Taming A Billionaire

Chapter 384 - Three Hundred And Eighty-four: Revenge Does Sting

Chapter 384 - Three Hundred And Eighty-four: Revenge Does Sting

The third point of view:

Even though the dance began just a few minutes ago, it felt like forever to Cecil. Her throat constricted as she came to a startling realization, she was attracted to him?!

At that moment, it was as if the other dancers had faded into the background and it was just her and Emerald. Her heart was pounding against her chest as he stared straight into her eyes, it was almost as if he could see right through her soul.

But as usual, she chickened out and tried to withdraw but the man held on tight to her waist.

"Emerald," She breathed, her heart beating a million miles an hour.

She was attracted to him? No that was impossible, she had no feeling whatsoever for this man? Sure the unpredictable circumstances with him in the past had made her escape Fernandez's evil plan unintentionally, that doesn't mean she should thank him for using her.

Cecil could not exactly say she hated him, but she didn't love him either and wanted it to stay that way. Both of them together was impossible! Inconceivable! He wasn't even her type! Sorry, what was her type again?

"What is it?" Emerald asked without as much expression.

Maybe she was the one making a big deal out of this? Emerald here looked cool and unaffected, nor was there a sign over her head announcing her attraction for him. Moreover, attraction doesn't mean she has feelings for him; she just found him sexually appealing.

Moreover, attractions never last - she has nothing to worry about. So she just had to be cool about it and in no time, this stupid dance would be over.

"It's nothing," Cecil said immediately.


She saw the look of doubt on his face and answered, "Your grasp was tight so I was trying to ease myself a bit," Cecil lied through her teeth.

"Oh, I'm sorry about that," said Emerald.

However, she wasn't so sure if he was truly sorry because even though he said so, he did not attempt to release her.

After that short discussion, an awkward silence fell upon them once again. For once, Cecil was grateful for his height because it meant that she couldn't glance over his shoulder but hide her face on his chest. Also, she couldn't and didn't want to know what the crowd was thinking about the both of them right now.

"You look beautiful tonight," Emerald whispered into her ears and she shivered. That husky voice of his had gone through her and shook her very entrails. It made her look up again and of course, she regretted it as well.

The way he was staring down at her made her very scared. The gentleness and loving tenderness in that gaze made her highly uncomfortable. It was almost as if he was opening up to her.

"You clean up good too," Cecil couldn't believe she could still find her voice - not that it was that loud anyway.

But of course, her tongue had to lead her into trouble because she found herself saying, "Your makeup artist did a good job but she shouldn't have hidden your scar,"

Oh great, she has done it.

One of the reasons Cecil had been shocked earlier by Emerald's appearance was the fact that the scar on his face disappeared. However, she knew it had been done with the use of makeup.

But right now, his unreadable expression scared her.

"I'm sorry," She quickly said, "I shouldn't have said such unreasonable and insensitive -"

"Why shouldn't she?"

"Huh?" Cecil blinked.

"Why do you think she shouldn't have hidden the scar?" Emerald asked, staring her straight in the eyes.

"Well…" Cecil found out she couldn't tear her eyes away from him, his gaze was as well daring her not to.


"You remind me of Zuko,"

"Zuko?" The man was confused.

"There was this cartoon my son Pedro was once obsessed with and it had this prince who had this scar on his face. He had refused to fight his father who then burned his face, scarring him over his left eye, and sent him into exile,"

"So you think I shouldn't have hidden my scar because it reminded you of a cartoon character?"Emerald was surprisingly more amused than angry.

"Well, not really that,"

"What then?" He pressed, determined to hear her reason.

"The scar is part of you and shouldn't be hidden. Even if people detest it, it's evidence of your fight and the fact that you're a survivor…. " she preached on and on.

This time, Emerald fixed his eyes on her intrigued. He didn't interrupt her, letting her speak her mind freely.

"Moreover," She blurted out, " I think it looks good on you…." Cecil faltered when she realized what she just said. And of course, he didn't let go of that.

"It looks good on me?" he asked, staring into her eyes as if he was searching for assurance.

By now, Cecil should have run away as usual but this was his birthday party, and feeling guilty that she had nothing for him, she decided to go out of line just a little.

"Yeah, it's good on you," She acquiesced, yet wondered why her heart was thudding against her chest. It was just a compliment, nothing else.

"You think so?"

As if to confirm her speech, Cecil lifted her hand and began to trace the spot where the scar had been hidden with layers of makeup.

"Yeah, you're a handsome man Emerald," she offered him a warm smile, still tracing his face. She should have stopped already but his skin was softer than she thought.

"Handsome enough for you to fall for me?" Emerald said out of nowhere and her hand which was just about to go tuck away his hair from his face froze in the air.

Cecil's eyes flew open, "E-emerald," She laughed, "You're so funny," and hit him playfully on the chest.

But to her surprise, he grabbed that hand and drew her closer to his body till they were touching skin to skin. That was when it dawned on her that he hadn't been joking.

"I see the way you look at me - those longing in your eyes. Why don't you admit you feel something for me?" Emerald growled into her ears.

"You saw wrong?" Cecil was mortified to recognize that doubtful voice as hers, yet she pressed on, "I don't have any romantic feelings for you, and please could we speak about this privately?" her eyes darted around, and thankfully people hadn't noticed there was trouble in paradise.

"Why privately? So you could run away like a coward as always?"

"Ouch," She pointed out the sting in his tone.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean it that way," he tried to apologize but she's had enough.

"No, you did mean it," She nodded, "And the funny part of it is that you're right, I'm a coward,"

"Cecil," his gaze softened.

"I'm a coward but I know better than to get my heart broken again. The both of us? We just won't work because we come from two different worlds that would explode when they come together," she said.

"No, you don't what you're saying,"

"Can you let go of me please? I'm kind of embarrassed right now and I really, really, need to bury my face in a pillow right now," she tried releasing her wrist that Emerald held tight.


"Emerald please, I beg of you," her voice was strained and tears were threatening to spill from her eyes.

Unable to stand that pitiful expression, Emerald had no choice but to let her go and he noticed how relieved she was after that. Did she think he would refuse her? He wasn't that unreasonable.

"Happy birthday Emerald," was all she said and fled away from the scene - from him.

"You pushed too hard," Juliet popped out of nowhere and he bet she had heard everything.

"Don't say a word," He warned and took his leave.

Meanwhile, far from them were a pair of cousins having the time of their life when their two other unneeded cousins marched up to them, furious.

"What you did was not fine at all!" Ailee boomed at her. Some of the adults who saw what was happening didn't interfere, waving it away as children's scuffle.

"Aww, you're here to cry over your pet," Grace made a snide remark while sipping her juice at the same time.

"No, we're here to tell you how much of a bitch you are," Allen said this time.

"Oops," Philip smirked, "I'm sure your mother wouldn't be thrilled to know that her lovely children have learned how to swear,"

"No, she won't be thrilled," Ailee admitted, stepping closer to Philip, "But I'm sure she'd be more delighted to know that we used them on two specific idiots,"

"You two!" Grace hissed through her teeth, making sure not to attract unnecessary attention, and said to the twins, "You both don't belong here and if you know what's right for you, leave right away and take your 'mother' with you," she spoke with heavy sarcasm.

Allen stepped closer to Grace, saying challengingly, "We'd see about that," then he turned to his sister who also staring down Philip, "Let's go, Ailee,"

He took his sister's hand and both strode away. However, when they were out of hearing, Allen asked her, "Did you put it on him?"

"Of course, What did you take me for?" she flashed her pearly white teeth, "What about you?" She asked.

"Of course I did, and she didn't even notice a thing. All we have to do now is wait," the boy said and led her sister to a perfectly hidden spot in the garden where they could capture the cousins perfectly.

In one word, they had dropped fire ants on both their cousins while acting angry. Grace and Phillip bullying Neon and calling their mother names had made it personal. The kids were out for war.

"It's time already, but nothing is happening. Did you think the ant hadn't fallen off or did they sense our plan and swatted it away," Ailee become worried when nothing happened for a long time?

"Shhh," Allen silenced her, "Have a little faith, sister "

And almost immediately as if Allen premeditated it, there was a shriek from Grace, which was promptly followed by Philip's, both screamed like banshees and before anyone could stop them, they stripped out of their clothes just to find the ant while the kids giggled by the side, recording the whole thing.

Though the twins knew they would be punished for this, the vengeance was far more satisfying. Revenge does sting.

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