Taming A Billionaire

Chapter 694 - Six Hundred And Ninety-four: I Commit My Spirit

Chapter 694 - Six Hundred And Ninety-four: I Commit My Spirit

The third point of view:

You know that saying, "See what's life flash before one's eyes," Pedro could testify of that at this moment because he was sure he would be a dead man today.

The way Isabella's brows raised, then her eyes widened before it narrowed and finally darkened told him to say his last prayer.

"What did you just say?" She asked, her tone as low and cold as the arctic ocean.

As if to make it worse, a loud clap of thunder cackled in the distance while lightning flashed across the room, illuminating Isabella's ice-cold expression that made the atmosphere look eerie and frightening.

Pedro gulped and began to think about his life, from the time he learned to call the word "mother" to the time he grew up to know "Isabella" and to this very moment.

He finally remembered the verse in the Bible, "I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith,"

Unfortunately, Pedro hasn't done any; he lost his fight; his race wasn't completed; he failed Isabella's faith. Right now, the only thing he could say is, "Father, into your hands I commit my spirit!'

"I-Isabella," He stuttered, taking a step back.

However, Isabella was like a bloodthirsty predator right now and the step he took back was an acknowledgment of his weakness, and like every wild cat out there, the prey's weakness thrilled it.

Isabella took a step forward and Pedro took another step back saying, "It was a mistake, Isabella!".

"That mistake just produced a life!" She yelled into his face and that made Pedro winced internally. He was really going to die.

He then attempted to do damage control by saying, "I'm not even sure that the child is mine, Isabella?"

"You're not sure the child is yours?" She chuckled mockingly, "How could you be so dumb? A woman that targeted you, why would she not be careful to have your child?! How could you be so dumb?!"

Pedro became dumbfounded at that moment, he hadn't thought about it in that direction. He just assumed that Natasha was one of those gold diggers searching for a man to blackmail and leech off. What if he was the only one she wanted. Wonderful.

"I didn't... know.." Pedro stuttered, swallowing down a lump of saliva.

"Of course, how would you fucking know?!" Isabella screamed and before his very eyes began to destroy everything she could get her hands on.

"Isabella?" Pedro tried to stop her.

However, the moment he touched her, Isabella hurled a vase in his direction and he was left with no option but to duck and the vase missed his head by just a few inches.?That was a close one, Pedro realized with his heart pounding in his chest.

"Isabella, calm down!" He told her amid the fact she almost broke his head minutes ago.

"Don't!" She growled, wagging her finger furiously at him. Isabella was vibrating with anger and it didn't seem like she was going to stop anytime soon, "You dare tell me to calm down!"

"We won't be able to solve this problem with you in this state!" He said.

Isabella retorted immediately, "Fuck you Pedro because there's no 'we' in this situation. You got a lady pregnant, that one is on you!" She heaped the whole thing on him.

"You talk as if I intentionally got her pregnant for christ fucking sake!" Pedro yelled back this time. He was sick and tired of getting blamed for everything.

The past weeks he has been trying to rectify the whole thing, unfortunately, it ended up blowing up in his face instead. Does she think he hadn't tried?

"Did I get her pregnant then?" Isabella asked him sarcastically. She went on, "After?everything went down you could have shoved a morning-after pill down her throat and prevented all of this madness!"

"Well, sorry to disappoint that I'm not as smart as you but I woke up shocked and used, how could I have thought of the pills?!"

"You know what?!" Isabella put her hand over her ears, "I don't want to hear these excuses!" her head was spinning while her heart felt like a thousand needles were stabbing it.

Isabella felt that feeling of helplessness return once again but she refused to acknowledge it, not now - at least, not in front of Pedro. She was a strong woman and wouldn't let this break her.

"But you said we are going to solve this together?!" Pedro couldn't believe what he was hearing. His heart was beating fast and he had a bad feeling about this. He hoped what he was thinking didn't happen.

"That was until you got a lady pregnant!" Isabella said through gritted teeth, "You know how I hate complicated families,"

"So what are you trying to say?" His fear grew, "Are you going to call off the wedding? We have our rehearsal dinner this evening, remember?"

"What do you think?" She sneered.

He sighed, "This is not the time we should be fighting, Isabella?"

"Oh," She taunted him, "What time is it then?"

"Isabella," His voice was gentle and pleading.

"Get lost," she said.

"Please, just hear me -"

"I need some space," Isabella told him, heading to her bed. But Pedro didn't give up and followed after her.

"Isabella, I know how you feel -"

"Don't you dare say that?!" Isabella whipped around so fast her head almost snapped. But the anger in her heart didn't let her notice the little pain in her neck for turning too fast.

She said with bitterness, "If you really know how I feel, you would go die!"

Pedro's expression changed at that comment, but he knew she didn't mean it. Isabella was just angry.

"Isabella," He tried to touch her but she grabbed the pillow on her bed and began to hit him with it.

"I said get out! Get the hell out of here! I don't ever want to see your face!" Isabella yelled, hitting him furiously with the pillow.

And that was the scene that Anabelle and Julie were treated to when they arrived.

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