Taming A Billionaire

Chapter 354 - Three Hundred And Fifty-four: She Must Escape

Chapter 354 - Three Hundred And Fifty-four: She Must Escape

The third point of view:

Judy felt like a living zombie lately, he had so many problems on his plate he didn't know where to begin. He sighed for the umpteenth time already before standing to his feet, it was time to visit Emily.

Well, he wasn't Emily's favorite person at the moment considering she doesn't want to see him, and each time he forcefully enters, she hits him with anything she gets her hand on. Yeah, she was mad at him. And right now, he was probably going to experience another episode of her throwing things at him again.

"Your highness, where to?" asked Archie, his assistant.

"Going to the Royal medical wing," He answered, without glancing over his shoulder at him.

The medical wing was in charge of the health of the royal family. Until recently, that had been Akim's residence, however, his son was recovered now and they could only check on him in his sleeping quarters since the boy hated the smell of antiseptic and drugs.

Like mother, like son, Emily also hated hospitals due to her horrible experiences there, but there was nothing Judy could do until the royal physician deemed her free to be discharged.

"Emily?" he knocked on the door while bracing himself for the impact to come. She had hurled a mug at him the last time he came and had been quick to dodge it. He had to be prepared this time around too.

There was no response to his knock as usual. Well, what was he expecting? Ever since Emily lost that baby, it was as if a part of her died, she was just not the same any longer. But he wasn't the same too, if only she could understand he was having a bad time too - the guilt was killing him from inside out.

"I'm coming in," Judy informed her as he normally does and opened the door slowly and carefully while preparing his reflexes into action.

However, there was nothing to get worked over because nobody was in the room. Huh? That was strange. Has she finally decided to take a breath of air after locking herself up for long?

She must be in the garden, Judy thought and walked further into the room. The garden was one of the most attractive and wonderful places in the palace that could offer her the serene peace she wanted - Emily needed that with the amounts of thoughts running through her head.

Picking a seat by her bedside, Judy picked his phone and placed a call to her. There was a possibility she would not pick and would let it ring on purpose but he had faith. Who knows, a miracle might happen.

"Please, Emily, Please," He prayed anxiously, and just when the call went through, had a bit of hope, but something happened.

He heard a ringing tone.

"Huh?" His brows raised in confusion when he saw her phone on the nightstand. She didn't leave with her phone? That was strange and unlike Emily...

Judy's eyes widened. Oh no, it couldn't be.

"Your highness!" Archie who had followed after him was alarmed when the prince suddenly stormed out of the room as if he saw the devil in there.

"Your highness!" He called again but the man ignored him, going straight to the head physician's office.

"Where is she?! "

The doctor was almost startled out of his seat when the prince barged into his office like a dog gone rabid.

"Your highness," the doctor had a trace of panic on his features, confused more than ever.

"Where is who, your highness?" the man adjusted his glasses, holding his own against the majesty's tremendous aura.

"Where is Emily, of course, you dumbass?!" Judy had already grabbed the doctor by his scrubs and pushed him up against the wall, threateningly.

Sweat poured down the doctor's face, "Your highness, Lady Emily is in her room -"

"Shut your trap up because I just came from here and guess what? She's nowhere to be found," Judy yelled at him, "I don't pay you guys millions of dollars to give me this bullshit. She was entrusted in your care for a reason!"

"W- we should lo-look at the cameras, y-your highness," the man stammered from fear. If he wasn't careful here, his life would be snuffed out without anyone knowing of it.

Fiona, who had led to Lady Emily's miscarriage would have been dead if the queen hadn't snuck her out of the palace dungeon and sent her out of Lincolnshire before Judy could get his hands on her.

The doctor understood he wasn't that precious to the queen and she wouldn't bother about his death, rather promote his assistant to his position or even hire another to take his place.

"If so, I suggest you get your ass moving," his voice was grim and threatening.

This was his mistake. Judy realized. Gosh, he's been making a lot of mistakes lately. If only he had known, he would have stationed guards right outside her door to monitor her movements but he had taken her feelings into account.

Emily hated being monitored especially now she was free from her late father's grasp and supervision. Secondly, aside from raving and freaking out that moment he had told her the loss of her baby, she had been so calm and strong he hadn't considered posting guards since the palace was safe.

They made their way to the control room where surveillance records of Emily were put up and after minutes, found exactly the time she had sneaked out of the hospital room.

They traced her through the cameras and found out she had gone back to her quarters, packed up a few things, disguised herself, and left the palace ground. The guards probably didn't stop her because Emily was more than just a visitor - the prince's woman - and everyone knew that.

"Trace that car and tell me its destination while I go to her room and check up for clues of her whereabouts," Judy commanded and spirited away.

He got to her large living quarters, walking into her messy room. She must have parked in a hurry - he noticed- knowing her time was limited.

"Oh shit, her passport's missing," Judy got what he was looking for amongst the belongings she had left behind. They had only one major airport in their kingdom and if he wasn't wrong, Emily was either on her way to the airport or had arrived there already.

"Archie," He called him on the phone, "Call the airport and block all outgoing flights, tell them it's an irrefutable order from the crown prince. While at that, track down Emily," Judy commanded while leaving the room. He gestured to one of the guards who came closer to receive his order.

"Prepare the car, we got my queen to catch,"


Emily's heart was pounding in her chest as she waited in the departure hall. She never thought her plan would work. Perhaps it was the fact they trusted her that gave her such a smooth escape.

What was delaying the flight? Her feet began to tap on the floor anxiously. She had to leave now before Judy found her else she might not have the resolve to do so anymore - and she would hate herself for that.

Each time she closed her eyes, she dreamt of that push and the voice of her baby calling out to her. She couldn't stay in that palace anymore, it haunted her. She needed space. Space from everyone and everything - including Judy as much as it hurts her.

"Attention everyone, we are deeply sorry to announce that there would be a slight delay in all outgoing flights due to some technical issues. We are sorry for the inconvenience caused. Please, bear with us," the announcement came from the airport's speakers.

While everyone was complaining about the delay in their schedules, Emily had stiffened up like a tree. Oh no, it was him. Judy was trying to stop her. The technical problem was no coincidence. Judy was here right now to find and take her back.

Emily picked her bag. Even if she couldn't fly out today, she can't be found out; there would be zero chances of her leaving Lincolnshire. "He who fights and runs away lives to fight another day" As far as she wasn't caught today, she could leave Lincolnshire by other means and with better alternatives

While others had gone to the clerk's desk to complain about the delayed flight, Emily adjusted her cap, pulled the hood on top of it, and made her escape with her small luggage. She had packed the very essentials and left the rest - clothes and jewelry were not her problems.

Emily intentionally avoided the cameras knowing he could be in the control room trying to trace her, while trying not to appear creepy to people with the way she was crouching around. She saw a train of men in suits and hid at once, those were unmistakably the palace guards.

If they were this close, had Judy shut down the entrance. No, she needed a perfect hiding place, and what good spot other than a restroom where the male couldn't enter?

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