, "I trust my sister. Moreover, a business deal with Mr. Singh is like adding 800 Million USD to Lu Corps. So I guess I owe this deal to you."

"Then can I get 3 Million dollars?", Rong Xinghe questioned, her gaze filled with greed now.

"Nope.", the man smirked.

"Ugh!", the girl pouted, "I hate you."

"I love you too, Kid.", Lu Wei laughed a cordial laugh.

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