Taming A Billionaire

Chapter 372 - Three Hundred And Seventy-two: Find That Woman

Chapter 372 - Three Hundred And Seventy-two: Find That Woman

The third point of view:

"Wow," Akim's eyes widened to the size of saucers as he watched his mother carry a live cub in her arms.

"Take a look at this Akim, isn't he so cute?" Emily took a closer video for him.

"He's cute but mom, aren't lions dangerous?" the boy asked with a sense of fear.

Though the lion cub his mother held in her grasp was so adorable he wanted to reach out and touch him, Akim had watched how scary the adult lions were on television and he didn't want his mother to get hurt.

" Yes, you're right Akim. Lions are very, very scary, but they can be tamed! However, they need to be trained during their cub years. It is almost impossible to train a grown-up lion to be tamed. Although lions can be tamed, I still have to be cautious and careful around them. However, the cubs are harmless, so you don't have to be scared son, " she laughed at his skepticism.

"You look happy, mother,"

"Really?" Emily was surprised.

After she had left Lincolnshire, she had taken the next plane to Africa. There she found fellow tourists and animal lovers who were part of an organization for the protection of wildlife. From there, the fun began.

She could have gone back to the city but Emily needed space away from the people she knew and the ones that might try to find her. Right now, she needed the time to organize her thoughts and pick up her life from the point where it had been shattered.

"Don't worry, I'll smile more for you from now on," Emily said to him.

"Why are you up by this time?"

Akim slammed down the lid of his laptop, his heart slamming hard against his chest as soon as he met his father's furious gaze.

"D-dad," He said nervously.

Judy stepped into the room, scrutinizing the laptop suspiciously. Without checking the PC, he already had a faint notion of who he had been chatting with.

"What did the doctor tell you about staying up late at night?" He asked, appearing more intimidating now he was standing straight and tall with his head raised high. As royals, they were taught never to slouch nor walk with a hunch.

"I'm sorry, father," He dropped his head in shame.

"Go to bed immediately or I would be forced to cut off the Wi-Fi connection to this room," He ordered.

"Yes, father," Akim eased out of his study chair and made his way over to the bed.

With a sigh, Judy squeezed his eyes shut and let go of his frustration. He then walked over to his son and helped tuck him in bed. Just because he was having a bad time, doesn't mean he should take it out on his son -?it was not his fault.

"You should adhere strictly to your routine. Just because the operation was successful doesn't mean you're completely healed. You might suffer a relapse in the future if you don't take good care of your health," He lectured him.

"You're not angry at me?" The boy blinked surprised.

"Why should I be angry at you?" Judy asked, pretending to be completely oblivious to the reason the boy was asking the question in the first place.

"You have a brooding temper lately," The boy pointed out.

"Adults experience that phase in that life," was his answer and thankfully that shut the boy up or so he thought.

"I spoke with mommy,"

Judy froze.

Well, for a while, because in the next minute, he resumed his duties unaffected.

"So?" his brow raised questioningly.

"She was petting Lions,"


His shout almost made Akim jump out of his skin.

"That crazy woman!" He cursed, already calling her line in a flash. However, no matter how long he called, she refused.

"Oh, she's avoiding me now!" Judy went red with anger, pacing up and down the boy's room who watched the drama with interest.

"Fine, since you won't speak, I pray you receive this," He raved as he went ahead to drop a voice note and it is as follows,

"You psycho! Hope you're having a good time with the lions? Do you think I care about the fact that any one of them could tear you up any minute and turn you into their food? No? Because guess what, the moment you die, I'll take in a wife who would take your place and care for our son while giving me more children. So have a good time with the Lions!" He pressed "send" while heaving as if he ran a marathon.

What the hell is wrong with his father? Akim wondered.

"Go to bed!" Judy ordered the boy peeping at him.

At once, Akim pulled the sheet over his head and forced his eyes shut just as his father turned off the light and left the room in strides.

Judy was boiling with anger. Just because he let her leave, doesn't mean he permitted her to fool around with her life? Playing with lions? Was she kidding him?! Was she trying to drive him crazy with worry?

Since she left, Judy had respected the space she wanted by not calling nor going after her - as hard as it was. He only broke that rule today and God knows there was a chance of him breaking that promise if she drove him to the edge once more. She can hate him for that, but he'd rather have her alive and by his side, than death and in a lion's stomach just to fulfill some promise.

Going into the room, he was just about to change out of his clothes when someone walked into his room without knocking. And of course, he knew the only person that could do that and go scot-free.

"What do you want?" Judy asked, his tone so icy and distant that his mother felt no different than a stranger. That has been his mannerism towards her for days now.

"Is that how you talk to your mother who hasn't set her eyes on you for days now?"

And yes, he has been avoiding her too.

However, Judy ignored her, going ahead to take off his tie which was kind of suffocating him at the moment when added to the presence of his mother. He just returned from a conference and the nagging was the last thing he wanted from her right now.

"Am talking to you, Kai!"

However, the glare Judy sent her way shut get up. Roselle knew her son was hard-headed but she never knew it was to this extent. It was as if she was nothing but mere dirt in his sight and that thought made her uncomfortable. A mother was supposed to be respected and adorned, not this.

"Fine, I'm sorry for everything that's happened. What I did to Emily was not right and for that, I'm truly sorry," She apologized, hoping it would elicit some sort of reaction from Kai, and yes it did, but it was not the emotion she had been hoping for.

"Are you done?" Judy asked apathetically, looking as if the woman had been giving a history speech all this while.

"Kai…. ?" she could not believe his response.

"I need to wash up, so unless you're ready to see your grown-up son undress right in front of you, I'll suggest you leave my room," He said without as much emotion.

"Kai! I'm your mother! How dare you treat me this way!" She stomped her feet complaining bitterly.

Suddenly, there came?a knock on the door and Judy said, "Come in"

Then came in Archie, his royal advisor, assistant, butler, trusted subordinate aka his all in all.

"Ah, thank God you're here," Judy was visibly relieved while Archie was distressed by the prince's ceremonial welcome. What was he welcome.

"It seems my mother has come of age and her senses deteriorated so badly she's forgotten the way out of my room. Please, show her the out," He gestured to the door.


"Your majesty, please leave now," Archie got in hef way politely while Judy in question left for the bathroom.

There was nothing to fight for any longer, the queen realized and had no choice but to leave respectfully. Kai was doing his best to give her the respect as a mother and as the queen dowager - she wasn't ready to push that luck.

Where had she gone wrong? The queen was in deep contemplation as she left for her quarters. Everything she had done was for the wellbeing of her son and the progress of their kingdom.

She had been pragmatic, following the steps of her ancestors that were familiar to her and positive. What had gone wrong? Now, she lost both her son and grandson neither could she continue this way.

As soon as the queen reached her domain, she called onto her trusted handmaid.

"Your majesty?" the girl courtesied as usual

"I need you to do something for me," The queen said, thinking hard.

"What is it, your highness?"

"Search up that woman called Emily, I need to know her location right now,"

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