The 3 B's- Beauty, Brains and Bravery

Chapter 342: "We are far from achieving the 'goal', Swetheart."

Chapter 342: "We are far from achieving the 'goal', Swetheart."

Rong Xinghe was so shocked by the sudden jolt that her grip around the phone tightened. Her arms rammed into the dashboard, and the pain was instant excruciating. And intense. The girl squeezed her eyes shut and let out a muffled groan, cupping her mouth with the palm of her other hand. 

"Pass the phone to Wei, Xinghe.", Xi Yuan commanded through the other end. He had pretty much figured out the situation by now. Rong Xinghe brought the phone to her ear and sighed. "No one's hurt, Bub.", the girl placated, still recovering from the pain, "Some psycho, a moron, just crossed our car. I have noted the number from the car plate. We will deal with him later. Rest assured, we are fine."

"I said...", the man scowled, "Hand over the phone to Wei. Right now."


"Now, Xinghe.", the man failed to hide his rage and impatience. He didn't bother to. Left with no choice, the girl consigned the phone to the man beside her. She then unlocked her side of the door and stepped out of the car, facing the 'riled up' crowd of people enclosing their car. 

The moment the woman's face was unveiled to the infuriated people, they stood right where they were, frozen. Never in their wildest dreams could they've ever imagined that they would come across the lady herself. The person responsible for the external border security of their country. The woman next to the Prime Minister and President of the nation. It took them quite some time to register her identity completely. 

Meanwhile, inside the car, another war was being fought. 

"Is she hurt?", Xi Yuan asked through the gritted teeth.

"N... no Brother. Just a little shock.", Xi Wei shook his head, coming out of his trance, "I am sorry."

"Don't you dare hope that I will buy Xinghe's story, young man.", the man snapped, "I heard you ask here the question, about her pregnancy, not too long ago.

"Are you fu*king kidding me?! Recklessly driving like that. What the hell is wrong with you?!"

"I know. I am so so sorry.", the man admitted as he felt guilt flood through his heart, "But is it true? Is Sister-in-law really preg--"

"No! She is NOT pregnant, Wei.", the man yelled this time. He had no idea what he would've done if this man was to be anywhere near him right now. "Take her to the hospital. Ensure there is no internal injury. Got it?"

Xi Wei was disappointed. Slightly. More than 'slightly', actually. But he didn't dare to express that in front of his already furious brother. It would be suicidal, he convinced himself. 

"Yeah. I'll send you the scanned medical reports to you later.", he gave in. 

On the other hand, Rong Xinghe walked past her car and inspected all the three cars that had crashed into each other. The damage wasn't pernicious, just some deep lines of abrasion. At least, no one was physically harmed. The girl let out a sigh of relief and turned to address the silent, and evidently shocked crowd. 

"I am extremely apologetic to all of you.", she said softly, holding onto her aching arm, her tone calm and composed, "I know this accident costed you your precious time. But if it is of any compensation, I would love to help with the expenses. Let me make a few calls and that shall be arranged in no time."

"No need, Military Chief.", a young girl waved her hand with an embarrassed laugh, "At least, not mine. I will manage the expenses by myself. What kind of a person would I be to trouble a soldier for something so trivial?"

"It is alright, Honey.", Rong Xinghe smiled sweetly. She was obliged to compensate them. After all, it was her fault, to begin with.


Military Sanatorium, 8:00 p.m. ;

"There's nothing serious.", head doctor, Li Dong said as he applied an ointment against the girl's arm carefully, "Just some minor bleeding into the muscles. You should be fine, Chief."

"I will write to you some tablets and a relief spray. That will be sufficient."

"Thank you, Doc.", the girl smiled. At this time, Xi Wei stepped into the doctor's cabin and passed the girl her phone. "It's brother.", he scratched the back of his head, bashful. Rong Xinghe nodded twice and walked out of the room after she asked the man to get the medicines and meet her directly in the parking lot. 

"How are you?", he asked, his voice laced with concern. 

"I am fine, Yuan.", as she consoled the man, she could hear him let out a suppressed breath. Literally. 

"Xinghe...", the man hesitated for a moment, "About the question you asked me earlier. I can answer it now."

"Yuan, I was just being ridiculous. Don't bother.", the girl felt the heat rise up to her cheeks. Now that she thought of it, that was stupid. Clearly, it was to soon to think about something like that. 

"Yes. It was ridiculous.", Xi Yuan admitted, "I would never let you abort our child, Baby. I would've prepared myself for all the uninvited, and unplanned problems, instead. But abortion was an option way 'off the table', you know. Are you understanding what I am trying to imply here, Honey?"

"I do.", the girl laughed softly. 


"I don't know. It's just the thought of 'us' becoming parents. Especially when none of us ever received parental love. It sounds... well, crazy. And a blur.", she said. 

"Don't be silly.", the man cut in, "I don't know about myself. But you, Ms. Rong. You will be the best mother to our kids. I can bet on that."

"You seem to have a lot of trust in me, President Xi."

"Of course, Love.", the man grinned, "But there is just one problem."

"What?", the girl asked with a muddled expression across her face.

"You see, we are yet to do what is required to be done in order to make babies."


"What shameful?", the man countered, "Look. We are in a relationship. So intimacy is inevitable. It's natural. And we do have that. Intimacy. But we are far from making babies. We are from achieving the 'goal', Sweetheart."

"Stop it, Yuan.", the girl bit her lower lip and curled her toes in, attempting hard to stifle her heavy breathing.

"If you want to have a child or even twins, trust me, I am all yours. You have to say the word and by tonight, I will be there. By your side. In your bed. Do you know what I will do next? I will...", the man continued teasing the girl. He was enjoying it. Although it was a phone call and he couldn't see her, he knew she was blushing. Even her voice was a soft whisper as if she was afraid of him reading her mind.

"Don't.", Rong Xinghe tried again. What had gotten into him all of a sudden, she wondered. What was it with all the flirting?

"Then, I will...", he continued anyway, "...undress you, starting with your top and then your jeans. My hands will brush against your fingers, your waist and then your belly. I will make sure to kiss every curve, every inch of your body, Baby. Your lips. Your neck. Your collarbone. After that, we will..."

"Stop, stop, stop!", the girl shook her head violently, "I am hanging up. Bye!"

As the girl disconnected the call hastily, Xi Yuan couldn't help but laugh out. So adorable! He was going to do this more often, from then on. It was fun troubling the wild little kitten sometimes.

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