Taming A Billionaire

Chapter 360 - Three Hundred And Sixty: Forgive Me, Please.

Chapter 360 - Three Hundred And Sixty: Forgive Me, Please.

The third point of view :

"Goodmorning beautiful," Eden was woken up from sleep by the voice of his wife.


Oh right, he was married. Last night had been blurry considering the amount of fun they had. And by fun, he meant having a glass of wine with his wife, Camille, and afterward, doing it on the couch, table, you name it. Gosh, his head felt like exploding.

"You are one hell of a woman," Eden simply pecked her on the cheek because of morning breath.

"I'll get the food ordered while you shower," Camille announced as he prepared to go into the shower.

"Alright!" he said and walked into the washing area.

Eden didn't waste much time washing up, unlike his wife. To be honest, he was grateful she had washed up before him. Once Camille was in the shower, it was until the next day - literally. The lady luxuriates so much in the bathroom that one often can't help but wonder if she's going through labor in there.

"What are the plans for today?" Camille asked as they had breakfast.

Unlike Nik and his wife Reina who had everything planned, they had just left for their honeymoon unplanned. According to Eden, the unknown was much thrilling, so he chose a random country after she lost to him in the rock, paper, scissors game - damn it! Why did she choose scissors twice?

So, here they are. Two couples from different backgrounds with no clue what to do next, except to have fun. Hopefully, they don't experiment on crazy drinks today, her head was still pounding from yesterday.

"Why don't we look around? Explore the city. If it doesn't suit us, we can leave for another?" he suggested.

"Fine by me," Camille accepted without further thought. Her husband was dynamic and crazy and she loved that about him.

This marriage was a huge experiment. It was obvious that Eden cared for her and now they were married, it became a pledge he had to uphold. However, Camille couldn't boost of him loving her. He hadn't even professed he loved her yet; he still had Maya in his heart. Well, she had time and would slowly occupy his heart.

They both made crazy and dirty jokes while eating. No sooner were they done, both left to explore this new locale. They had booked the hotel upon coming and it seems the universe was in support of their union because the suite they requested was unoccupied - lucky them.

Since it was the winter season in the city, both dressed warmly and continued their exploration until Eden stumbled upon a kiosk.

"Oh," He looked surprised, pointing at the necklace displayed on the stand.

"What? Is there something you need?"

"No, but it's a fake," He said to her.

"Huh? What is a fake?" The woman was confused, looking around.

"That necklace," Eden said, pointing to a very exquisite crafted necklace with several gems.

"What about it? How did you know it's a fake?" She examined the necklace, "It looks real to me,"

"Of course, I know it's fake because I bought the fake too for five hundred million,"

"What?!" Camille almost went bananas. She couldn't say a word because she was shocked. Who in the world buys a single necklace for five hundred dollars, not to talk of a fake one. She felt like slapping some sense into him. Who does that?

"How could you make such a mistake?"

"Niklaus tricked me," there was a nostalgic smile on his face, "Then, I wanted to get Maya's attention so I bided on the necklace and he did too..." Eden began to narrate the tale without noticing how Camille's face had changed upon hearing "Maya's" name.

"I never knew it was a plot by Nik. He kept hyping the prizes and leading me on until I bidded that crazy amount, he stopped finally. I went crazy afterward to discover that asshole of a cousin had - hey, are you alright?" he noticed her mood had somewhat changed.

It was wrong to say women were jealous creatures, they were possessive beings. Camille didn't hate Reina - heck, she was her friend - but it was disheartening to hear her husband reminiscing about their time together during their honeymoon.?Maybe it was a slip of the tongue; everyone was bound to make mistakes. She decided to keep it that way.

Pretending as nothing happened, both continued with their date; laughing and checking out the many stalls with their goods on display. The couples were having a good time until they stumbled upon a stall selling second-hand clothes - Eden had been the one who stopped.

"Why? Do you want to buy something?" Camille was surprised. The man was a billionaire and all of his clothes were custom made or purchased from a high-class departmental store. He had never worn fairly used clothes as seen in this store - at least as far as she knows.

"No, this actually brings back memories," He smiled at her, feeling the chiffon trouser.

"Memory of what?" Camille asked, feeling this knot in the pit of her stomach. She had a sickening inking where this was headed.

"Memory of that vacation I had years back. There was my young daughter, Anabelle, Maya, Niklaus' brat, Isabella, and Cecil's boy, Pedro. We came to the market that day and..." he continued to narrate the event while Camille's face was as dark as shit. She didn't come to this honeymoon to hear of his voyage with his former love interest.

"You must have had a great time, right?" she asked with a hint of annoyance in her tone - which Eden was oblivious to.

Camille's tolerance began to build up and lucky for Eden, he ended the narration before she reached her boiling part.

"Let's go," Eden gave her his arm which she hooked her arm around, having no clue what was just averted.

To her relief, Eden didn't bring up any issue about Maya or Reina as they continued the rest of their journey.

The couples had a great time until their stomachs roared like thunder, demanding it was time to be fed.

They found a suitable restaurant; though it wasn't as luxurious as the ones they were used to, it was manageable.

They picked the menu already placed on the table and were going through it as they waited patiently for the waiter to come and take their request when Eden released a chortle.

"What's funny?" Camille was intrigued. What was on the menu that made him laugh like that; she wanted to know too.

"No, I just saw the food, overly roasted chicken with county vegetable in a reduced oil dijon glaze over leg grain white rice,"

"Wow, that's quite a name," She chuckled, cupping her mouth.

"Yeah, Maya had the same reaction when I cooked that for her during the -"


Eden was shocked when Camille banged her hand on the table, nostrils flaring.

"I'm done with you!" That was all she said and strode out of the restaurant.

Eden was stunned by her action, what was that? It was so sudden and unexpected. Even the spectators in the restaurant were giving him accusing stares as If he cheated on her or something. He didn't wait for any second and went after her. He had to know the problem.

"Camille!" he called her, but the woman in question ignored him; she didn't even glance over her shoulder.

"Seriously!" he growled and ran after the furious woman, cornering her to a hidden alleyway with less audience.

"Let me go!" Camille hissed out, struggling to free herself as he pulled her along.

"Alright, what's your problem?" Eden asked, ruffling his hair. He couldn't believe they were fighting on their honeymoon.

"What's my problem?" She threw her head back and let out mocking laughter, unable to believe he was asking her, "Shouldn't you know better?"


"You! You are the problem!"

"What?" Eden was short of words.

"Maya this! Reina that! I'm beginning to question if you're married to me or Reina?!" She yelled out her problem.

Eden blinked, "Wait, that's the problem?"

"I get that you once loved her, that she occupied a very important place in your heart and that you don't fully love me yet, but then, you're married to me! This is our honeymoon. It's supposed to be about me and you - which is why we left Anabelle back home - and not an avenue to reminisce about your love interest.

"I know it's hard to forget about your first love, but you're with me now and it's truly hard to pave my way into your heart when you won't let go. The Reina you're dying over, is having the time of her life with Niklaus but here you are... " Camille's voice cracked and her eyes watered, unable to keep the tears at bay anymore.

"God, I'm so sorry," Eden was appalled when he discovered what he had been doing. He didn't realize he was hurting her this much. He pulled the Camille into a tight, affectionate hug.

"I'm so stupid, forgive me please," He begged with all sincerity as she buried her face in his neck, bawling out her eyes.

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