Taming A Billionaire

Chapter 358 - Three Hundred And Fifty-eight: Asshole

Chapter 358 - Three Hundred And Fifty-eight: Asshole

The third point of view:

"No, no, no, this can't be happening," Anabelle groaned as soon as she received the text from Isabella: She would be unable to join her in the days to come because she traveled to the base.

"What in fuck name is the base?" Anabelle was distraught. So much for going on her cousin. She had intentionally invited Isabella over to her place so she could put that damn Julie in his place. Who knew she would be left alone?

Julie was a damned bully! A creature from hell! How could someone like him exist? He was hell-bent on making her life miserable!

And speak of the devil.

Her phone rang almost immediately and it was him. Actually, she could have ignored him but that guy was crazy! He could barge into her house as he did previously.

"What do you want?" her tone depicted she was not so pleased with his call.


"Huh?" Anabelle's brow raised, that comment was controversial and Julie must have sensed it as well because he coughed and rephrased.

"I mean, your services of course," He blushed from the other line - unfortunately, she couldn't see that.

"I'm busy, find someone else," Anabelle lied through her teeth.

As much as she was bored, the last person she wanted to see was him. It didn't help matters that school had closed for the academic term - she should have just traveled.

"What are you busy with?"

Anabelle frowned, "None of your business"

"Then I'll come over,"

"Don't you dare!"

"Either you tell me what you're up to or I would come over and help you with whatever you're up to," He gave her an option.

Anabelle stomped her feet, "Seriously, what the hell is wrong with you?! You're behaving as if you're my boyfriend - which you're clearly not and I'm so thankful for that,"

"Boyfriend?" he scoffed and released a burst of mocking laughter that zeroed Anabelle's self-esteem.

Bastard! She cursed at him in her head. And of, she did more than that; She murdered him times without number, mentally.

"Keep on dreaming," He told her, "In this life, I can only be with my?betrothed Isabella, and I'm just being concerned because you're my property -"

"I am not your property!" She hissed out. He can't lay claim to Isabella and her as well - the thought irritated her.

"You're my slave for two and a half weeks, that makes you mine," He said with a layer of pride that did nothing but piss her off more.

"Just tell me what you want?" She was tired of that egoistic jerk.

"I have a match this evening,"

"What match?"

"I car race, bike race, you name it," Julie announced it with a hint of joy - he must really love it.

For some reason, the thought of this hobby pleased her. She heard racers had a higher percentage of accidents, that way he could die and everyone would have a breath of fresh air. Hurrah!

"So?" She pretended to be oblivious to his hint. Well, he better ask nicely.

"What do you mean by 'so'? You're my servant, Of course, you're coming along with me"

Anabelle sighed, threading her hand through her hair. Well, what had she been expecting from him? Chivalry? That asshole was incapable of it.

"Fine," She agreed - as if Julie would take no for an answer.

"I'll come to take you by five," He added, "Dress sexily,"

"What?!" Before she could ask the reason for that, the asshole had hung up on her.

Dress sexily his butt! Who does he think he is? She snorted and dropped on the couch with a groan.

Throughout the day, Anabelle couldn't do anything effective with thoughts of that asshole in her head. She was determined not to take his word into account, however, by the time it was an hour to five, she forced herself to the shower and began to dress up.

Julie might find ways to torment her if she doesn't clean up to his taste, was the excuse Anabelle gave to herself as she prepared.

In the end, she ended up donning a dark red high waist denim bum short with a designer crop top and knee-length boot. Anabelle curled her hair and let it fall on her shoulder with her lips painted a faint pink.

"Hmm, isn't this a little too much?" She mused while staring at her reflection in the mirror. Well, Julie wanted her to look good, he would get nothing less than that. And just to be sure, this wasn't a date.

Once she was done, Anabelle didn't have to wait long. As if the asshole was a time god, he arrived exactly the moment it clocked Five.

"Hi," Anabelle opened the door and struggled to put on her best smile. However, she shouldn't have bothered with the effort because Julie in question, froze up as soon as he set his eyes on her.

Alright, that was now embarrassing, she scratched the back of her head awkwardly. The intensity in those eyes of his made her heart skip a beat, but she composed herself - he doesn't like her.

"Why are you dressed like this?" He asked, to her confusion.

"Did you hit your head somewhere? Weren't you the one who told me to dress sexily?"

"I did?"

"Yes?" Anabelle rolled her eyes, "Don't tell me you seriously forgot -"

"Let's go," He interrupted her.

"Asshole," Anabelle mumbled beneath her breath, "He didn't even tell me I looked good," she grumbled and didn't get to see the way Julie's face heated up.

To her greatest surprise, the asshole opened the door for her to get in - maybe he did have a bit of chivalry in him. He slips into the front of the car and starts the car to God knows where - she hadn't even thought of asking him the location. She couldn't explain it but Anabelle had a feeling he wouldn't put her in harm's way since her father would hunt him to the ends of the earth - he knows that.

"Where is Isabella? I don't see her around?" Julie asked, ruining the mood.

The only reason he had chosen to hang around her was so he could get to Isabella through her. But ever since then, he hadn't gotten a grip of his fiancée - damn that two years contract.

Anabelle's face fell the moment she heard Isabella. Of course, he would think of Isabella, not her. What the hell was she even saying? She didn't need him to think of her - Crap! You know what, she would keep her mouth shut.

"She's your fiancée, you should know better," she retorted and turned the other way.

Julie didn't say anything either, however, his head was filled with images of Anabelle - she looked so goddamn beautiful. Anabelle was beautiful but not that attractive as some other girls he had been with, there was just an innocence about her that was alluring. Fuck, what the hell was he thinking? No, he had to keep his eyes on the prize - Isabelle. No matter, she was the one for him.

"Where are we going exactly?" She asked him, yet his eyes focused on her luscious lips. He shook his head, something must be wrong with him.

"It's a low area. The location is not sent out to the members until the last minute. As you know, street racing is illegal," As if he sensed what she was about to say, he added, "Don't worry, you're safe. I'll make sure of that,"

"Alright," Anabelle tried to be brave. For once, she had to live freely instead of the sheltered life her father gave her - no offense daddy.

In no time, they arrived at their destination with the sun already gone down. It was a shutdown highway.

"Fuck, our boy's here!"

There was a crowd of young people gathered already and they seem to know the asshole by her side - he must be pretty famous here.

"Yo, is this your new girl?" One of them asked with a pervy grin and tried to touch her.

The new girl? Annabelle picked that one. Julie must have a truckload of lovers like her uncle, Niklaus. Well, what was she expecting? That he had never taken any other girl here and she was his first? Total bullshit!

"Fuck off! " There was a bit of aggressiveness in Julie's tone which surprised her as he stood between them. Well, he was protecting his servant girl, nothing else - she couldn't wait for their deal to be over.

Compared to the other girls here - who were glaring at her - Anabelle found out she was modestly dressed, yet guys still flooded to her like a moth drawn to a flame.

"Israel," Julie called out one of his buddies, "Keep an eye on her. And I mean watch her, not hit on her," he warned him with a growl.

Though Anabelle did nothing but look around, guys still approached her and it was ticking him off for some strange reasons.

"Fine, chill," the boy called Israel patted him on the back, "Now, go win that bet,"

With one longeful look her way, Julie got into his car and set for the race.

"He didn't even say goodbye," Anabelle grumbled, hands wrapped around her chest as the gun went off, signaling the start of the race.

"Don't worry about Julie, he's done this time without a number," Israel said from beside her, mistaking that pout for anxiety.

"Who said I'm worried?" She snorted and then took a good look at him, "Are you, my babysitter?" Julie had told her he would assign someone to look out for her while he was away.

"If you put it that way," He smiled at her.

Contrary to her expectation, Israel turned out to be a good companion who kept her occupied as they waited for the racers to return.

"Let me have a taste," Anabelle was intrigued by the bottle he was drinking from.

"No, buttercup, this is strong stuff," He refused her.

"Trust me, this is not my first time,"?Yes, she had drunk once - when she was little with Pedro and Isabella. And Of course, she didn't tell him that part.

Thanks to her power of persuasion, Israel gave her the bottle after promising him to take just one shot. However, that single shot changed Anabelle's perspective for the night; her inhibitions dropped to zero.

He had won!

Julie returned to the starting point of the race with that joy in his heart. Surprisingly, he couldn't wait to share the good news with Anabelle. She would be in awe of him or so he thought because when he returned, it was the sight of Anabelle throwing herself and flirting with his friend that greeted him.

His fist clenched in anger.

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