Taming A Billionaire

Chapter 378 - Three Hundred And Seventy-eight: Matchmaker

Chapter 378 - Three Hundred And Seventy-eight: Matchmaker

The third point of view:

What was he expecting? That she would feel an ounce of emotion after helping her with Fernandez? Though Emerald had helped her sincerely, the truth was that he had hoped deep down that she would somehow feel something for him.

Even if she doesn't like him now, at the least her forgiveness would go a long way in cleansing his guilty heart. But then, he got no forgiveness nor her heart.

The man lay in his bed refusing to go out. He would make things awkward for her - it was already awkward for him - if we went out even though he doubted she was still around. Fernandez was the reason she came here, now the problem was settled, there was nothing to hold her back again; leaving was inevitable. But just to be sure, he remained in his room - not that he felt the urge to leave anyway.

Emerald tossed and turned in bed, he couldn't sleep a wink. Deep down, he wanted to find her and press for the truth, does she really feel nothing for him? He had seen the way she looked at him... Damn! Just give up on it, man.

Just as he was contemplating his next move, the door snapped open and somewhere in his heart, he wished for some sort of miracle, that it was Cecil coming back to say something, anything. As pathetic as he was, he would accept her wishes.

However, Emerald's face fell when he recognized that high shrill face. Fuck!

"Emerald darling!" Juliet sashayed over to him, her voice echoing in his head.

He scratched the back of his head, cursing his luck. Never did he think she would really come. This woman was none other than Olivia's mother and a cousin to Sakuzi.

After the kids had fought days ago, he had called her to put her kid to order. Olivia was stubborn and hardly listened to others except for her mother and Sakuzi. Who knew that when she said she would be coming over, she really meant it.

Don't get him wrong, Juliet was a?good woman but she was an attention seeker and the fact she had eyes on him.

"Juliet," Emerald inhaled the already thinning air in the room.

"Did you miss me?" She threw herself at him, wrapping her hands around his waist.

"Aww, you smell so good," She breathed in his scent which was kind of creepy to Emerald and that was when he decided it was enough.

"You can let go now," He ordered.

"No," The woman shook her head stubbornly, "I haven't seen you for long now and have to savor all I have missed," She clung to him tighter.

Emerald threw his head back and sighed, he hated clingy women.

"I'll give you the count of three, let go or I'll throw you out of my room,"

"Why are you being so uptight?" She stared up to his unsmiling face, "You just have to accept me, that's all,"

"One," He began his countdown

"I'm not even playing hard to get,"

"Two," He continued to count indifferently.

"We would make a nice couple,"


"Fine," Juliet lifted her hand in surrender. She was the only person who could tease Emerald to this extent, but she knew her limit.

Emerald gave her a hard stare and returned to his bed.

"Tsk tsk," Juliet clicked her tongue as she looked around, "You have quite a spacious room and yet you don't even decorate it with all the money you have," she took in the few items of furniture he had.

"If you're done, you can leave my room," He showed her the way to the door.

"Well, you hardly stay at a place anyway," she figured.

"Can you be quiet I'm trying to sleep,"

"We can sleep together," She tactically offered.

Emerald glared at her.

"It could be your birthday gift,"

"Birthday what?"

"Your birthday gift of course...." it clicked in her head, "You forgot your birthday again, didn't you?"

Emerald pressed the space between the bridge of his nose, "Don't tell me they're organizing a party for me?"

She gave him a stupid look, "Why do you think I'm here?"

"Seriously!" he hissed, forcing himself to his feet since he knew who was responsible for this.

However, Juliet got in his way, "Sakuzi said not to disturb him and that he won't send you in missions if you fail to show up for the party well-groomed and on time," She relayed the message and finally added, "Also, no tricks this time,"

Emerald knew he was in a dilemma. Last year's birthday, he had disappeared two minutes into the party and no matter how much they searched for him, they couldn't find him until the party was over. Only then did he come out from his hiding place and stuttered back to his room for a good rest. But this time, it seems Sakuzi is well prepared.

"Fine," He gave in knowing he had no choice. He has spent most of his life here and on missions, staying without one for a long time would be hell. Not to take about the fact he would lose the respect given to him.

Though he was higher in the hierarchy, second after Sakuzi himself - even Sakuzi's sons were below him - he was most respected because of his proficiency in clearing out difficult and high-tier missions. If he stayed back on the base, someone in the gang would beat his record and he would lose his place. Though the Falcon Gang operated as one family, it was still a dog eat dog world.

"Yeah!" Juliet clapped her hand excitedly, it was rare to see Emerald this obedient - Sakuzi got him real bad.

"And guess what?" she asked.

"What?" The glint in her eyes told Emerald he was going to hate this.

"I got her suit and make-up artist,"

"Whatever," He waved it away, however his head whipped back around when he realized what she just said, "What makeup artist?"

"You'd see," The woman simpered, already making her exits slowly.

"Come here," Emerald told her, "Don't worry, I won't hurt you," He promised her yet she looks it was a lie.

"Be good!" She instructed and made it out of his room before he could lay his hands on her.

Whistling, the woman made her way over to Sakuzi's office.

"How's it?" the man looked up from his desk.

"Mission accomplished," she reported, "Though, why did you have to send me of all people?"

"Because you're the only person who can relay the message without losing her head," He said, without taking his eyes off the pile of papers on his desk. Gosh, the holiday he gave himself had eaten deep into his work.

"You've changed," Juliet said, taking a seat across from him.

"Really?" he glanced up, surprised.

"Yeah, you seem more human," she noticed.

"What about you?" Sakuzi was now the one asking, "Didn't you claim you love him, why are you giving him away?"

Juliet sighed, leaning into her seat, "Well, there are many fishes in the river. Moreover, Emerald deserves some happiness,"

Sakuzi smiled at her comment.

"But don't get me wrong," her tone changed, "If that woman doesn't take him, I'll snatch him right under her nose,"

"Why don't you help them then? Play matchmaker on a low key"

"What are you suggesting?"

Sakuzi took off his reading glasses and looked her straight in the eyes, "What makes women go green the most,"

Suddenly, Juliet got the message and both of them exchanged knowing evil grins. This would be fun.

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